Homepage > Africa


29 published articles linked to this label


Abel, founder and director of Marvel Act Youth Organisation in Paris, graduated 2019 Master of Advanced Global Studies - Development Practice Track

A graduate in Advanced Global Studies (Development Practice), Abel Mavura is founder and director of Marvel Act Youth Organisation in Paris, France.

Vaishnavi, Regional Programme Innovation Advisor for East Africa at the WFP Regional Bureau in Kenya, graduated 2020 International Development

Vaishnavi Pavithran has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Development. She is Regional Programme Innovation Advisor for East Africa at the WFP Regional Bureau in Kenya.

Kannelle, Head of Sciences Po's East Africa Office in Nairobi, graduated in International Public Management

Kannelle Hughes has graduated in International Public Management (now know as International Governance & Diplomacy). She is Head of Sciences Po's East Africa Office in Nairobi, Kenya.

Philibert, Assistant au Cabinet du Ministre d'Etat chargé de l'Economie et des Finances du Bénin, diplômé 2018 Finance et Stratégie

Après avoir étudié l’économie et la gestion à l’Ecole Nationale d’Economie Appliquée et de Management (ENEAM) et à la Faculté des Sciences Economique et de Gestion (FASEG) de l’Université d’Abomey Calavi, Philibert Adankon a intégré en 2018 le Master en Finance et Stratégie de Sciences Po, grâce au programme de la foundation Mastercard. Il travaille aujourd'hui au sein du Cabinet du ministre d'Etat chargé de l'Economie et des Finances du Bénin. Portrait.

Miriam, consultante Dalberg à Dakar, diplômée 2021 en développement international

Miriam Odonkor est diplômée de l'Université d'Ashesi au Ghana où elle a obtenu une licence en gestion d’entreprise. Boursière de la fondation mastercard, elle a effectué un master en développement international. Elle est aujourd'hui consultante chez Dalberg à Abidjan.

Que deviennent les étudiants boursiers de la mastercard foundation?

3 anciens étudiants du programme de bourses de la Mastercard Foundation, venant du Ghana, du Kenya et du Bénin, partagent leurs expériences de retour en Afrique après leurs études à Sciences Po, et donnent des conseils aux étudiants actuels désireux d'explorer des carrières sur le continent africain.

4 - 8 april: African careers week

In collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Programme and with the Sciences Po's Directorate of International Affairs, Sciences Po Careers invites you to discover the wide variety of careers in Africa after Sciences Po. You will also have the opportunity to meet employers at the Africa Career Fair Online organised in partnership with Ashesi University in Ghana .
Gawie Kenjemba

Gawie Kenjemba, manager for strategy, innovation & digitalization (Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board), graduated from PSIA

As the first Namibian to have joined PSIA, Gawie Kanjemba has graduated from the Master’s in International Energy (Project management & Emerging Economies). He has recently been awarded the Fulbright Scholarship to complete his LLM in the USA.
mc cann

Brent, Associate (Camber collective), graduated from the Paris School of International Affaires

Brent McCann graduated in 2018 with a Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action with concentrations in African Studies and Methods. Brent is currently working for Camber Collective, a mission-driven strategy consulting firm engaging with philanthropic, humanitarian, and governmental organizations on a wide array of development topics e.g. women’s empowerment, family planning, climate change. Brent is based in Paris, while Camber Collective has additional offices in Seattle and San Francisco.
World food programme

United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and Sciences Po: a cooperation that makes sense

In 2018, out of 25 internships offered worldwide for their Summer programme, 15 Sciences Po students had the great opportunity to travel the world and work for the WFP. In January 2019, a new WFP Summer internship programme is launched: will you be part of it?
Rime Melake

World Food Programme in Ethiopia: how collaborative work can serve the most vulnerable populations to achieve zero hunger.

Rim Melake is a Dual Degree Student at Sciences Po and Bocconi University. In Paris, she studies International Development with the concentrations in Agriculture and Global Health - in Milan, Economics and Management of Governments and International Organisations. At the end of her M1, she was offered to return a second time in Ethiopia to work as an intern for the WFP Relief and the Refugee team in Addis Ababa.
Astou Diouf

"I believe in service leadership"

Astou Diouf from Senegal is part of the first cohort of Mastercard Foundation Scholars studying at the Sciences Po campus in Reims. Astou plans one day to start a business in the agri-food industry in Africa.

L'Afrique a été pour moi une révélation

Pour son stage de fin d'études Fanny Moral, diplômée 2016 du master Communication de l'Ecole de la Communication (aujourd'hui Ecole de Management et de l'Innovation), tenait absolument à partir à l'étranger et l'Afrique du Sud l'attirait alors particulièrement. Depuis près de 2 ans aujourd'hui, Fanny est Chargée de communication et marketing pour Enko Education à Johannesbourg.

Lancez-vous pour une première expérience professionnelle en Afrique !

Pour sa troisième année hors les murs, plutôt que d'effectuer une année universitaire à l'étranger Charlotte Burrier, alors étudiante du programme Europe Afrique sur le Campus de Reims, avait choisi de réaliser deux stages en Afrique : l'un en Tanzanie, l'autre en Afrique du Sud. Après un MSc en double-diplôme Sciences Po / FGV (Fudaçao Getulio Vargas) et une expérience en Amérique latine, Charlotte est depuis juin 2017 "Project manager" chez Enko Education au Mozambique. Elle partage avec vous son expérience de l'Afrique...
Zipporah Gakuu


Zipporah Gakuu is a first-year student and part of the first cohort of Mastercard Foundation scholars at Sciences Po. From Kenya to her first steps on campus to today, her commitment to giving back to society and defending women and children’s rights is growing everyday.

Sciences Po invests in African talents

Today is the official opening of Sciences Po’s office in Nairobi, Kenya—our first in Africa. This makes Sciences Po the first French university to have an office in an English-speaking part of the continent. The office will coordinate and run a whole series of activities in sub-Saharan Africa.
Etudiants boursiers mastercard

#Africa Online Fair: Sciences Po's first online internship and job fair for Africa

For the first time, Sciences Po is featuring job and internship opportunities in Africa with the #Africa online career fair. Why Africa? Because the potential is there, the context is favourable, and the governance and development of human capital are vitally important for strengthening and consolidating the continent’s economic development. Through several specialised teaching programmes (Europe-Africa programme, PSIA Africa concentration, etc.) Sciences Po educates and prepares students and young graduates for work on African issues. Africa is a land of opportunity, so for two months, Sciences Po Careers will invite you to discover exciting internship and job openings and will share the testimonials of students and graduates who have had a professional experience in Africa.

The future is being built today

Fitiavana Andry from Madagascar wants to play a part in her country's future. Fitiavana belongs to the first cohort of Sciences Po - MasterCard Foundation scholars, a programme that supports committed students from Africa.
Maxime Chaury

Can I do an internship in Africa? Yes you can, and you should!

Maxime Chaury got interested in Africa very early on with the adoption of his brother and sister from Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) when he was nine years old. Subsequently, he fed his interest in the continent with his reading in African history and literature, his non-profit commitments, academic study and professional experiences. Curious and eager, Maxime came to Sciences Po for a wide-ranging education with an international perspective. Maxime graduated in 2015 with a Master of International Public Management from the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). He now works as a consultant for Roland Berger in Casablanca. After several experiences in Africa, he is convinced that the continent is a land of opportunity for those who want to develop their initiative and entrepreneurial skills.
Thibaud Leclerc

Thibaud Leclerc, fondateur de Trustin Africa

Pour le troisième numéro de la série « Regards d’Alumni Afrique », Sciences Po Alumni Afrique vous propose de découvrir le profil et parcours de Thibaud Leclerc (Promo 10), fondateur de Trustin, qui accompagne des PME et des ETI sur tout le continent africain.
Adama Gaye

Adama Gaye développe Saint-Gobain en Afrique

Pour le lancement de la série « Regards d’Alumni Afrique » portée par leur Division Afrique Sciences Po Alumni proposait de découvrir le parcours d’Adama Gaye (Promo 2014), correspondant pour l’association des anciens au Ghana et au Nigeria. Deux ans seulement après l’obtention de son diplôme en Affaires Publiques, Adama est responsable du développement des activités de Saint-Gobain en Afrique de l’Ouest.
Mamadou Diallo

Mamadou Diallo, consultant en Affaires publiques à Abidjan

Dans le cadre de la série « Regards d’Alumni Afrique », portée par sa Division Afrique, Sciences Po Alumni vous propose de découvrir le parcours de Mamadou Diallo, fondateur d’un cabinet de conseil en Affaires Publiques à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Master card

New scholarships for students from Sub-Saharan Africa

The MasterCard Foundation has just announced a six-year, USD$8.2 million (around €7.6 million) partnership with Sciences Po, to offer 120 bright, next-generation leaders from African countries a world-class social sciences education at one of Europe’s leading universities.
Master card

Meet the first Mastercard Foundation scholars at SciencesPo

The first five students to benefit from the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Programme at Sciences Po come from across sub-Saharan Africa. Astou Diouf, 18, is from Senegal, Zipporah Gakuu, 19, from Kenya, Romaric Compaore, 18, from Burkina Faso, Ashale Chi, 17, from Cameroon, and Fitiavana Andry, 17, from Madagascar, making this first cohort representative of Africa in all its diversity.


Ashale Chi from Cameroon is part of the first cohort of MasterCard Foundation Scholars at Sciences Po. Ashale talked to us about her first months in the Europe-Africa programme on the Sciences Po campus in Reims and her healthy passion for helping others.

Committed to Africa

Romaric Compaoré comes from Burkina Faso and is working on a project to facilitate access to water in his village. Romaric is part of the first cohort of Sciences Po - MasterCard Foundation Scholars, a programme to educate and support bright young African students with a personal commitment to changing the world around them.


Sciences Po has a partnership with the World Food Programme. In 2016-2017, five Students from Sciences Po had the chance to do an internship in one of the WFP offices. A very selective process, as 22 positions were offered worldwide… Sciences Po did really well placing five Students!Interview with Marella Fenker, currently in Master 2 International Public Management,about her internship with the World Food Programme in Ethiopia

L’Excellence et l’Innovation font partie de notre ADN commun

Directrice des ressources humaines pour L’Oréal, basée à Johannesburg et responsable du pôle Talent pour tout le continent africain, Virginie Dias-Tagnon développe une stratégie ambitieuse : un hub Afrique. Où il est question d’innovation, de recherche et de développement. Des critères d’excellence qu’elle souhaite partager avec les diplômés de Sciences Po.
Oumar Yarani KEITA

Comment le stage de 3A m'a aidé à appréhender le marché du travail

De retour à Paris, entre les murs de Sciences Po, Oumar Yarani Keita rentre tout juste d'un stage 3A de huit mois effectué au sein d'un cabinet d'avocats au Sénégal. Il a mené sa recherche de stage comme une recherche d'emploi, et souhaite partager sa méthode de recherche avec tous les étudiants qui chercheraient un stage....

Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.
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