World Volunteer


Our history

World Volunteer is based on the knowledge and experience of the two founders of the organization, Jesper and David, who have worked in SE Asia through different volunteer and education projects since 2004. The established collaborations and contacts that make up the foundation of the organization are a result of their experiences, which creates the safety net for World Volunteer’s increasingly successful programs.

Successful programs

World Volunteer works closely together with every volunteer. Education, introductions and regular reviews result in continuing quality and safety for the volunteers throughout their employment. Our contacts in Laos and Sri Lanka are built through a long-term friendly relationship and cooperation with our partners. The organization work towards offering more programs where volunteers can contribute in a sustainable way.

The future

World Volunteer is at an interesting stage, with a growing number of motivated and engaged individuals working hard to develop the organization further. We have the opportunity to be flexible with regards to our programs and we can adjust to find suitable solutions for our volunteers and our partners.

World Volunteer’s recent developments have resulted in us now also being able to offer volunteers the opportunity to do summer internships in Laos as well as the expansion of volunteering opportunities to Sri Lanka.


World Volunteer
Idungatan 4B
11345 Stockholm, Suède Tél : +8562099887046
Site Web
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Créée par deux diplômés de la promotion 2020 de l'Ecole de droit : Agnès de Fortanier (master Droit économique) et Thomas Harbor (double diplôme Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU est une newsletter qui propose un résumé hebdomadaire concis, bien documenté et informatif des actualités importantes de l'Union Européenne. Questions à Augustin Bourleaud, étudiant du double diplôme Sciences Po / London School of Economics qui supervise depuis septembre 2022 la newsletter.
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