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School of management and innovation

The School of Management and Innovation trains business professionals with the creativity and entrepreneurial vision needed to transform companies and rethink the role of business in society with a view to the common good. The traditional career prospects its programmes offer are varied: audit-consulting, banking-finance-insurance, marketing-communication and human resources. The school also fosters the placement of its graduates in new fields: the creative economy, the digital sector, entrepreneurship, new business models, responsible investment, risk management and governance, social reporting and environment.

school in brief

Masters programmes

Dual degrees

Universita Bocconi - Universität of St. Gallen - University of Pennsylvania - Fundação Getulio Varga-Escola de Administração de Empresas - Stockholm School of Economics - Fudan University

In collaboration with

  • The Centre for Entrepreneurship

The Centre for Entrepreneurship supports students'
entrepreneurial aspirations. Since 2009, 350 students have worked with the centre, 90 business projects have been incubated and 400 permanent positions have been created.

  • The Medialab

The Medialab was founded in 2009 and is run by Bruno Latour. It helps the social sciences and humanities make the most of the data provided by digitisation.

the school in videos

The School presentation

Campus Chanel Video

Masters day 2019


Where do young graduates work?

Destinations by sector

26% Audit - consulting
21% Banking- Insurance- Finance
16% Communication
7% Technology, Data, Web
6% Human Resources
5% Industry - Energy - Transports
4% Public administration / public sector
1% Environment
2% Culture - Film indutry
2% International Organisations, NGOs - Associations
1% Education - Research- Think Tank
1% Urbanism - Housing - Architecture
1% Press - Media - Edition

Destinations by role

Financial analyst - Investment banker - Auditor - Financial controller - Auditor, financial risk consultant - Business developer - Strategy consultant - Management consultant - Strategic planning - Account Manager - Communications manager - Human resources manager - Recruitment officer - Diversity manager - Compensation & benefits manager - Digital & Innovation Manager - Marketing manager - Digital project manager - Advertising manager - Content manager - Social Media Manager - Artistic Director - Entrepreneur -  Chef de produit marketing - Analyste marketing

panels (archives in french)

Métiers de

Métiers de la communication,
de l'industrie créative et des médias

learn more

On the School of Management and Innovation webstite


Adam Thompson, Academic Advisor, Career coordination

Last modified 2020-08-19
Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
Launched by two graduates (class of 2020) from Law School : Agnès de Fortanier (Master in Economic Law) and Thomas Harbor (dual degree Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU is a newsletter putting together a concise, well-documented, and informative weekly wrap-up of the news that matters at a continental scale — from a European perspective. Sciences Po Careers interviewed Augustin Bourleaud, in charge of its edition, who is currently a double master's degree student between Sciences Po and the London School of Economics.
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