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Asia Careers Week

Did you know that 9% of graduates who start their career outside France find their first job in Asia? If you are planning to do an internship or start your career in one of the South East Asian countries, Sciences Po Careers, in collaboration with the International Affairs Department and Sciences Po Alumni, invites you to discover all the useful resources to help you in your project.







Monday, 13 March | 12:30-1:30 pm

Complete an internship or working in Asia : resources and tips 

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Wednesday, 15th March | 1pm-2pm

Living and working in South Korea

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Antonin, stagiaire chez CIC, Bachelor's degree - sciences politiques 

"En tant que stagiaire au sein des pôles de Structured Finance et de Corporate Finance chez CIC, mes missions consistaient à répondre à trois attentes principales au sein du groupe. Tout d’abord, je devais contribuer à l’évaluation des risques et des bénéfices de transactions potentielles dans les différents secteurs faisant partie du portfolio du CIC Singapour. Ensuite, ma présence au CIC Singapour m’a permis d’observer la mise en place de demandes de crédit dans le cadre de financements de projets de diverses natures. Enfin, il m’est arrivé de devoir effectuer des recherches pour les activités de Corporate et Structured Finance. La tendance actuelle des grandes banques et groupes financiers s’oriente exponentiellement vers les comportements éco-responsables."

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Jihye Kang, analyst in the political section, as part of the Korea-EU bilateral relations, 

"In addition to deepening my understanding of the EU, the Master in European Affairs was in every aspect excellent training experience as it offered numerous discussions, presentations and analytical reports. I have to admit that it was highly intense and I sometimes felt overwhelmed with the volume of readings and assignments during the programme. However, all of this truly helped me to develop my analytical skills, critical thinking, and public speaking. I believe this became the foundation of my professional memos and academic reports. Furthermore, as a PhD journey requires self-discipline and independent research, Sciences Po courses provided me with hardcore training to meet such challenges."
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Xiaotong YANG, Project Assistant at the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

"It was challenging in the beginning stage, since I was supposed to think and act like an insider when working with the government officials, and local communities during the risk mitigation and issue tracking. However, it is the fascinating part that I could use the project management skills which gained from Sciences Po, included manage multiple projects and complex tasks on a deadline, liaise with relevant parties and stakeholders, identify and track follow-up actions to plan the work flows, etc. "

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Akshaya Jose Devasia, Research, Assessment, and Monitoring Officer at the UN World Food Programme in Cambodia.

"PSIA's pedagogical focus on learning to synthesize and present complex topics in short briefs and presentations is an important career skill that I use frequently at my job. Studying at Sciences Po helped develop my intercultural communication skills which are very beneficial in an international working environment and the degree is helping me to understand and map the strategic interests of different parties (countries, donors, I/LNGOs, and other stakeholders) operating in the same geographical context."

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Natasha, Assistant Director - Europe Desk at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, graduated 2020 Master in International Development

My role as an assistant director at the Europe desk at the Ministry of Trade and Industry is to manage and advance Singapore’s bilateral economic relations with markets in Europe. This involves the promotion and facilitation of bilateral economic cooperation initiatives between Singapore and our European partners to boost trade, attract foreign investment, and expand Singapore’s economic space. I also work closely with our European partners to explore collaboration in new and emerging areas such as the digital and green economy.

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Law School

Leia, Assistant Director of the General Counsel’s Office - Ernst & Young in Seoul, graduated Law School

"After the TADS, I joined the global professional services firm of Ernst & Young in Seoul as Assistant Director of the General Counsel’s Office. The day-to-day works at EY combine the two disciplines from my earlier career – issues of international economic law and the management of disputes. As a leader (one of the Big Four) in accounting, consulting and financial advisory services, much of EY’s works engage in the different operational aspects of the capital market which provide a peculiar set-up for legal risk management that ranges from legal issues related to corporate activities such as international IPO and multi-party cross-border contract negotiations to regulatory compliance and accounting fraud litigations. The job gives me both a detailed understanding of cross-border corporate and financial activities and a bird’s-eye view over the multinational regulatory framework that governs it."

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Urban School 

Chloé, cheffe de projet - Sevea, diplômée 2018 double diplôme de licence en sciences et en sciences sociales

"Je suis actuellement cheffe de projet à Sevea, une entreprise hybride entre cabinet de conseil et think-tank, au Cambodge depuis 10 ans, et spécialisée dans le développement durable appliqué à 4 secteurs d’activité : l’énergiel’accès à l’eaul’agriculture et développement rural, et enfin la finance et le support aux PMEs. Mon rôle à Sevea est fondamentalement transversal et je suis amenée à travailler sur des sujets et des missions variés allant de l’implémentation de projets aux études de marché en passant par le développement commercial dans les 4 secteurs d’activité de l’entreprise."

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Asia Circle

The Asia Circle of Sciences Po Alumni aims at gathering the community of Sciences Po around a series of events and meet-ups in Paris and everywhere in Asia-Pacific. Find here the latest events and news of our countries' sections.

Contact:Dominique Getrey

Learn more

Alumni offices Asia

Chine | Corée du Sud | Hong Kong | Japon | Malaisie | Singapour | Taiwan | Vietnam

Living and working in Japan

 Living and working in China


SciencesPo Alumni Singapore & Southeast Asia

Created in August 2009, this group aims to bring together SciencesPo alumni based in Singapore and South East Asia. Some events are planned to animate a network of solidarity and - who knows? - friendships. Moreover, all newcomers will be warmly welcomed and supported.

Click here to discover the LinkedIn page 

Cercle Asie - Sciences Po Alumni 

Bringing together the Sciences Po community in Asia, and all those interested in it, in Paris and around the world.

Click here to discover the LinkedIn page

Club Chine de Sciences Po 

Sciences Po Club Chine (C2) is an official student association promoting communication between Chinese students and their foreign counterparts.

Click here to discover the LinkedIn page 

GoinGlobal Careers guide

GoinGlobal Careers guide

GoinGlobal helps job and internship seekers find opportunities both at home and abroad. Online, you will find several City Guides, with constantly updated expert career advice on: 

  • employment outlook/industry trends,
  • local job search resources,
  • interview and cultural advices,
  • professional and social networking groups,
  • and resume/CV guidelines and samples for each country.

Each guide also includes extensive work permit and visa advice based on research conducted by an experienced immigration attorney for each destination. 

Country Career Guides

Global City Career Guides

Produced by local experts, these guides feature up-to-date information on a wide variety of helpful topics including: Job search resources, hiring trends, industry overviews, professional and social networking groups, work permit and visa regulations, financial considerations, resume/cv guidelines, interview tips and cultural advice.

Discover Goingglobal



Last modified 2023-03-09
Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
Launched by two graduates (class of 2020) from Law School : Agnès de Fortanier (Master in Economic Law) and Thomas Harbor (dual degree Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU is a newsletter putting together a concise, well-documented, and informative weekly wrap-up of the news that matters at a continental scale — from a European perspective. Sciences Po Careers interviewed Augustin Bourleaud, in charge of its edition, who is currently a double master's degree student between Sciences Po and the London School of Economics.
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