Homepage > Donia Souad Amamra, Co-founder of Meet my Mama, Graduate of the Master of Public Affairs (2016)

Donia Souad Amamra, Co-founder of Meet my Mama, Graduate of the Master of Public Affairs (2016)

Donia Souad Amamra is a graduate of the School of Public Affairs (2016). Upon graduating from Sciences Po, she co-founded Meet My Mama, a responsible caterer that helps reveal the culinary talents of mamas. Today, Donia directs the association of Meet My Mama, Empower My Mama, which trains and accompanies Mamas in their professionalization. She is a member of the Board of Directors of SINGA, an organization committed to helping refugees. Donia also teaches courses at Sciences Po on gastronomy, culinary arts and culture in the Arab world. For her entrepreneurial journey, Donia has received several awards and distinctions, including the Forbes 30 under 30 and the Bold Women Award.

What are your different professional activities at the moment ?

Today, I have one main one, which is co-founder of Meet my Mama. With Loubna Ksibi, we have created an empowerment method that allows us to accompany women and help them become chef-caterers-entrepreneurs. We have a training academy, the Mama Academy, which trains them for this job. Then, we have a responsible caterer, which allows us to reveal the culinary talents of the mamas, because today our chefs are the mamas that we train.

How did you come up with the idea to launch your startup?

During my studies at Sciences Po, I did a lot of volunteer work, so I already knew I wanted to make an impact. In my third year, I went to the US and discovered the world of volunteering. There, I worked with women and children. When I came back, I did internships in the public and private sectors, but I didn't necessarily fit in. I wanted to do work that had meaning and that I could see the impact. Passionate about cooking, I decided to create Meet my Mama.

What did Sciences Po education bring you? 

I think that the fact that we have very generalist profiles is a real asset in the professional world. This goes hand in hand with a great capacity to adapt and synthesize, as well as a hardworking side. 

An achievement you are particularly proud of?

Meet my Mama of course. But I would also say all the volunteer experiences I've had, in France or abroad, where I could directly see my impact on the field.

What do you like most about your job? What is the most challenging? 

I like not having the same daily routine every day, every week, every quarter. On the other hand, you don't know what to expect every day! 

Any advice for female students at Sciences Po? Especially for those who would like to follow the path of entrepreneurship?

Get involved while you're studying, because you're risking even less. Don't hesitate to take the plunge, even if you make a mistake you can always start over. You shouldn't just do nothing and wait for it to happen. You have to dare! 

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Last modified 2022-03-07
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