Homepage > Recruit our talents! Take part in Sciences Po Careers Fair 2019

Recruit our talents! Take part in Sciences Po Careers Fair 2019

careers fair
Sciences Po Careers Fair 2019 will be held on Friday 27 September from 10AM to 5PM in Parc Expo Paris Versailles (Paris). This annual information and recruitment fair is a unique opportunity for you to meet with 1600 Sciences Po students and graduates.

Why taking part in the Careers Fair 2019?

Open to every type of organization : large, medium or small private sector companies, startups, public administraitions, international organizations, associations or NGOs, social businesses, foundations, lobbies or think tanks, this fair is an opportunity for you to :

  • inform our students and graduates about your activities, values, job or internship opportunities, recruitment process...
  • Recruit your future interns or employees and managers in job or internships
  • Raise your visbility amongst our students

Register now for the Career Fair 2019 (and benefit from our Early bird rates! )

40 % of our graduates are recruited prior to graduation

Why recruit our students?

For two years, our 6,000 Master's students trained in our 7 graduate schools are in constant contact with the realities and challenges of the professional world. The academic courses delivered by Sciences Po's faculty are complemented by specialised courses from recognised practionners in their sector. It enables them to excel in senior positions within your businesses or organisations.

Our graduates' outstanding analytical skills, intellectual agility and curiosity, writing skills and adaptability are highly valued by recruiters.

Consult our 2018 employability survey (class of 2016)

Consult our guide 'Recruit at Sciences Po'

our 7 graduate schools
more than 30 masters programs

  • School of public affairs
  • School of international affairs (PSIA)
  • Law school
  • School of journalism
  • School of management and innovation
  • Urban school
  • Doctoral school

back to the careers fair 2018

forum, key data

 + 100 employers
500 Human ressources, employees, managers
 1 500 students and graduates
 10 areas
-> Banking. Finance. Insurance
-> Auditing. Consulting
-> Media. Press. Communications. Digital. Entertainement
-> Luxury goods. Distribution
-> Industries. Services.Transports. Housing. Construction
-> Environment
-> Startups
-> International organizations
-> NGOs. Associations. Social business
-> Public administrations


Careers events manager
01 45 49 72 94

Last modified 2019-07-02
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