The Sciences Po Careers physical and remote reception will be closed on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 September.
The Sciences Po's annual 1st jobs and internships recruitment fair will take place on Friday the 27th of September on our Parisian Campus (1 place St-Thomas d'Aquin) and will continue online on the 1st and the 2nd of October.
Discover the world of international cooperation with Héloïse Voisin, a graduate of the Master's program in International Security. Now a consultant with the World Bank, she brings her expertise to crisis management in West and Central Africa.
As part of our annual Graduate Employability Survey, we reached out to our 2021 graduates to know more about their careers. The answers given by more than 2400 alumni confirm that Sciences Po graduates remain as excellent and employable as ever. Read the key findings of this year’s survey.
Would you like to recruit an intern, apprentice, or future collaborator from Sciences Po? Discover the internship and apprenticeship calendars of Sciences Po according to the profiles you are looking for. Throughout the year, you can post your offers on our job boards and participate in our career forums and events, either in person or remotely.
L'Association Française de Science Économique (AFSE) a annoncé le lauréat 2023 de son Prix Edmond Malinvaud : Michele Fioretti. Il est le quatrième chercheur de Sciences Po à recevoir ce prix depuis sa création en 2010.
Engagé en faveur de l'emploi des personnes en situation de handicap, Capgemini Invent soutient le programme Sciences Po accessible depuis plus de 10 ans. Quelle politique d'emploi et d'insertion des étudiants et diplômés en situation de handicap est-elle mise en place au sein du groupe? Sandrine Rossignol, Responsable de Mission Handicap au sein de Capgemini Invent répond à nos questions.