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Urban school

Urban school
Start with the city, transform the world. This ambition is central to the Urban School, which trains urban and regional public policy professionals to work at the local, national, European and international levels. Our students come from varied academic backgrounds (social sciences, engineering and architecture). They receive advanced academic instruction in urban governance and urban and regional public policy. Professional expertise is a feature of our courses, with teaching from the most innovative practitioners in their fields and students completing team projects throughout their programmes. Our graduates move into the private sector as well as the public or non-profit sectors as integrators, strategists, designers or managers.

the school in brief

Master's programmes

Specialised programmes:

  • Research track (Master in Urban and Regional Policies and Strategies and Governing the Large Metropolis)
  • Risk track (Master in Urban and Regional Policies and Strategies)
  • Cities of Africa track (Master in Governing the Large Metropolis / IEP Bordeaux)

Dual degrees

1 team project over six to nine months

Public and private organisations entrust more than
40 missions to our students


School presentation

Campus Chanel Video


Masters day 2019

where do our graduates work?

Destinations by sectors

46% Urbanism - Housing - Architecture
16% Audit - Consulting
12% Public administration
4% Environment
3% NGOs- Associations
3% Education - Research- Think Tank
3% International organisations
2% Industry - Energy - Transports
2% Technology - Data - Web
2% Banking- Finance - Insurance
1% Press - Media - Edition

Destinations by role

Minister’s chief of staff - Urban planning agency director - Forecasting analyst - Social economy project manager - Urban planning and development manager - Real estate operations manager - Real estate development officer - Political staffer - Local authority finance consultant - Sustainable development consultant - Design engineer - Housing department director - Public relations manager - Marketing and development manager - Smart city business development manager - International Development manager Transports and Mobility - Design and Planning Project Manager 

learn more

On the School of Urbanism website


Sandrine BOISARD, Careers referent of the Urban School

Last modified 2020-08-19
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