Accueil > Elise Lauriot dit Prevost, graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action

Elise Lauriot dit Prevost, graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action

Elise Lauriot dit Prevost has graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. She is a jurist in a law firm specialized in the fields of International Criminal Law, Human Rights and Terrorism.

What is your role and main responsibilities? 

I work at Impact Litigation, Jeanne Sulzr’s law firm (who is also a Professor at PSIA). I am a jurist, which means I am not a lawyer. I am currently undertaking a masters in law at a distance so that I can attempt the bar and become a lawyer. I work in a small firm so I have many different responsibilities which include taking notes at trials, currently the trial for the november 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris. I also work on other international law cases where I review evidence, speak to victims, liaise with NGOs...

How did you secure this role? 

I originally started as an intern at the firm and luckily got offered a full time position at the end of my internship.

What is the most fascinating and/or surprising aspect at your role?

The most fascinating aspect of my role is being able to work on a variety of cases and projects, and having the feeling that the work I do positively contributes to their outcomes.

How did your PSIA experience help you with the role? 

PSIA gave me the opportunity to learn from a wide range of fascinating professionals who taught me many valuable skills along the way, including the person I currently work for, Jeanne Sulzer, Attorney at law in the fields of International Criminal Law, Human Rights and Terrorism.

What advice would you give to others? 

I would tell others to say yes to opportunities as you never know what they will bring and to invest yourself in your work.

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Mise à jour 26/10/2021
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