Your careers contacts

you are students or graduates
> Get information about internships, internship agreements...
Our advisors Catherine, Delphine and Anna will answer all questions regarding internships.
You can get in touch with the careers team at any time by emailing or by calling 01 45 49 50 50 (2nd choice).
Find us at 9 rue de la Chaise, 75007 Paris:
- Monday 2pm-4.30pm
- Tuesday 2pm-4.30pm
- Wednesday 2pm-4.30pm
- Thursday 10am-12.30, 2pm-4.30pm
Find us on zoom:
- Tuesday 10am-12.30 Join the session
- Wednesday 10h-12h30 Join the session
- Friday 10h-12h30 Join the session or by phone: 01 45 49 50 50 (N°2)
> Get information and advice on how to build your career:
You are a Bachelor student (College universitaire)
About orientation and your choice: Vera BROICHHAGEN
About civic internships:
Campus of Dijon: Ismaël Combette
Campus of Le Havre: Sandrine Quevreux
Campus of Menton: Anne-Hélène Lecomte
Campus of Nancy: Alexandra Brun
Campus of Paris 1st year: Fabrice Barthelemy
Campus of Paris 2d year: Albane de Pompery
Campus of Poitiers: Yvonnick Nibaudeau
Campus of Reims: Rachel Skowronski - Eleonore Leiva
About 3rd year (mixte) internships: Christiane LALOY
You are a Master student
- School of Public Affairs (EAP), Law School, Urban School: Suad LEGLISE ARRAR
- School of International Affairs (PSIA), School of Management and Impact (EMI): Daana ISMAILOVA
- School of Research: Fabrice BARTHELEMY
You are a recent graduate
- French-speaking graduates: Fabrice BARTHELEMY
- English-speaking graduates: Daana ISMAILOVA
you are AN employer
> Get information about our profiles and internships
- Recruit Bachelor students (civic internships): Fabrice BARTHELEMY
- Recruit French Master students: Suad LEGLISE ARRAR
- Recruit international Master students (in France and abroad): Daana Ismaïlova
> Get information about Career Fairs and events, raise your visibility among students
- Take part in our events: Caroline TOUSSAIN
- Jobfair: Philippine Béasse
> Develop a partnership with Sciences Po:
Companies (private sector)
Contact: Sophie SALIN
International organisations, associations
Contact: Daana Ismaïlova
Public administration, french associations
- Contact: Suad LEGLISE ARRAR
become a career coach / animate careers workshops
- Programming of the career workshops: Suad LEGLISE ARRAR
- Administrative management of workshops/coaches: Catherine AUBIN