Homepage > Camille Habe, student in the Dual Degree with the Stockholm School of Economics

Camille Habe, student in the Dual Degree with the Stockholm School of Economics

Camille Habe is a student in the Dual Degree with the Stockholm School of Economics, enrolled in the Master in Environmental Policy at PSIA. She was recently awarded the European Central Bank’s Women in Economics Scholarship.

What was the application process like for this scholarship?

I heard about the ECB scholarship thanks to my program coordinator at the Stockholm School of Economics, but I doubted my own abilities to obtain it, as central banking is not my really my field. I decided nonetheless to give it a try and submitted my application. I had to explain my current funding situation, to write a short summary of one of the papers I handed in during my studies and a short motivation letter. The second stage of the selection process was a 20 minutes online interview with three ECB representatives. I received a call a few weeks later telling me that I was one of the laureates.

What does the scholarship entail?

The scholarship offers not only financial support, but also mentoring from an ECB economist and a study visit to Frankfurt. Unfortunately, I missed the study visit due to an exam. But to receive mentoring from a researcher in a EU institution has been amazing. My mentor is very supportive and of great help in academic and career matters. I also gained insights on hot topics at the ECB - notably climate change and the risk it represents for financial stability.

What has the scholarshop meant to you?

I still do not picture myself in central banking. However, this scholarship gave me a lot of confidence and strengthened my ambition. I strongly encourage all the women students in economics to apply, just to see where it leads. I almost fell into the trap of self-selecting myself out of the process, but I would have missed out on a lot if I had not applied!

Last modified 2020-06-19
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