Camille Habe, student in the Dual Degree with the Stockholm School of Economics

What was the application process like for this scholarship?
I heard about the ECB scholarship thanks to my program coordinator at the Stockholm School of Economics, but I doubted my own abilities to obtain it, as central banking is not my really my field. I decided nonetheless to give it a try and submitted my application. I had to explain my current funding situation, to write a short summary of one of the papers I handed in during my studies and a short motivation letter. The second stage of the selection process was a 20 minutes online interview with three ECB representatives. I received a call a few weeks later telling me that I was one of the laureates.
What does the scholarship entail?
The scholarship offers not only financial support, but also mentoring from an ECB economist and a study visit to Frankfurt. Unfortunately, I missed the study visit due to an exam. But to receive mentoring from a researcher in a EU institution has been amazing. My mentor is very supportive and of great help in academic and career matters. I also gained insights on hot topics at the ECB - notably climate change and the risk it represents for financial stability.
What has the scholarshop meant to you?
I still do not picture myself in central banking. However, this scholarship gave me a lot of confidence and strengthened my ambition. I strongly encourage all the women students in economics to apply, just to see where it leads. I almost fell into the trap of self-selecting myself out of the process, but I would have missed out on a lot if I had not applied!