« The Fair: an incredible opportunity to discuss freely with the students »
The Sciences Po Job Fair is an incredible opportunity to discuss freely with the students, to make them discover the diversity of professions and brands within the Group. The HR team and the employees can share their experience, orient students according to what they are looking for and answer any question about the Group, its development and its strategy.
« A first contact and a true pre-recruitment event »
Some candidates already identify offers before the fair itself, and come to apply during the event. The students’ self-presentation must be concise, convincing and coherent with their aspirations and what they already know about the Group.
«We will appreciate a candidate passionate about the retail world »
Candidates having an inclination towards the sector of mass distribution and its challenges, as well as an interest in the professions offered by the Group are appreciated. A candidate can catch our attention if he or she expresses a true interest for the Group, and is ready to address the new challenges of mass distribution. We will appreciate a candidate passionate about the retail world, having the ability to work as a team and motivated by the development of projects linked to the sector’s challenges.
« A well-prepared candidate will know how to convincingly explain his professional future aspirations »
Even if the students’ career plan is not precisely defined, they know which sector they wish to target and what kind of profession would interest them. A well-prepared candidate will know how to convincingly explain his professional future aspirations and articulate them coherently with his or her academic background and experiences.
How can students keep contact with you after the Fair ?
We have a partnership with Sciences Po Paris, and we maintain close relations with the school, notably through the Program Accessible Sciences Po, and through our organisation of events for students throughout the year. The Sciences Po Career Services, as well as the working alumni at the stand will definitely sustain the contact with the candidates we meet.
- Laure Andrieux-Vanneufville, HR Development Director
- Lorraine le Floch, Officer in charge of Exterior Relations
- Elodie Dalmon, Human Resource Manager
- Théa Rosin, Director of Strategy for Proximity Branch
for more
Marie-Alexandra Bernier explains how she landed an internship as a legal expert at the Fair
Groupe Casino and its job offers