Since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, the lives of millions of Ukrainians have been upended by war. A number of graduates of the Sciences Po School of Journalism are covering the conflict from Ukraine, Russia, Poland and Moldova, providing eyewitness accounts and reliable information in what has also become an "information war."

Here are the profiles of some of our graduates to follow:

  • Nadège Justiniani, graduate of the Master in Journalism in 2019, special correspondent for Brut International in Ukraine @nadegejust who reported on African students fleeing the war.
  • Clara Marchaud, Master's degree in journalism in 2020, correspondent in Ukraine for Le Figaro, Médiapart and La Tribune de Genève @ClaraMarchaud
  • Andréa Palasciano, graduate of the Master's degree in journalism in 2015, correspondent for AFP in Russia, economics section @AfPalasciano
  • Esther Lefebvre, graduate of the Master in Journalism in 2008, special correspondent for TF1 in Romania @estherlefebvre
  • Anthony Lebbos, graduate of the Master in Journalism in 2020, special correspondent for BFM TV in Lviv, Western Ukraine @AnthonyLebbos
  • Léopold Audebert, graduate of the Master in Journalism in 2020, special correspondent for BFM TV in Poland @LeopoldAudebert
  • Jérémy Normand, graduate of the Master in Journalism in 2013, special reporter for BFM TV in Poland @Jeremy_Normand
  • Joao Alencar, graduate of the Master in Journalism in 2011, video journalist and special correspondent for BFM TV in Ukraine @alencarjoao
  • Valentin Boissais, graduate of the Master in Journalism in 2020, special correspondent for RTL in Ukraine @vboissais
  • Luc Lacroix, graduate of the Master in Journalism in 2011, correspondent for France TV in Russia @lacroixluc
  • Sira Tierij, graduate of the joint Master Journalism and International Affairs in 2019, journalist for BBC News, currently between Ukraine and Poland @SiraThierij
  • Patrick Reevell, 2015 Joint Master in Journalism and International Affairs graduate, Russia correspondent for ABC News, currently in Ukraine @Reevellp
  • Andrei Popoviciu, graduate of the Joint Master Journalism and International Affairs in 2020, journalist in Romania for Al Jazeera and The Guardian, winner of an international prize on the surveillance of migrants at the borders of Europe @AndreiPopoviciu
  • Bruno Kalouaz, graduate of the Master in Journalism in 2020, correspondent for AFP in Moldova @brunokalouaz

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Last modified 2022-03-02
Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
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