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3 published articles linked to this label

Alix Defrain-Meunier

My dream of working in New York at the heart of the diplomatic world came true

Thanks to the Marion Bruley Scholarship, Alix Defrain-Meunier interned at the French Consulate in New York. The financial aid was essential for her to carry out her plan of interning in New York. She shares her rich and intense professional experience at the heart of the city which never sleeps with us.

Focus sur la bourse Pierre Ledoux

As tu deja entenu parler de la bourse Pierre Ledoux? Sur les 6000 stages effectués annuellement par les élèves de SCPO, 25% se déroulent à l'étranger. La Fondation Pierre Ledoux - Jeunesse Internationale, sous l’égide de la Fondation de France, reconduit depuis 14 ans sous forme de bourses de stages, un programme d’aide à la mobilité des étudiants inscrits à Sciences Po (programmes 1er cycle et Master) avec une enveloppe globale de 20 000€ par an.
Augustin Chirol


Like all undergraduate Sciences Po students, Augustin has spent his third year abroad. He has taking advantage of this experience to carry out a long term internship at the French Embassy in Washinton DC. He tells us about his missions there, the Master’s degree program he would like to enroll in next, and what he was able to do thanks to the Marion Bruley scholarship.

Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
Launched by two graduates (class of 2020) from Law School : Agnès de Fortanier (Master in Economic Law) and Thomas Harbor (dual degree Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU is a newsletter putting together a concise, well-documented, and informative weekly wrap-up of the news that matters at a continental scale — from a European perspective. Sciences Po Careers interviewed Augustin Bourleaud, in charge of its edition, who is currently a double master's degree student between Sciences Po and the London School of Economics.
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