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Recruit our high potential students in Africa!

Ashesi University, Sciences Po and Strathmore University invite you to participate in the #Africa Online Careers Fair (free of charge)

Ashesi UniversitySciences Po and Strathmore University invite you to participate in the #Africa Online Careers Fair (free of charge). This recruitment fair is being organised for the 1st time by three high impact universities with a focus on internship and job opportunities on the African continent. As an employer, you will be able to post your job offers online (on the Seekube platform), and recruit high potential interns and/or graduates!

14 & 15 APRIL 2021

About Ashesi University

With 90% employed within six months of graduation, Ashesi University students are recognised by recruiters as among some of Africa's best-educated and career-ready. Top recruiters of Ashesi graduates include multinationals in Africa such as Coca Cola, MTN, Vodafone, Ecobank, Mastercard, Nestle, and Unilever. Global organisations like Microsoft, Google, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America also recruit directly from the university.

Since its founding in 2002, Ashesi has been committed to educating ethical, entrepreneurial leaders in Africa; combining a rigorous multidisciplinary core with degree programs in Computer Science, Business Administration, Management Information Systems, and Engineering. A student-led honour code, hands-on learning, integrated community service, and real-world work experience prepare students to ethically and meaningfully contribute to solving the challenges facing their organisations, their communities, and countries.

Ashesi is now recognised as one of the finest universities in Africa, and in 2020 was ranked first in Ghana and ninth in Africa on the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings - a ranking of universities based on their contributions to helping the world achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

About Sciences Po

Ranked 2nd university worldwide and 1st in France for Politics and International Studies (2020 QS rankings), Sciences Po is an international, selective research university with a global outlook.

Sciences Po graduates are highly sought after by leading recruiters (see employability survey 2020) Multilingual, mobile and highly adaptable, our students possess solid multidisciplinary expertise. They are able to work in an international environment and find innovative solutions in a world in constant evolution.

About Strathmore University

Strathmore University is a leading entrepreneurial university in Africa with a vision of positively impacting society by doing excellent work. Our market-oriented courses, local and international industry linkages and opportunities outside the classroom promote positive career outcomes for our students in their chosen fields. As such, Strathmore University graduates are in high demand and have a high placement rate attributed to their skills, work ethic and discipline.


  1. Before Monday 15 March: Complete the registration form (mandatory)
  2. Before Tuesday 30 March: Post your offers and select the best profiles from the CV database on Seekube platform
  3. From Wednesday 7 April to Tuesday 13 April: Schedule your interviews online with our top students and graduates

Important : the Africa Online Careers Fair is free of charge. 

Register now!

How does this virtual fair work ? 

  • Watch the presentation of the Seekube plaform

Participate in an information session about the Seekube platform:

  • Session in English: Thursday 4 March at 1PM (GMT) (2PM - Paris time -4PM Nairobi time) Register
  • Session in English: Thursday 11 March at 1PM (GMT) (2PM - Paris time -4PM Nairobi time) Register

Contact about information sessions: Caroline Toussain


Last modified 2021-03-03
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