From 24 to 28 January : Data & digital careers week

round tables
Tuesday 24 January 12h30-14h : Pourquoi la French Tech est "the place to be" en 2022 ? (in French)
Moderator: Antoine Chaffrut, Head of Talents France Digitale
- Anne-Sophie Marquet, Responsable administrative et financière chez Metroscope (IA impact)
- Léa Miquet, Talent Acquisition Manager Brut.
- Charlotte Jestin, Directrice générale de la French Tech Grand Paris
En collaboration avec France Digitale
Wednesday 26 January 12h30-14h : Careers in data industry
Moderator: Audrey Schuler, Sciences Po Careers
- Maité Allain, Directrice et co-fondatrice du cabinet de recrutement Upward data (diplômée 2012 master marketing)
- Antoine Courmont, Sociologue au sein du Laboratoire d'innovation numérique de la CNIL et directeur scientifique de la chaire Villes et numérique de l'Ecole urbaine de Sciences Po
- Julien Denes, Data scientist Banque de France, (diplômé master politique publiques 2020)
- Julie Schwartz, Avocate - Privacy & Cybersecurity, Hogan Lovells
Working in creative industries in digital age
Organised by School of Management and Innovation, ethis event is open to all sciences po students and graduates
Modération : Thierry Jadot, entrepreneur alumnus de Sciences Po, anime le cours Reinventing creative industries.
- Clémentine GAYET, diplômée 2010, creative executive, French Original Series Netflix France
- Jérémie Amram, Creative Strategist - Creative Lab chez TikTok
- Youri Rebeko, Story Editor @ Ubisoft Editorial HQ
Friday 28 January 12h30-14h
Digital, New Technology and Public Policy Careers (in English)
This event os organised by School of Public Affairs
Moderator: Eleonora Bonet et Ryan Hachem (student Digital AEAP)
- Mathilde Bras, Project Director Numéricité
- Aura Cifuentes,Director of digital government of Colombia's Ministry of Information and Communications Technology
- Léo Hamon, Head of Public Affairs IBM
- Asinetta Serban, Public sector lead AWS
Vendredi 28 janvier 17h-18h
What's next digital - Meeting with graduates of Master in Digital, New Technology and Public Policy of the School of Public Affairs (en anglais)
This event is open to all students
- Nathan Redin, Head of Digital Science to NEOBRAIN
- Torben David, Digital Policy Advisor to MEP Tiemo Wölken, European Parliament
- Ethel Tan, Junior Policy Analyst, Digital Government and Data Unit, Open and Innovative Government Division, Directorate for Public Governance OECD
expand your network
Did you know it? In addition to the Sciences Po Alumni directory, you can find profiles of Sciences Po Alumni who hold positions that interest you on the Sciences Po Linkedin page in the Alumni section. Use the filters and get in touch with alumni to get advice and develop your network!
- Identify Alumni who work in the Data Sector
- Identify Alumni who work in the Digital Sector
- Identify Alumni specialised in Artificial Intelligence
Get in touch with Sciences Po Alumni now!
Les métiers du marketing digital from Sciences Po Carrières on Vimeo.
Ongoing opportunities on your Sciences Po Careers Website
- Data Analyst - ERES
- EMD Research Fellow - Predicting Social Unrest and Instability Using Big Data - Barings
- EMD Research Fellow - Climate Considerations in Macroeconomic Analysis - Barings
- Regional Policy/European Digital Innovation Hub Junior Manager - European Cyber Security Organisation
- Community manager / chef de projet digital - MEDEF YVELINES
- Responsable communication digitale et relations médias H/F
- Stage - Assistant Chargé de missions Digital - MEDIAWAN