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Who are our 2018 graduates?

Diplo 2018
Bright and committed students. Promising futures. Prestigious guests and inspiring speeches. Parents brimming with pride. For the closing of this academic year, the Sciences Po graduation ceremony will gather on Friday, 29th of June and Saturday, 30th of June 2018, nearly 2,400 graduates and their guests at the grand auditorium of the Maison de la Radio in Paris. So who are the graduates of the Class of 2018?

2,394 Graduating Students

  • From 7 Schools and 40 specialisations within different Master’s programmes
  • Nearly 300 are part of a Dual Degree programme (French and International)
  • 1,000 are international students and represent 95 different nationalities
  • 58% of the 2018 graduates are women

4 Ceremonies

As in 2017, no less than four graduation ceremonies will be held in the grand auditorium of Radio France. What we can expect: many inspiring speeches from graduates, our Director Frédéric Mion, Cornelia Woll, Director of Studies and Academic Affairs, and a multitude of guests of honor who embody our values and educational philosophy. But suspense: their names will only be revealed at the very last moment! Here is the programme for these two exceptional days:

Read more on www.sciencespo.fr

Photo: Director Frédéric Mion
Credits: Sciences Po

Last modified 2018-07-05
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