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United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and Sciences Po: a cooperation that makes sense

World food programme
In 2018, out of 25 internships offered worldwide for their Summer programme, 15 Sciences Po students had the great opportunity to travel the world and work for the WFP. In January 2019, a new WFP Summer internship programme is launched: will you be part of it?

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization fighting hunger worldwide and working towards the global goal of ending hunger by 2030. WFP is delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. Two-thirds of its work is in conflict-affected countries where people are three times more likely to be undernourished than those living in countries without conflict. An average of 80 million people receive food assistance in around 80 countries each year by WFP while almost 15,000 people are dedicatedly working for the organization.

WFP policies determine how food and nutrition assistance is provided. The Policy and Programme Division (OSZ) plays a leading role in policy formulation and design, through close consultation across the organization and with partners around the globe. OSZ provides substantive strategic and technical guidance, backstops WFP Regional Bureaux support to Country Offices, assists Country Offices to roll out and mainstream pilots, innovations and know-how. 

The OSZ Internship Programme

In 2016, the WFP launched an internship programme to strengthen the talent pipeline of WFP’s programme policy function, which represents twenty percent of WFP’s global workforce, while offering a unique learning experience to top graduate students.

Joining the OSZ Summer Internship Programme offers top students a first-hand experience of the work of the United Nations World Food Programme and its mission to achieve Zero Hunger. Students will have the chance to gain exposure to the work of WFP, learn new skills, meet highly capable and dynamic WFP staff and grow personally through this international experience. This initiative is only offered to a select group of Universities, amongst them Sciences Po, while regular internship opportunities are open to the public. It targets top educational institutions in the world.

Joining the OSZ Summer Internship Programme offers top students a first-hand experience of the work of the United Nations World Food Programme and its mission to achieve Zero Hunger.

How to apply?

  • From January 23rd 2019, internship positions are advertised through Sciences Po Careers and your academic advisors.
  • All application deadlines have been set for February 17th 2019.
  • Interviews will be held starting by the end of February and through March 2019, and positions should be confirmed by the end of April 2019. This calendar might be subject to modifications due to large amount of applications.
Only students or recent graduates from selected top Universities can apply and compete for OSZ summer internship opportunities, over 3 months period during summer (May-August 2019).
You are encouraged to hand in multiple applications if the field and positions are relevant to your curriculum.
We count on the excellence of your applications: you will be Sciences Po’s ambassadors at United Nations World Food Programme!


My internship at WFP : how I had a small impact on food insecurity in Ethiopia

Testimony by Marella Fenker
Master 2 International Public Management

My internship at WFP in Tadjikistan

Testimony by Emily ter Steeg
M2 International Security, Sciences Po/LSE double degree

Crédit photo : @WFP

Last modified 2019-01-29
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