Homepage > From 20 to 24 March : Security and Defence Careers Week

From 20 to 24 March : Security and Defence Careers Week

In a world plagued by international crises, what strategic and operational career paths in the public and private sectors are Sciences Po graduates and future graduates prepared for? We put a focus on these historical Sciences Po's openings in public administrations, national governments or ministries, companies and industries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, consulting firms, research institutes or specialized think tanks.





Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 March

Security and Defence Careers Fair

Organised by the Association Sciences Po Défense et Stratégie 

Wednesday 22 March

  • from 9 am to 12, meet organisations specialised in International Security

  • from 1 pm to 4 pm,, meet organisations specialised in Innovation and Defence Strategy

Thursday 23 March

  • from 9 am to 12, meet organisations specialised in national security

Meet experts in more than 30 organisations

ADIT | Administration pénitentiaire | Althing |ANAYA| Armée de terre | Bearing Point | CapGemini Invent | CGI | Commissariat des armées | ControlRisks | CyberPeace Institute | DCIS | DCSD | Douanes | Easylience | EDF | ERYS group | Eurogroup Consulting | Expertise France | GICAT | IFRI |Institut d'Etudes de Géopolitiques Appliquées | International SOS | INTRINSEC | IRSEM | Marine Nationale | Naval Group | Nexter | Orange Cyberdéfense | Orano | Réserve armée de terre | Risk&Co |Storyzy | Thalès

Find out more and register (mandatory)

Thursday 23 March 12:30-2 pm

Round table : security and defence carrers (in French)

Organised by the School of Public Affairs

Moderator Guillaume Farde, Conseiller scientifique de la spécialité Sécurité et Défense de l'École d'affaires publiques

  • Marion Escouteloup, Directrice sûreté chez Technip Energies 
  • Etienne Lanoes, Export Control Manager chez Airbus
  • Paul Kimon Weissenberg, Policy Officer European Commission
  • Philippine Orvoën, Chargée de mission OTAN, DGRIS
  • Clément Bailly, Antiterrorisme et Droit pénal, Conseil de l'Europe

Find out more and register

association Sciences Po Défense et Stratégie

Sciences Po Défense et Stratégie is a student association whose objective is to promote the actors of the security and defense community, both public and private. The association organizes a number of events in various formats: conferences, training workshops, afterworks and breakfasts. At the same time, SPDS also offers visits and crisis management simulations and helps students find internships in the security and defense sectors.

En savoir plus sur l'association


School of Public Affairs

  • Lucas, (promotion 2020) - Chargé de mission cybersécurité à la Direction Générale des Entreprises du Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique
  • Mallaury, (promotion 2019) - Chargée de mission pour les affaires internationales et la sécurité industrielle au Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale
  • Fanny, (promotion 2019) - Responsable sûreté et lutte contre la fraude du groupe Monoprix
  • Benoît, (promotion 2019) - Analyste sûreté Unibal Rodamco

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School of International Affairs

  • Andrès, Consultant and Auditor, Synergy Global Consulting in Paris
  • Wiola, Junior Analyst Policy, Crises & Fragility, OECD 
  • Héloïse, Regional Project Officer for Fragility, Crises and Conflicts, AFD's Sahel 
  • Olivier, Sales and Business Manager, Safran Electronics & Defense
  • Beatrix, Security Manager, Société Générale

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School of Research

  • Louise, (promotion 2018) - Chargée des questions de désarmement, démobilisation et réintégration au Bureau Intégré des Nations Unies en Haïti (BINUH)
  • Juliette, (promotion 2021) - Analyste Cybersécurité et Confiance numérique chez Wavestone
  • Marie, (promotion 2020)Enseignante et doctorante associée à l’Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’École Militaire (IRSEM) 

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alumni's network

The Groupe Défense et Géostratégie brings together more than 1500 Sciences Po alumni. It has increased its activity by creating the Geostrategies 2000 association with other groups of Alumni of French military and civilian schools and foreign universities such as Cambridge and Oxford. Breakfasts are organized, generally at the Palais du Luxembourg, with civilian and military personalities interested in the problems of Defense and Geostrategy, as well as visits to certain sites. Among the latest guests: Admiral Vichot (Pacific), Generals Desportes (Afghanistan) and Thorette (Africa), P. Péan (Africa), M. Guidère (Arab revolutions), J.H. Lorenzi (financial crisis), J. Bahout (Syria).

Last modified 2023-03-15
Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
Launched by two graduates (class of 2020) from Law School : Agnès de Fortanier (Master in Economic Law) and Thomas Harbor (dual degree Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU is a newsletter putting together a concise, well-documented, and informative weekly wrap-up of the news that matters at a continental scale — from a European perspective. Sciences Po Careers interviewed Augustin Bourleaud, in charge of its edition, who is currently a double master's degree student between Sciences Po and the London School of Economics.
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