The Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (“IEP de Paris”), a public scientific, cultural and professional institution (EPCSCP), registered under SIREN number 197 534 316 and having a certificate of activity issued by the Prefect of the Ile de France region under number 11 75 P 00 12 75, managed, pursuant to Article L. 758-1 of the Education Code, by the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (hereinafter “FNSP”), a private foundation, with registered office at 27, rue Saint Guillaume 75337 Paris Cedex 07, SIREN number 784308249, Intra-community VAT number: FR27784308249, bearing in mind that both entities are known jointly as “Sciences Po”, represented by Mathias Vicherat, Director, administrator of the Institut d’études politiques de Paris, and the Fondation nationale des sciences politiques.

This site was designed and developed by: SARL Anakrys, 28 bis bd de Sébastopol, 75004 Paris
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email: contact@anakrys.fr

Development and hosting

This site is hosted by: Sciences Po


Article 1 – Purpose

These General Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as "GCU") shall lay down the conditions of use of the career services offered by Sciences Po on the website


(hereinafter referred to as the “Site”). The Site is a platform providing student candidates (hereinafter “Candidates”) and recruiters (hereinafter "Recruiters") with functionalities that allow:

Candidates to:

  • View information on their internships, guidance, preparation of their professional project
  • View internship and job offers (submit applications with CV and cover letter)
  • Register and participate in events

Recruiters to:

Post offers

  • Follow up applications
  • Complete a company profile
  • Register for events

All these features offered via the Site to Candidates and Recruiters (hereinafter collectively referred to as “User” or “you”) shall be referred to hereinafter as the “Services”.

The User shall be required to comply with these GCUs and particularly with the French Act of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter the “Regulations”). By using the Site, the User hereby acknowledges and accepts all the provisions of these GCUs. Should the User decline to accept these GCUs, he/she will not be able to access the services offered. For further information, contact Sciences Po at dpo@sciencespo.fr.

Article 2 - Liability

Sciences Po reserves the right to adapt or amend these GCUs at any time. Accordingly, the User shall be requested to check the GCUs on a regular basis to keep abreast of the most recent developments.

The veracity and reality of the information communicated by Users through the Site shall be the sole responsibility of the User, with no liability whatsoever incurred by Sciences Po. Sciences Po disclaims any liability for any direct or indirect damage related to or caused by the communication of such information, except in cases of fraud or gross negligence. Sciences Po shall not be held responsible for the User’s imported content. The User shall be solely responsible for such content, and Sciences Po shall merely act as technical host for such content. Sciences Po shall have no general obligation to monitor User data and content or to delete content that does not appear to be manifestly unlawful, notwithstanding its notification.

It should be noted that Sciences Po does not intervene in the selection process for Candidates. Consequently, Sciences Po may not in any way be considered as an employer, professional body, recruitment agency or head-hunter or as an agent of the latter.

Without limitation to the foregoing, you expressly acknowledge that Sciences Po shall not be liable for any damages of any kind, whether direct or indirect, arising from (a) the use of any material, information, documents or services provided and/or controlled by any operator other than Sciences Po that you may use to assist yourself in using the Service; or (b) any viruses that you may import or transmit into our system.

Sciences Po shall use its best efforts to provide Users with available and verified information and/or tools. Despite all the due care exercised, the information shall be provided without guarantee of any kind.

It shall be non-contractual, may contain technical or typographical inaccuracies and be subject to change without notice. Sciences Po shall not be held liable for any errors, lack of availability of information, accuracy, updates, completeness and/or the presence of a virus on its Site.

Sciences Po requests Users of the Site to notify it of any omissions, errors or corrections, by emailing administration.carrieres@sciencespo.fr and dpo@sciencespo.fr for any request relating to personal data.

Similarly, Sciences Po may not be held liable for misuse of the Service by the User or for the temporary unavailability of the Site (in the event of force majeure, a maintenance period or a technical incident of any kind).

Users of this site expressly agree that Sciences Po may not be held liable under any circumstances for any direct or indirect material or immaterial damage arising specifically from the consultation and/or use of the Site (or other sites linked to same) and any applications that may be downloaded, or from the use of any textual or visual information that may have been collected, particularly for any financial or commercial loss, or for the loss of programmes or data in its information system.

By using this Site, the User acknowledges having had the opportunity to read this warning.

The User of the Website acknowledges that he/she has the necessary skills and means to access and use this site.

The User of the Website acknowledges that he/she has checked that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and that it is in perfect working order.

Sciences Po agrees to refrain from disclosing the connection codes to anyone other than the User, at the User's request, by e-mail to the address indicated at the time of registration.

Sciences Po agrees to use its best endeavours to maintain the service online, but some service interruptions may occur beyond the control of the site (interruption of access by access providers or the host or maintenance requirements).

No reproduction right shall be granted without the consent of the authors of the information and the Site.

Article 3 - Recruiters

Through the Site, Sciences Po shall offer Recruiters who wish to recruit and meet Sciences Po students the opportunity to:

  •  publish offers,
  • manage applications to offers received,
  • publish and update a company profile,
  • link several employee contacts within the company,
  • participate and register for events (e.g. Forums).

When creating an account, the Recruiter shall enter professional data. The information requested when you register on the Site shall be intended solely for the purpose of creating a personal and confidential account and linking you up with Candidates from Sciences Po (IEP Paris).

Recruiters shall be solely responsible for their publications on the Site, and Sciences Po may not under any circumstances be considered as a Recruiter or an agent of the latter and/or for hiring decisions, for whatever reason, of the entity publishing offers on this Site. Sciences Po shall in no way whatsoever be held liable for any consequences that may arise during or as a result of meetings or contacts between Candidates and Recruiters following the use of the Site and the Service. Sciences Po's sole purpose shall be to enable Candidates to publish their CVs and related content, to search for a job and to create a profile that will enable them to be visible to Recruiters.

We request you to read these GCUs before taking any action on the Site.

Pursuant to the Regulations, upon registration you shall have the right to access, rectify and object to your personal data by logging into your account with your login and password created for the use of this platform. At any time, you can amend your information (professional data, company details and contacts) in your personal Careers Space. You can also manage your offers and track applications via the Track my offers feature.

Should you wish to permanently delete your Recruiter account on the Site, please submit your request for permanent deletion to administration.carrieres@sciencespo.fr.

You understand and acknowledge that any deletion of your Recruiter account shall automatically result in the permanent deletion of all your information contained on the Site: company profile, company contacts attached to the profile, applications received. Please note that the processing time for your deletion request may take up to 3 months, pursuant to the Regulations.

Should you fail to log in to the Site for a period of 2 years, you shall receive an e-mail notifying you of the dormancy of your account and inviting you to renew or not your consent for it to be kept. Should you fail to renew your consent within 30 days, we will proceed to permanently delete your Recruiter account.

Article 4 - Candidates

You may access the Site by logging in with your usual Sciences Po login and password via the student/graduate login box.

The Careers platform allows you to access the following functions:

  • apply for internships, apprenticeships and first jobs
  • track your applications sent to recruiters
  • update your application tools (CV, cover letter)
  • consult information on career guidance and integration

Before taking any action on the Site (sending an application, registering for events, creating CVs and cover letters in your personal space), we request you to read these GCU before taking any action on the Site.

Pursuant to the Regulations, you shall have the right to access, rectify and object to the processing of your data, which may be accessed by logging into your account via Personal space / Access my profile.

Any application sent shall generate the processing of your personal data by the recruiter who accesses your CV and/or cover letter. Any request to withdraw a specific application must therefore be made directly to the Recruiter. Should you experience any difficulty in exercising this right, you may contact administration.carrieres@sciencespo.fr By inputting your CVs, cover letters and personal information on the Site, you explicitly agree to the disclosure of such information to the Recruiters who access them. You may delete your CVs and cover letters at any time in Your Personal Space / Access my profile.

5 - Common provisions

  • Username/Password

Entering the User’s identifier and/or password and/or personal e-mail address is proof of connection to the Site. These identifiers shall be strictly personal and confidential.

The User shall be asked to enter his/her login and password each time he/she logs in to Sciences Po’s online services. They must not be disclosed or shared with third parties.

The User also guarantees that his/her login and password will not be saved automatically by his/her browser. Failing this, the User acknowledges that he/she is solely and exclusively responsible to Sciences Po and/or any other person (natural or legal) for the use of his/her identification details by third parties or for actions or statements made by entering his/her login and password.

In order to secure the site and the Sciences Po information system and to prevent any fraudulent intrusion by unauthorized persons, Users’ passwords must contain at least 8 characters (including special characters and numbers). The User shall be requested to change his/her password at regular intervals, at the latest every 6 months.

After accessing their account, Users must log out of it by clicking on the “Logout” tab so that no unauthorized person can access it against their will. In this respect, Sciences Po requests that the User be cautious, particularly when connecting to his or her account from public places (Internet cafés, libraries, universities, etc.).

  • Intellectual Property Rights

The Site, its general structure, as well as the texts, images, whether animated or not, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics (...) and any other components of the Site, shall be the sole and exclusive property of Sciences Po.

The same shall hold true for the databases appearing on the Sciences Po website, which are protected by the provisions of the Act of 1 July 1998 transposing the European Directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases into the French Intellectual Property Code, and which are produced by Sciences Po.

The Sciences Po brands and those of its partners, as well as the logos featured on the site, shall be registered trademarks (semi-figurative or not).

Any use or reproduction, wholly or partly, of the site, its components and/or the information contained therein, by any means whatsoever, shall be strictly prohibited and be considered an infringement punishable under the Intellectual Property Code, except with the prior written consent of Sciences Po.

  • Hyperlinks

The Site may contain hyperlinks to other websites.

However, Sciences Po may not be held liable for any third-party site to which the User has had access via the Site and which contains illegal or inaccurate content. Sciences Po has no means of monitoring the content of third-party sites. The decision to activate or not to activate these hyperlinks shall therefore be the sole responsibility of the Users.

Similarly, Sciences Po shall not be held liable for the unavailability or malfunction of these third-party sites.

Sciences Po agrees to remove links to other Internet sites at the first request of the companies to which the linked sites belong.

Sciences Po must give its prior written consent to the creation of a hyperlink to the site and reserves the right to remove the link at any time.

  • Cookies

The User is informed that, when visiting the site, a cookie may be automatically installed on his/her browser. The cookie is a block of data that does not allow the User to be identified; on the other hand, the installed cookie stores connection information (date and time) and allows the User to avoid re-entering his/her identifier and password for each login.

By configuring your browser software, you can be informed of the presence of a cookie and possibly refuse it (refer to the help notice for your browser software).

You can refuse the recording of cookies by setting your browser parameters.

  • Governing law – Competent court

These contractual provisions shall be governed by French law.

Any dispute arising from the contractual provisions of the Site shall fall under the jurisdiction of the French courts.

Thank you for visiting Sciences Po.

Last modified 2023-12-13


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