17-21 January : Legal Careers Week

round table and presentations
Tuesday 18 January 12h15 - 13h45 Round table : Legal careers after Law School (in French)
Venue: Amphi Simone Veil, 28, rue des Saints Pères
Moderator : Law School
- Frédéric Noel (sous réserve) Senior Associate Cabinet Gide, partner of the Law School
- Maylis de Roeck, Vice procureure adjointe au Cheffe de division des affaires criminelles et de la délinquance organisée
- Stéphanie Prudent, Sous directrice au service juridique, DGCCRF Bercy juridique
- Thomas Bouhours, Directeur juridique du groupe SMAvie BTP (compagnie d'assurance)
Register (mandatory registration)
Law firms presentations
Participate in the Live presentations of the law firms on Seekube (Thursday 20 January) and in person during the Sciences Po Law Careers Fair (Friday 21 January)
law careers fair
Take part in preparation sessions:
Have you already participated in a recruitment forum? Given the health context, this new format of meetings deserves preparation so that you can take advantage of all the benefits for your search for internships and/or first jobs.
Meet Law firms taking part in Law Careers Fair
The traditional Sciences Po Law Careers Fair will take place this year in a hybrid format:
Tuesday 20 January (all day) - Online Fair
De Pardieu Brocas Maffei AARPI | Flichy Grangé Avocats | Fromont Briens | Hoche Avocats | Lacourte Raquin Tatar | | Latham & Watkins | Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg S.à.r.l. | McDermott Will & Emery AARPI | Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP | Vivien & Associés
Friday 21 January (10AM-5.30PM) - Fair at Sciences Po (28, rue des Saints-Pères)
Cabinets présents
de 10h-13h30 |
Cabinets présents
de 14h-17h30 |
1 |
Gide Loyrette Nouel | |
2 |
CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats | Betto Perben Pradel Filhol |
White & Case | Hoche Avocats | |
3 |
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan UK LLP |
Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier |
4 |
Herbert Smith Freehills Paris LLP | Orrick Rambaud Martel |
5 |
Baker McKenzie A.A.R.P.I | EY Sociétés d'Avocats |
Hogan Lovells Paris LLP | Fromont Briens | |
Skadden | JEANTET | |
6 |
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP | Bird & Bird |
DELSOL Avocats | Karman Associés | |
Predictice | Weil |
Find out more about the Fair and register (registration is mandatory for students and graduates)
PORTRAITS of graduates
Diplômés du master Droit économique
- Hamjad El Afidi, Class of 2021, Legal Researcher - Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Vincent Desry, Class of 2016, Attorney at Law, Paris & New York State Bars | Cabinet Temime
- Valentin Rougier, Class of 2019, Trainee Lawyer - International arbitration and litigation, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Affiliates
- Claire Fohet, Class of 2019, Elève avocate
- Wesley Lainé, Class of 2016, Lawyer Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Affiliates
- Pauline Hoerner, Class of 2018, Avocate au Barreau de Paris
My mission? To have an impact on the respect of human rights
Maxime Belingheri is a 2015 graduate of the Law School. Today, he is Head of Human Rights at L'Oréal and maintains strong ties with Sciences Po both as a teacher and as a tutor in the Law School's Clinic. Focus on his missions for the world leader in beauty and the issues entrusted by L'Oréal to students in the context of the Law School Clinic, in favor of the respect of Human Rights within the Group's activities.
Read the portrait and watch the testimonie
Joint Master of Law and Finance
- Natacha Brami, Class of 2021, Etudiante à X-HEC Entrepreneurs
- Anaïs Alle, Class of 2021, LL.M. Candidate at Harvard Law School, Arthur Sachs Fellow
- Gide Loyrette Nouel
- Allen & Overy
- August Debouzy
- Baker McKenzie
- Berthelot
- Bredin Prat
- Clifford Chance
- Dechert LLP
- Herbert Smith Freehills Paris LLP
- Hogan Lovells
- Karman Associés
- Latournerie Wolfrom Avocats
- Quinn Emanuel Erquhart & Sullivan, LLP
- Squire Patton Boggs
- White & Case LLP
- Agence Française de Développement
- Fondation Anthony Mainguené
Plus d'informations sur les partenariats