Homepage > Jacopo CASADEI (Italy) Graduated in International Energy European Natural Gas Market Analyst Argus Media – London UK

Jacopo CASADEI (Italy) Graduated in International Energy European Natural Gas Market Analyst Argus Media – London UK


What is your role and main responsibilities?

I’m a Market Reporter in the European Natural Gas team at Argus Media, I write about market developments in the Italian gas market and produce daily analysis and price assessments for the PSV and Austrian VTP gas hubs. I’m based in London.

How did you secure this role?

First, I applied to the position online directly through the company’s website. I then completed a test and two rounds of interviews.

What is the most fascinating and/or surprising aspect at your role? 

The most exciting part is the frequent daily exchanges with traders and market participants in the gas and LNG markets, as well as the chance to gain in-depth knowledge on commodity markets worldwide.

How did your PSIA experience help you with the role? 

The recruiters at Argus Media valued the high standard of prior knowledge in the energy industry and the fact that I had completed an internship during my studies. I also believe that the structure of many exams in the International Energy master somehow resembles the kind of concise analysis I currently do on a daily basis.

What advice would you give to others? 

A good starting point would be getting in touch with former students or professors at PSIA that work in a field related to your studies and that may be able to share with you some ideas or let you know about open vacancies.

Last modified 2020-10-19
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