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Africa Online Careers Fair
Africa Online Careers Fair

On 6 & 7 April 2022, Ashesi University and Sciences Po invite you to participate in the #Africa Online Careers Fair. Come to learn more about opportunities on the African continent.
Africa Careers Fair
Wednesday 6 et Thursday 7 April 2022
Online on Seekube
It will allow participating firms to:
- access the CV library of all students and graduates registered before the Forum starts and up to 15 days after the Forum ends
- provide students with information on the activities, values, opportunities and recruitment process of apprenticeship through online group presentations
- recruit your future apprentices, during individual meetings scheduled on the platform
Recruit our high potential students
on 6 and 7 April 2022
Please register:
> Registration form
> Registration form
An online forum, how does it work?
3 good reasons to attend an online forum:
- Gaining access to the CV library of all the students looking for an internship/apprenticeship contract before the forum starts and up to 15 days after the forum ends
- Inform students through an online presentation about the activities, values, opportunities and recruitment process of apprenticeships in your firm
- Recruit your future trainees/apprentices during individual meetings scheduled on the platform
Follow an information session about the Seekube platform (via zoom)
During 30/45 minutes, we will show you how Seekube works: how to create your virtual stand, how to add collaborators to your stand, how to post your offers, how to make appointments....we will also answer all your questions.
- Session in English: Thursday 10 March, 14h - 14h45 sign up.
Are you a student?
Last modified 2022-02-22
Job offers
Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.