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RECRUITERS: 2024 CAREERS FAIR | All information

Sciences Po 24 Careers Fair
Join Sciences Po's major annual information and recruitment event on Friday September 27, at its Parisian campus and online on October 1-2.


On Friday September 27 2024, Sciences Po welcomes you to its campus located at 1 Place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin (Paris 7th arr).


Experience the online event on Seekube on Tuesday October 1 & Wednesday October 2, and meet a large number of students and graduates from across France and around the world.



Students targets & participation formats

On campus: 

  • On Friday September 27th, Sciences Po welcomes you to its campus in the center of Paris. With a customizable booth immersed in various spaces of the university (cloister, walkways, classrooms and lecture halls, private lounges, cafeteria...).
  • From 10am to 5pm, meet and interact with all undergraduate students and young graduates from the college and the 7 master's schools, seeking internships, apprenticeships, or their first job.
  • Benefit from increased visibility among our students and all our communities: academic, faculty/researchers, career services, alumni, business relations & partners...

Online (on Seekube):

  • On Tuesday October 1st, and Wednesday October 2nd, participate in the online Forum on Seekube. Through your digital booth, engage with students individually or collectively.
  • Students will have the opportunity to request a meeting by responding to an offer or through an informal meeting request. You will also have the option to contact students directly from the CV database, which will remain open for up to 14 days after the event.
  • The digital format allows you to meet a diverse panel of students, whether they are currently in Bachelor's programs at one of our 7 campuses in the regions or in Master's programs currently in internships, apprenticeships, or exchanges in France or internationally.

Discover our programs, internship schedules... In the 'Recruiting at Sciences Po' guide.


Who can participate? 

  • Any company or organization from the private or public sector:

Large corporations, SMEs, startups, associations, NGOs, public administrations, local authorities, international organizations.

  • All sectors of activity:

 Audit, consulting, politics, banking, finance, insurance, media, communication, creative industries, entertainment, manufacturing, luxury, retail, construction, real estate, health, environment...

  • Any company/organization wishing to recruit future collaborators in a wide range of functions:

Finance, strategy, communication, HR, marketing, legal, strategic analysis, audit, consulting, data, digital, public and institutional affairs, politics, urban planning, diplomacy, journalism, economic development, health, energy, environment, ecological transition, human rights...

Registration steps


Check our rates and participation terms


Complete the registration form

Your timeline

On campus

  • Register : before September 6
  • Validation of your presentation sheet's BAT ("Bon à  tirer", i.e., ready for printing): September 13

You will receive your presentation sheet to complete upon confirmation of your registration.

  • Register your collaborators: September 20

The registration form for your collaborators will be sent to you by email.


  • Register : before September 23
  • Opening of the online event to students: Monday September 23rd.

Students and graduates arrive on Seekube. They discover your booths, apply to offers, request meetings, sign up for live sessions... By this date, you should have completed the preparation of your digital booth (created your virtual stand, added your collaborators, filled in your availability slots, and published your offers).

  • Confirm your appointments before Monday September 30th (day before the online event)




  • About your participation to the fair :

Philippine BEASSE, Careers Events Manager forum.carrieres@sciencespo.fr 

Tel : 01 45 49 50 24

  • About our learnings, recruitment and careers events :

Caroline TOUSSAIN, Employeurs relations and careers events department manager caroline.toussain@sciencespo.fr 

Tel : 01 45 49 72 94

Learn more about partnerships


Last modified 2024-07-03
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