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Cvs and cover letters

2 published articles linked to this label

atelier écrire un CV

How to write CVs

Although essential in successfully landing an interview, CVs often turn out to be a headache when it comes to writing. Find some tips below to create à more impactful CV and make recruiters want to hire you!
Summer School 2014 étudiants en cours

How to write a cover letter

The danger, when writing a cover letter, is to launch into writing with no plan in mind, and therefore rapidly lose inspiration or end up summarizing your CV. Below are some useful tips which might help you save time and overcome this perilous exercise.

If you are looking for interns or future employees, our guide 'Recruit at Sciences Po' will provide the relevant information about our students, the careers we train them for and how to leverage this great pool of talent to meet your recruitment needs.
Launched by two graduates (class of 2020) from Law School : Agnès de Fortanier (Master in Economic Law) and Thomas Harbor (dual degree Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU is a newsletter putting together a concise, well-documented, and informative weekly wrap-up of the news that matters at a continental scale — from a European perspective. Sciences Po Careers interviewed Augustin Bourleaud, in charge of its edition, who is currently a double master's degree student between Sciences Po and the London School of Economics.
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