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#Africa Online Fair: Sciences Po's first online internship and job fair for Africa

Etudiants boursiers mastercard
For the first time, Sciences Po is featuring job and internship opportunities in Africa with the #Africa online career fair. Why Africa? Because the potential is there, the context is favourable, and the governance and development of human capital are vitally important for strengthening and consolidating the continent’s economic development. Through several specialised teaching programmes (Europe-Africa programme, PSIA Africa concentration, etc.) Sciences Po educates and prepares students and young graduates for work on African issues. Africa is a land of opportunity, so for two months, Sciences Po Careers will invite you to discover exciting internship and job openings and will share the testimonials of students and graduates who have had a professional experience in Africa.


As a student :

  • Visit the #Africa Online Careers Fair
    and browse the many internships and job openings until the end of April
  • Set up alerts for openings in Africa:
    1- Connect to the Careers website and under Internship/Job Openings, select Alert e-mail.
    2- Name your Africa internship or job alert by selecting the countries that interest you.
    3- Receive the selection of openings for your target countries daily or weekly in your student mailbox.

As an employer :

  • Post your openings right now via our online submission form
  • They will be highlighted on our site for three months


Can I do an internship in Africa? Yes, you can, and you should !
Maxime Chaury, consultant at Roland Berger, Casablanca
Graduate of the Master in International Public Management, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA)

Adama Gaye, developing Saint-Gobain in Africa

Adama Gaye, Business Developer West Africa, Saint Gobain Glass Exprover,
Graduate (2014) of the Master of Public Affairs, School of Public Affairs

$8.2 million worth of scholarships for African students

 See all articles and testimonials on #Africa

Last modified 2018-02-07
Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
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