Sciences Po brings students and employers together through a number of events. Each year, a lot of career events are organized in connection with Sciences Po academic staff within our 7 graduate schools: Career fairs, roundtables, company presentations are offered as part of our thematic weeks. Discover the events calendar and participate as a student and/or employer!
Are you willing to recruit at Sciences Po, for a job or an internship? The Sciences Po Careers website allows you to autonomously post and monitor your offers.
Would you like to recruit an intern, apprentice, or future collaborator from Sciences Po? Discover the internship and apprenticeship calendars of Sciences Po according to the profiles you are looking for. Throughout the year, you can post your offers on our job boards and participate in our career forums and events, either in person or remotely.
The School of Public Affairs educates public policy makers, policy analysts, researchers and policy implementers with a commitment to the common good. The young professionals who have graduated from the School perform functions requiring a panoramic view of public affairs, in both the private and public sectors at the local, national, European and international levels, and in a wide range of fields (public administration, consulting, security, defence, health, energy, culture, new technology, etc.).
31% Public administration / public sector 20% Audit - consulting 12% International Organisations, NGOs, Associations 8% Culture 8% Education - Res- Think Tank 7% Technology, Data, Web,Communication 6% Banking- Insurance- Finance 5%Environment, Energy 2% Others (research, entrepreneurship)
Destinations by role
Public sector consultant, digital transformation, innovation, energy - Parliamentary attaché - Institutional relations manager - Hospital administrator - French or European civil servant - Public law and regulations consultant - Agency consultant - Manager of an arts and culture institution - Government agency director -Development analyst - Museum officer, etc.…
panels (archives in French)
Les métiers d'affaires
Les concours de la fonction publique nationale, territoriale
Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.