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Noria: Work at the Core of the Iraq-Syria Conflict

Romain graduated in 2011 with a Master in International Security from the Paris School of International Affairs. Having gained various experience of work within international organisations and UN agencies, he and other graduates of his class at Sciences Po founded the think tank Noria, of which Romain is currently President. What are the missions and objectives of this network of independent researchers working at the very core of conflict? What skills must researchers employ to conduct political analysis directly on the ground? Hear Romain's account.

What are Noria's main activities ?

Romain - Noria is both a think tank for policy analysis as well as a network for independent researchers. We conduct policy analysis based on field research on matters related to international relations. We work in the three major areas of today’s world, namely in Asia/Far East, the Middle East and Africa, and in Central and Latin America to conduct policy analysis which serves the general public, policymakers, NGOs and international organisations in their development of strategies related to issues in international relations. 

What did you do after Sciences Po

We were several students from the International Security Master who graduated in 2011 and chose to start a career in think tanks and in the field of policy analysis. I spent three years working for organizations such as the International Crisis Group or UN agencies abroad and it was at the end of these professional experiences that this group of friends from Sciences Po came to together to found Noria, which is a think tank which corresponds to the interests that we each had within the different organizations that we worked in.

Iraq Syria: an example of a project and our tasks

The project Iraq Syria, which has been ongoing since the beginning of the conflict in the region, mobilises a team of 6 researches who are deployed as much as possible in the two countries, to be close to the local dynamics of the conflict. More precisely, this involves interviews conducted with as many people as possible in the field and stakeholders in the conflict. This also involves long periods spent in the field observing and understanding the local dynamics and mapping actors, to be able to, later on, produce the political analysis that can be disseminated to the general public, to decision-makers and different organizations that might be interested in local issues.

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Last modified 2019-11-27
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