Homepage > From 31 January to 4 February : Week of careers in Consulting

From 31 January to 4 February : Week of careers in Consulting

Taking all master's programs together, our annual job placement survey shows that the auditing and consulting sector attracts nearly 20% of our young graduates each year, making it one of the most important job opportunities after Sciences Po. Sought after for their multidisciplinary skills, their ability to analyze complex issues, their writing skills and their intellectual agility, Sciences Po graduates are real assets to consulting firms' teams. For one week, from January 31 to February 4, Sciences Po students will be able to discover the variety of expertise in consulting firms and exchange ideas with graduates during presentations and round tables. Finally, they will have the opportunity to find their internship, apprenticeship or future job at the online Consulting Jobs Forum to be held on Thursday, February 3 on the Seekube platform.


roundtables and presentations

Thursday, 27 January

10h30 - 12h : iQo Consulting firm

Consulting, data & design

Fnd out more and register

Monday 31 January

10h - 11h15 - Deloitte

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13h - 14h30 : YCE Partners

Health, employment

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Tuesday 1st February

Roundtable : Working in consulting (in French)

Meet Sciences Po graduates working in consulting firms and discover the job of consultant

More information soon available

Wednesday 2 February

12h45 - 14h15 : Sia Partners

Find out more and register

17h - 18h30 : McKinsey

Find out more and register

consulting fair

Thursday 3 February - (online on Seekube)

Meet and discover consulting firms and find your next internship or job!
More than 100 opportunities are waiting for you online!

Join NOW the Consulting Fair online on the Seekube platform 

​Si un mot de passe vous est demandé en vous inscrivant, indiquez “conseil2022”.
Merci de ne pas communiquer ce mot de passe aux étudiants d'autres établissements.

Important : Il vous sera demandé de joindre un CV et de compléter une courte présentation comprenant un titre de profil, un CV en format PDF, un texte de présentation et deux expériences marquantes. Soignez votre profil!

Everything you need to know about the Fairparticipants 2020




portraits of graduates

After School of Research

Justine, Consultante senior chez KYU Associés

Diplômée du Master en Sociologie

"Dans le conseil, les attentes des clients sont variées et évolutives. Les réponses apportées à un questionnement amènent forcément d’autres questionnements. L’école de la recherche, et plus globalement Sciences Po, m’ont appris à m’adapter, à ne pas me reposer sur mes acquis et c’est exactement ce qu’on attend dans les métiers du conseil. (...) J’exerce aujourd’hui mon métier dans un cabinet de conseil et d’études (KYU Associés) spécialisé dans l’emploi-formation. Nous avons travaillé, entre autres, avec la branche des bureaux d’étude. Les entreprises de conseil cherchent des profils variés, issus de formations diverses et pluridisciplinaires. Les TPE/PME sont nombreuses dans ce secteur, tout comme les spécialités exercées. Il y a forcément un cabinet de conseil qui correspond aux centres d’intérêts de chacun."

Read testimonial

After the School of Public Affairs

Laure, Consultant at Yce Partners

Diplômée 2020 du master politiques publiques, spécialité Administration publique

"Aujourd’hui, je suis consultante junior et j’effectue une mission auprès d’un groupement d’intérêt public spécialisé dans les données sociales qui a notamment mis en œuvre l’impôt à la source. Au quotidien, je participe à la gestion d’un autre projet du groupement, celui de la « Déclaration sociale nominative », qui simplifie la relation entre les entreprises et les organismes de protection sociale et administrations : je prépare les réunions, rédige des notes de cadrage, produis des indicateurs de suivi par exemple. J’accompagne par ailleurs, à titre bénévole, une association spécialisée dans l’insertion par l’emploi afin de l’aider à mettre en place des outils de pilotage financier."

Read testimonial

Other portraits at Yce Partners

Alexis Chalopin, "Le service public, d'EY aux services du 1er ministre"

Diplômé 2018 du Double diplôme Sciences Po et LSE, Master European Affairs, au poste de consultant Government & Public Sector chez EY Consulting

Ecouter le témoignage audio d'Alexis Chalopin et lire son portrait

Katharina, Associate at PWC

Graduated in 2019 from the Master in European Affairs, Energy, Environment and Sustainability policy stream

Lire le portrait

After School of International Affairs

Gaia, Government and Public Policy Consultant at PwC France and co-founder of the Carbon Neutrality Challenge. 

Gaia is italian, she has graduated in International Public Management (now International Governance and Diplomacy). 

"My daily work as intern consists mainly in conducting research and formalizing findings, preparing material for client meetings, supporting the team with the development of proposals. A big part of my day is dedicated to working in close collaboration with the other team members and exploring creative and impactful ways to develop solutions for a mission or project. The types of missions in which we operate include: assisting clients in the uptake of SDG-driven operations and public policies, policy advisory for the protection of biodiversity in the development of renewable energies, preparing the digital transformation strategy of public institutions." 

Read the portrait

Wiam, Consultant at ReD Associates

She is Moroccan and has graduated in the Master in International Security. 

"Im responsible for conducting ethnographic and mixed qualitative methods research to power the insights we share with both commercial and non-profit clients."

Read the portrait

Valentina, NextGen Graduate, Strategy & Consulting at 3Shape in Copenhagen

Graduated in International Economic Policy

"I am working on an internal high-impact strategic project with the Head of the Transformation Office. Working in an internal consulting unit is to some extent similar to an external consulting firm: the team’s main responsibility is to solve a variety of organizational problems across the value chain and implement the solutions. The unit sustains the core top management in driving of 3Shape’s overall strategy as well as providing decision-support on key topics."

Read the portrait

Other portraits : 

  • Aleksandra Szylkiewicz is analyst in the global risk consulting firm Control Risks. lire le portrait
  • Gabriela, Coming from the United States, Gabriela Billini has graduated from the Master in International Security. She works as a Security Analyst at Crisis24, based in Paris. Lire le portrait
Last modified 2022-01-28
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Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.
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