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Employers: take part in the Ecological transition career fair
Employers: take part in the Ecological transition career fair

As a reflection of our students’ growing interest in the environment-related positions emerging within your organisations (environmental consultants, sustainable development, CSR, energy, sustainable finance analysts, positive impact jobs etc), we have the pleasure of inviting you to present your internship or job opportunities to them at Sciences Po’s second edition of the Ecological Transition Careers Fair.
ecological transition careers fair
thursday 22 & friday 23 april 2021
online on seekube
who can participate?
Any organisation with career opportunities available in the field of ecological transition:
- Companies of all sectors (social and environmental innovation startups, SMBs, SMEs, etc)
- Consultancy firms specialising in ecological transition or proposing related practices
- Public administrative bodies, local governance
- Positive impact organisations,associations, NGOs...
- Renewable energies
- Cities and territories
- Sustainable transports and mobility
- Contruction / housing
- Sustainable finance
- Circular economy
- CSR / sustainable development
- Biodiversity
- Agriculture / Food industry
Conditions et inscriptions
- Participation in the Fair is free
- If you wish to participate, please complete the following registration form (mandatory)
Retro schedule
- Before 31 March : complete the registration form
- Before 12 April: Create your virtual booth, advertise your opportunities, update your availabilities through your agenda and plan your live presentations
- From 12 to 21 April : Students apply to your opportunities and ask for appointments in your agenda
From 15 to 21 April: You consult the requests for appointment from students willing to meet with you, you confirm or not these requests,you look for and select other profiles through the database of participating students (using filters) and suggest them
appointments - On 22 and 23 april : Meet our students through the visioconference system available in the platform or by phone
The Climate Action, Make It Work Initiative
Within the broader framework of the university-wide initiative, Climate Action: Make It Work, Sciences Po has undertaken a range of measures to increase and enrich its educational and research offering on issues relating to ecological disruption
Read more
> discover our seven specialised graduate schools
> consult our guide Recruter our talents
Audrey Schuler - audrey.schuler@sciencespo.fr
Last modified 2021-03-16
Job offers
Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.