Stand Accenture Forum 2016
You’re interested in the consulting sector? You’re considering finding an internship in a consulting firm at the Sciences Po Job Fair? Two Accenture employees, Sara MARTINEZ, graduated from the Sciences Po school of public affairs in 2007, now manager within the entity « Public Sector France », and Victoire JAUBERT, Campus Manager, give you a few tips for a successful first impression the day of the Fair…


« The Fair: a first meeting which allows recruiters to put a face to the CVs and to make a pre-selection of candidates »

Each year, consultants having graduated from Sciences Po and HR representatives are at the Accenture stand to talk with the students. The aim is to present Accenture, its different entities and its jobs, to answer student queries and finally, to detect profiles of interest for internships, apprenticeships or jobs.

As a Manager, the main purpose of these exchanges is to identify motivated candidates who would be interested by jobs in the consulting sector and who would be assets to the company. This first face-to-face meeting is very interesting as it allows recruiters to put a face to the CVs and to make a pre-selection of the candidates.
"come with a smile, it makes a good first impression as well."

Sara MARTINEZ, manager of the French Public Sector

« The student should be able to present his or her background and career path in detail»

…from educational background choices to his or her specialization, without forgetting internships, professional experience and extra-curricular projects in which he or she is involved. The fair is an opportunity to get an overview of recruiters and the available jobs, so I don’t expect the candidates to know all about the consulting sector! However, relevant and precise questions are always welcome.

Knowledge about the company is valued as well as it proves the student’s interest and his or her ability to put a project together.

« Generally, we look for dynamic, curious and open-minded candidates who demonstrate a willingness to learn. »

The fairs attract many students and candidates often have very little time to talk with the people there. They therefore need to be well-prepared and have a good self-presentation. The members of the team at the forum are well aware that the candidates are juniors: as I’ve said before, it isn’t about knowing everything about being a consultant, it’s about showing interest, asking relevant questions, being focused on the exchange with the recruiter. 

Generally, we look for dynamic, curious and open-minded candidates who demonstrate a willingness to learn.

« The CV must be clear and perfectly convey the candidate’s career plan »

The CV is an important element as well. It must be clear and perfectly convey the candidate’s career plan. One page is enough. A first glance should allow the reader to understand if the student is looking for an internship or a long-term contract, for how long, when and which position interests him or her! But be careful, the CV might not be dealt with by the person at the Fair.

For Accenture, what would be a good preparation for the Fair? 

Accenture and Sciences Po have worked together for many years to assist students in their transition from school to the professional world. This collaboration results in multiple events during the school year: Accenture presentations, case study practises, mentoring sessions and pedagogical interventions. All are opportunities to get in touch with consultants and to prepare oneself as well as possible for the fair.

Come with a CV in English and in French, find out about the companies which interest you through their website, understand which are the domains and the projects/offers which will be put forward during the forum by the company of interest. Above all, come with a smile, it makes a good first impression as well.

« The day of the fair, we use tablets to compile the whole of the information given by the candidates and we scan their CVs thanks to our 

A profile is created this way for each candidate. From then on, the students can start the process of recruitment, be contacted by the community of Sciences Po graduates employed by Accenture and receive news and invitations for our future events.

Finally, we invite you on the Groupe Linkedin Sciences Po / Accenture which regroups the whole of the Sciences Po graduates at Accenture, and which was created for the students, to answer their questions in real time all year, without having to wait for the day of the fair.


Sara MARTINEZ, Manager of the entity « Secteur Public France » (French public sector) for 9 years
Having graduated from the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs in 2007, she was directly hired by Accenture in the entity « Public Sector » following graduation. She works more specifically on public security, specializing in projects for the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice.

Victoire JAUBERT, Campus Manager
Part of the Recruitment Team, her aim is to meet students from renowned schools and universities to present the opportunities in strategic, digital, management and technology consulting and to identify possible talents.

for more

Accenture's presentation

The companies participating at the 2016 Sciences Po Business Fair

Tips to prepare for the Fair

Last modified 2016-08-31
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