Networking with graduates involved in the ecological transition

In collaboration with Les Pépites Vertes and the Environment and Sustainable Development group of Sciences Po Alumni, Sciences Po Carrières invites you to participate in a networking event devoted to careers in the ecological transition.
During two hours, you will be able to exchange with graduates committed to the ecological transition. Good advice on how to find your way.
Les Pépites Vertes : a media to find a job with meaning
Created by Claire l'ÉClair, a graduate of the School of Management and Innovation, Les Pépites Vertes media aims to highlight the careers of Pépites Vertes in order to help you find a job for the ecological transition directly after your studies. It is complementary to the work done on the YouTube programmes of Les Pépites Vertes.
In the context of networking, Les Pépites Vertes is calling on all Sciences Po graduates to come and be inspired.
Sciences Po Alumni
Founded in 1875, three years after the creation of the "École Libre des Sciences Politiques", Sciences Po Alumni is a state-approved association whose purpose is to bring together Sciences Po students and graduates, allowing them to remain connected to their alma mater.
Sciences Po Alumni has two main goals: to form a community based on shared values and a strong sense of belonging, while providing services in line with the expectations and needs of its members.
Juliette Bezier, Head of Experience -
Les Napoleons
(Graduated 2020 School of Management and Innovation, Communication Médias & Industries Créatives)
En tant que Head of Experience des Napoleons, je suis en charge de la coordination générale des événements physiques. Je m'occupe également de la relation avec tous les partenaires des Napoleons, et de manière générale, j'oeuvre au jour le jour pour que l'Expérience vécue par les participants sur les sommets soit la meilleure qui soit. Passionnée de sport, je pratique l'escalade et le trail de façon quotidienne :-)
Léonore Bonnet, Consultante en environnement - Nomadéis
(Graduated 2020 PSIA, Environmental Policy)
After graduating from PSIA's Master's in Environmental Policy in 2020, I decided to focus on environmental and social responsibility consulting, after working for an international organisation (C40 Cities), an association (Agence Parisienne du Climat) and a consulting firm (Vizea). In September 2020, I joined Nomadéis, a human-sized consulting firm involved in a wide range of issues, in order to satisfy my curiosity and to continue training on a wide range of topics related to the ecological transition. I am currently involved in the construction of action plans to improve air quality in several territories and I am also involved in several missions related to sustainable construction.
Benoît Briault, Commercial - Entreprise de tech spécialiste du secteur agriculture et alimentation durables
(Graduated 2012 School of Public Affairs, Sustainable Development )
Eléonore Cartillier, Sustainability Managern - Saint-Gobain
(Graduated School of Public Affaires)
Parcours : Sustainability Manager (Saint-Gobain) depuis octobre 2021 ; Directrice de la RSE d’une organisation syndicale (Fédération Syntec) de 2019 à 2021 ; Conseillère à la Commission Développement Durable et Aménagement du Territoire (Assemblée Nationale) de 2017 à 2019 ; - Consultante en Stratégie et Développement Durable (Ylios) de 2015 à 2017 ;- Diplômée de l’ESSEC, l’ENS Cachan et Sciences Po Paris (Master AP).
Oriane Cebile, Conseillère environnement - Intercommunalités de France
(Graduated 2015 PSIA, Environmental policy)
Sixtine Debatte, Manager Transformation & Innovation -
Abylon, filiale de Veolia
(Graduated 2015 School of Public Affaires, Public Affairs & Economics)
I am a manager at Abylon, a subsidiary of Veolia, specialized in digital transformation consulting for sustainable territories. We provide services to the group and to local authorities on organizational, digital and innovation issues to accelerate the ecological transformation. I have a double master's degree from Sciences Po & Bocconi, and I am passionate about the multidimensional challenges of the digital and ecological revolutions.
Juliette Decq, Manager - Carbone 4
(Graduated 2014 PSIA, Environmental Science and Policy)
As a member of Sciences Po Environnement and then CliMates, I led student and high school simulations of the climate negotiations for COP21 before joining Carbone 4 ( a climate strategy consultant). I wrote Ecologie mieux comprendre pour tout changer published by Larousse with Aurore Bimont. I have been teaching the green finance course for 5 years at the Dauphine Master of Finance.
Albane Demaret, Consultante - Nomadeis
(Graduated 2020 PSIA, International Public Management)
After graduating from PSIA in 2020, I turned to consulting after various experiences in the field of SSE and Circular Economy, within various structures (association, administration, eco-organism) in France and abroad. I started as a CSR consultant with KYU Associés before joining Nomadéis, a consulting firm specialised in environment and sustainable development.
Cloé Dugrillon, Consultante - Nomadéis
(Graduated 2020 PSIA, Environmental Policy)
Je suis consultante en environnement et responsabilité sociétale chez Nomadéis, un cabinet de conseil basé à Paris, je suis titulaire d'un master en politique environnementale, normalienne et agrégée d'anglais. Avec un intérêt marqué pour les sujets énergétiques, je me spécialise plus particulièrement sur les sujets décarbonation et mobilité durable, mais également sur l'économie circulaire et la ville durable.
Florian Dyon,
Digital Manager -
Louis Vuitton
(Graduated 2017 School of Management and Innovation, Communication)
Pierre Flin, Analyste -
Andera Partners
(Graduated 2021 School of Management and Innovation, Finances and Strategy)
For the past year, I have been an analyst at Andera Partners in the energy and ecological transition investment team.
Laetitia Greffet, Business Development - Voltalia
(Graduated 2020 PSIA, International Energy)
Samarth Khitha, Analyste - Bearingpoint
(Graduated 2021 School of Public Affairs, Public Policy)
Samarth is currently a business consultant at BearingPoint, France with over two years experience in technology, media and telecom consulting. He is indian by origin, and wants to continue his career in sustainable technology development and innovation.
Léo Larivière, Consultant en transitions - Nomadéis
(Graduated 2018 School of Public Affairs, Public Policy)
Sensitive to environmental issues, I wanted to put my professional life at the service of meaningful projects for the planet and its inhabitants. In concrete terms: - I develop and promote expertise and solutions to support action against the ecological crisis (#studies, #plaidoyer, #thinktank). - I accompany actors in the field and decision-makers to understand their concrete challenges and provide a response (#advice, #strategy, #analysis).
Nicolas Leconte, Rédacteur métaux critiques et transition énergétique - Ministère des affaires étrangères
(Graduated 2016 School of Public Affairs, spécialité énergie)
As a critical metals and energy transition editor in the energy division of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, I am responsible for making our energy and digital transitions possible on a daily basis. The goals are to ensure the security of our strategic supplies (rare earths, lithium, etc.) by deploying a "mineral diplomacy" towards our partners. My second mission is to set up a diplomacy of electrical networks in a European framework and in connection with international and private partners. I have previously worked as an energy project manager at the Ministry of the Armed Forces as well as in a team at Engie dedicated to an offshore wind farm project.
Morgane Lerville, Account executive - Sweep/Startup
(Graduated 2017 PSIA)
I am currently an account executive at Sweep, a startup that offers software to calculate and monitor the carbon emissions of large companies.
My background is rather atypical, as I started in the semi-public service: international organisations (UNESCO), journalism (RFI), branches of the state (Business France), before moving towards a commercial career. I am also a member of the Shift Project and very involved in climate issues.
Jean-François Michalczyk, Senior consultant Blockchain & Innovation - IBM Interactive
(Graduated 2018 School of Public Affairs, Public Policy)
A lover of pancakes and saxophone, but also of innovation and a meaningful job, Jean-François Michalczyk joined IBM Interactive's Blockchain practice at the end of 2018. He is now a senior consultant and participates in exciting blockchain projects in the field of energy transition and the circular economy, within a dynamic and caring team.
Alice Messin-Roizard, Avocate - Robin des droits
(Graduated 2019 Law School)
I graduated in 2019 from the Sciences Po Law School and I am now a lawyer in environmental law. I also co-founded a blog called "Robin des droits" which aims to explain, analyse and decode current events related to environmental law. The articles published on Robin des droits are particularly addressed to non-lawyers (but lawyers are also welcome!) and show that environmental law is fascinating, and everywhere in our daily lives.
Céline Nogues, Board member Association - MR21, Responsible Managers Network
(Graduated1996 Research School - Relations internationales)
Parcours : Directrice exécutive Organisation pour la prévention de la cécité (ONG) -Vice-présidente du groupe Environnement et Développement durable Sciences Po Alumni - Membre du bureau élargi du groupe Economie sociale et solidaire - Membre du Conseil d'administration - Membre du bureau Association MR21, réseau des managers responsables.
Sciences-Po 1996 - Relations internationales Centrale Supélec 2021 - Entreprise et développement durable Parcours professionnel au service de l'intérêt général, principalement au sein d'associations
Eeva Nordstrom, Responsable RSE et Mécénat - Emerige
(Graduated 2018 School of Public Affairs - Public policy, Cultural Policy and Management)
Graduated in 2018, career with different cultural operators, then CSR & sponsorship manager at Emerige, a real estate developer. In charge of managing and defining the company's commitment strategy, I act to improve its environmental impact and contribute to its societal impact. Among my projects is the development of the group's climate, biodiversity and circular economy strategies.
Marie Pouliquen, Intérimaire - DG ENER -Commission Européenne
(Promo 2021 School of Public Affairs - Affaires Européennes - Spécialité Energie, Environnement et Développement Durable)
Passionnée dès le début de mon cursus à SciencesPo par les enjeux liés à la transition écologique, et plus particulièrement à la transition énergétique, j'ai cherché à contribuer de la manière la plus concrète possible à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, à tous les niveaux! Nantes Métropole, RTE, le Ministère de la transition écologique, WWF-France, le Cabinet de conseil Transitions et aujourd'hui…la Commission Européenne! Une excellente manière de combiner à la fois mon engagement pour une Europe Fédérale et la mise en oeuvre d'actions concrètes liées au Green Deal.
Gautier Queru, Managing director - Mirova
(Graduated 2004, Economics and Law)
Gautier is an expert in green finance and runs the natural capital investment funds at Mirova, an investment management company dedicated to sustainable development, which is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers. After gaining initial experience at the French Ministry of Economy on the implementation of carbon markets, Gautier joined the European Carbon Fund (ECF) at its launch in 2005. From 2005 to 2013, he managed investments in greenhouse gas emission reduction projects in developing countries in the framework of the Kyoto Protocol, then managed the portfolio and ultimately the management of the funds. Gautier then joined Mirova where he first contributed to the development of funds dedicated to renewable energy before launching the natural capital activity in 2015 in partnership with the United Nations. By leading the development of funds dedicated to both sustainable value chains (agroforestry, sustainable forest management) and the generation of carbon credits within the framework of Nature-based Solutions, he has enabled Mirova to pioneer the financing of nature protection and regeneration. An engineer by training, Gautier is also a graduate of Sciences Po Paris (2004).
Christine Rebêche, Chargée de mission énergie - Ministère de l'Economie
(Graduated 2018 School of Public Affairs, Public Policy)
Diplômée 2018 du Master politiques publiques spécialité énergie de l’Ecole d’Affaires publiques, je travaille depuis deux ans au Ministère de l’Economie des finances et de la relance sur le développement de l’offre française de décarbonation et des énergies renouvelables à la Direction Générale des entreprises.
Jourdain Vaillant, Diplomate - Ministère de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères
(Graduated 2017 School of Public Affairs)
Diplomate en charge des négociations climatiques en formats COP, G7 et G20
Nicolas Vogtenberger, Chief of Staff - Publicis Media
(Graduated 2018 School of Public Affairs, Poblic Policy)
I currently work for the President of Publicis Media France. Among the subjects I work on on a daily basis are, on the one hand, issues related to digital and the transformation of the media and communication industry. On the other hand, I work on many CSR issues with the transformation of the company and its activities to make them more sustainable.