2017 Orientation Week Program of Workshops

During four days, Career Service consultants, coaches and HR professionals will assist you in working on your CV, reflecting on your orientation plan and on the building of your professional career through the STRONG and MBTI Tests.

Refine Your Career Plan with the STRONG and MBTI FORMS

« Professional Interests » Workshop – STRONG Form

The STRONG is a professional interest questionnaire which helps you identify professional realms and sectors for which you could have an interest, as well as your personal ways of making contact with others, learning, leading, taking risks and working as a team. You will take the online questionnaire beforehand and benefit from a group feedback and discussion during the workshop.

« Self-knowledge » Workshop, MBTI Form

To help you understand how you function in your relationships with others, the MBTI, most-widely used psychological indicator in the world, will allow you to define several of your most important character traits to best help you in your professional orientation.

Workshop “Rely On Your Talents to Succeed” GALLUPS STRENGTH FINDER Form

To be conscious of your natural talents is a true asset in building your career plan and choosing your orientation. An innovative tool perfected by Gallup, an American institute of studies and research in management, the Strength Finder questionnaire builds on thorough studies on success factors for people in their work and allows all to identify their dominant talents and to open new possibilities. After having answered the online questionnaire, you will receive feedback and discuss the results in small groups during the interactive workshop. 

Program (estimate)

  Mardi 17 janvier  Mercredi 18 janvier Jeudi 19 janvier Vendredi 20 janvier
9 AM-12 AM  MBTI Workshop, room 7 with Isabelle Hua MBTI Workshop, room 7 with Isabelle Hua MBTI Workshop, room 7 with Isabelle Hua
MBTI Workshop, room 8 with Pascale Charpiot
STRONG Workshop, room 7 with Fabrice Barthelemy
12 AM-3 PM  MBTI Workshop, room 7 with Isabelle Hua MBTI Workshop, room 7 with Isabelle Hua

STRENGHTS FINDER Workshop, room 9 with Maureen Rabotin

3 PM-6 PM 

STRONG Workshop, room 9 with Félicité Gasparetto
STRENGHTS FINDER Workshoproom10 with Florence Hardy

STRONG Workshop, room 8 with Fabrice Barthelemy and Isabelle Hua
STRENGHTS FINDER Workshop, room 9 with Florence Hardy

STRONG Workshop, room 8 with Pascale Charpiot
room 9 with Maureen Rabotin



Fabrice BARTHELEMY – having graduated with a Master’s in Contemporary History, Fabrice Barthelemy first started his career in a recruitment firm, before moving to outplacement. After 4 years of experience in mass retail as a Recruitment and Training Officer, he joined the Galeries Lafayette where he was in charge of managers’ and non-managers’ recruitment, development of school relations and career management. For fours years now, he has been a Career Consultant for the Sciences Po Career Services, in charge of students’ professional orientation and integration. He has Golden (self-knowledge tool), PAPI (personality questionnaire) and STRONG (professional interests’ questionnaire) certifications.

Pascale CHARPIOT – an EM Lyon graduate, Pascale Charpiot first worked as a consultant for an international consulting firm, assisting in clients’ transformation (organisations, job sectors) in France and abroad. Moving towards Human Resources, she became Project Director, then HR Business Unit Manager, founder of Alistea Conseil. Today she assists organisations, teams, executives and managers with individual and collective coaching, guidance and outplacement. She has both MBTI and STRONG certifications.

Florence HARDY – a Sciences Po graduate, Florence Hardy started her career in the consulting firm Accenture with organisation missions for large industrial  and commercial companies. She then joined the edition firm Marshall Cavendish, French branch of an anglo-singaporian group, first as a Marketing and Development Manager, then as the General Director of the French branch. She presently assists executives, teams and employees with coaching and training. She is certified in FFP professional coaching and as a Gallup Strength Coach.

Isabelle HUA – an ESCP Europe graduate with a Master’s in Training Engineering, Isabelle Hua has worked over fifteen years as a Marketing Consultant in the French branches of large international groups. Since 2005, as an independent consultant, she hosts management and personal development training courses. As a coach and as an MBTI certified professional, she is regularly present in companies and at universities to assist the students. She lives between Paris and Boston. 

Do you know how to write a CV ?

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