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A new mechanism to tackle Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) encompasses any situation in which one person subjects another to act(s) or word(s) (spoken or written) of a sexual nature without the latter’s consent. It includes sexist behaviour and speech, sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape. The purpose or effect of SGBV is to engender humiliation, hostility, intimidation or threat. It constitutes a violation of the individual’s fundamental rights, particularly his/her dignity and physical and/or psychological integrity. SGBV can take many different forms. Sciences Po promotes a culture of respect, courtesy and equality between people. SGBV has highly detrimental consequences on the lives of survivors and, as such, will not be tolerated at this institution.


In order to best support survivors and witnesses of sexual and gender-based violence, Sciences Po has implemented a campus-wide mechanism for reporting incidents and providing help and guidance.

Free of charge and open to all members of Sciences Po’s communities (students, faculty, researchers and staff), this mechanism consists of:

  • The SGBV Specialist Nurses: present on every campus, the SGBV Specialist Nurses provide a primary, confidential point of contact for survivors and witnesses. They inform and advise.
  • A listening and support service run by France Victimes: this confidential service is managed by professional staff external to Sciences Po, who classify the incident and provide legal, psychological and social assistance.
  • The institution’s appointed SGBV Officer: the SGBV Officer receives reports and systematically refers them to the Preliminary Internal Investigation Unit (CEIP). He/she oversees the provision of support to survivors and informs them regarding the status of investigations into their report.

Sciences Po ensures that all students who have experienced SGBV receive support that is adapted to their situation specifically. This includes curriculum adjustments, social or financial assistance and psychological support.

More information about the support mechanism


Every report of SGBV systematically triggers an internal investigation led by a specialised structure, the Preliminary Internal Investigation Unit (CEIP), chaired by an external appointee (a magistrate of the judicial or administrative order). The role of this independent unit is to establish the facts of the incident in question, in strict adherence to the principles of the presumption of innocence and Audi alteram partem.

When the investigation is complete, the CEIP produces a report and submits its recommendations to Sciences Po’s senior management team. On the basis of these recommendations, the President of Sciences Po decides whether or not to refer the case to the relevant disciplinary body.

More information about the disciplinary procedure and sanctions

Learn more:


The external support service run by France Victimes:

Available 9am to 9pm, seven days a week

Tel.: 01 80 52 33 83


On-campus contact points:

Nurse Dijon Campus

Nurse Le Havre Campus

Nurse Menton Campus

Nurse Nancy Campus

Nurse Paris Campus

Nurse Poitiers Campus

Nurse Reims Campus


Contact the SGBV Officer


Last modified 2022-05-04
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