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Public Affairs Careers week

public affairs careers week
From October 25 to 29, Sciences Po Carrières, the School of Public Affairs and the School of International Affairs at Sciences Po, are offering students the opportunity to discover the variety of professions and sectors in which public affairs or institutional relations professionals work.

Whether in a company, local government, parliamentary office, ministry, consulting firm or specialized communications agency, NGO or professional federation, what are the different jobs and missions that our graduates can take on after Sciences Po?

For one week, all students will have the opportunity to learn more about these professions through roundtables, presentations, meetings, and to be inspired by the careers of graduates.


Tuesday, October 26, 2021 12:30-14:00 - Round table: Overview of public affairs careers (in French) 

As part of Public Affairs Career Week, discover the variety of careers in public affairs through the testimonies and careers of Sciences Po graduates.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021 09:00-10:00 - Working in international public affairs

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021 13:00-14:00 - Internships and VIAs at the French Treasury (DGTrésor)

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Thursday, October 28, 2021 0

  • 9:00-10:30- Presentation of Profil Public

To join innovative public actors, come and discover all the possible opportunities with Profil Public!

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  • 2:30-2:30 p.m. - Round table on careers in the public affairs departments of companies

Come and meet the public affairs departments of L'Oréal, RTE, Covéa and GICAT!

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  • 14:45-16:45 Become a diplomat: Presentation of the MEAE

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  • 17:00 - 18:00 Presentation of the General Finance Inspectorate

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Friday, October 29, 2021 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm - Round table Working in State startups

Come and meet the innovative actors of betagouv.fr!

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Discover the trajectories of graduates of the School of Public Affairs after Sciences Po

Read the portraits and testimonials

Last modified 2021-10-19
Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
Launched by two graduates (class of 2020) from Law School : Agnès de Fortanier (Master in Economic Law) and Thomas Harbor (dual degree Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU is a newsletter putting together a concise, well-documented, and informative weekly wrap-up of the news that matters at a continental scale — from a European perspective. Sciences Po Careers interviewed Augustin Bourleaud, in charge of its edition, who is currently a double master's degree student between Sciences Po and the London School of Economics.
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