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221 published articles linked to this label

Portrait of Héloïse Voisin, Conflict Specialist Consultant for the World Bank
Discover the world of international cooperation with Héloïse Voisin, a graduate of the Master's program in International Security. Now a consultant with the World Bank, she brings her expertise to crisis management in West and Central Africa.
Dans cette série de portraits dédiée au Parcours civique, quatre étudiantes et étudiants en bachelor au Collège universitaire nous racontent leurs expériences de terrain, leur engagement, leur évolution personnelle et professionnelle.

On 27 & 28 March 2024, as part of the Africa Careers Week, more than 30 employers will recruit you in internships or first jobs on the Seekube platform.

"I am convinced of the potential of the African continent"
Guillaume Koukoui is a 2022 graduate of the Master in International Economic Policy. A French-Beninese, he is currently Private Secretary to the Ambassador, Deputy Head of Mission. In parallel to his activities, he co-founded Nyota, a CV library dedicated to the African continent, which aims to connect students and graduates with recruiters on that region. A member of the Cercle Afrique, Guillaume will lead a round table on career opportunities in Africa. Tuesday 14 March 2023 from 12 to 1pm at Sciences Po.

[ENG] Sye Yuet Loy : from the Master Governing the Large Metropolis to Tiktok's Trust & Safety Team.
Discover the experience of Sye Yuet Loy, her studies, her job... in english !

Thomas Chailloux, analyste en politique publique dans une ONG
Thomas Chailloux est analyste en politique publique dans une ONG après avoir été diplômé de l'école urbaine. Lisez ici son portrait réalisé par l'École Urbaine de Sciences Po.

Charles Béna, chargé d’études au Groupe Huit
Charles est diplômé de l'école urbaine depuis 2020, et travail aujourd'hui comme chargé d'études en urbanisme.

Le stage de 3ème année d'Alix au sein du Groupe M6
A défaut de pouvoir partir à l'étranger en raison de la pandémie Alix Cliquot a réalisé son stage de troisième année au sein du Groupe M6 à Paris en tant qu'assistante communication des programmes de divertissement, des sports et de l'information. Elle étudie aujourd'hui au sein du master Communications, médias et industries créatives au sein de l'Ecole du management et de l'innovation. Retour sur son expérience.

Letizia Belfiore,diplômée 2019 du master Droit économique spécialité Droit de l'innovation
De ses études à Sciences Po à l'ouverture de son propre cabinet à Milan

Alessandro CONWAY, Program Manager for "Jobs for the Future" | Graduated from the Master in Economics
Alessandro CONWAY, Graduated from the Master in Economics (Class of 2020)

Carlos BENITEZ-ROLON, Research Executive chez YouGov, diplômé du master en Sociologie
Carlos BENITEZ-ROLON, Graduated from the Master in Sociology (Class of 2021)
Antonin, Stagiaire chez CIC, Bachelor's degree - Sciences Politiques
Antonin Thibeault actuellement en troisième année d'échange à George Washington University a effectué son stage chez CIC à Singapour.

Zoé, diplômée 2018 du master in Corporate Strategy (master en un an) Lead & Innovation Consulting chez Hello Tomorrow à Singapour
Diplômée du master en un an "master in Corporate Strategy" de l'École du management et de l'innovation, Zoé travaille aujourd'hui en tant que consultante innovation pour le Hello Tomorrow Asie Pacific (APAC) à Singapour, spécialisé dans la mise en relations des acteurs de la recherche et de l'innovation de la deep tech à Singapour.

Chloé, cheffe de projet - Sevea, diplômée 2020 du master Governing the Large Metropolis, Urban Studies/Affairs
Diplômée 2020 de l'Ecole urbaine (master Governing the Large Metropolis), Chloé Deparis vit et travaille au Cambodge depuis 10 ans. Actuellement cheffe de projet au sein de Sevea, mi cabinet, mi think tank, spécialisé dans le développement durable.

Natasha, Assistant Director - Europe desk at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, graduated 2020 master in International Development
Natasha graduated in 2020 from the Master in International Development and she works as an assistant director at the Europe desk at the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Juliette, Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Analyst at Wavestone - Graduated 2021 from the Master in Policital Science
Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Analyst at Wavestone | Graduated from the Master in Policital Science, Programme in International Relations

Romain, co-fondateur de Medict, diplomé 2019 du Master finance et stratégie
Romain Renard, diplômé en 2019 du Master finance et stratégie, a créé une startup à impact en Afrique Méditect.

"J'ai monté ma société d'édition musicale en parallèle de mon stage de 3A au Sénat"
Pour sa troisième année à Sciences Po, Nicolas LAURENT en Master Communication, Medias et Industries creatives a effectué une année hybride. Aujourd'hui étudiant à l'Ecole du management et de l'innovation, il revient sur son expérience de stage réalisé au Sénat et dans le contexte COVID, sur l'occasion pour lui de lancer sa propre société d'édition musicale.

Xinqing Lu, Community Specialist at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, graduated One-Year Master in Advanced Global Studies, Environmental Policy track, PSIA
Coming from China, Xinqing Lu has graduated in the One-Year Master in Advanced Global Studies, Environmental Policy track. She is Community Specialist at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland.

Hyojeong, CEO and founder of NomadHer, graduated Master in International Developement, PSIA
Coming from South Korea, Hyojeong has graduated from the Master in International Developement. She is the CEO and founder of NomadHer, an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely.

Abel, founder and director of Marvel Act Youth Organisation in Paris, graduated 2019 Master of Advanced Global Studies - Development Practice Track
A graduate in Advanced Global Studies (Development Practice), Abel Mavura is founder and director of Marvel Act Youth Organisation in Paris, France.

Vaishnavi, Regional Programme Innovation Advisor for East Africa at the WFP Regional Bureau in Kenya, graduated 2020 International Development
Vaishnavi Pavithran has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Development. She is Regional Programme Innovation Advisor for East Africa at the WFP Regional Bureau in Kenya.

Kannelle, Head of Sciences Po's East Africa Office in Nairobi, graduated in International Public Management
Kannelle Hughes has graduated in International Public Management (now know as International Governance & Diplomacy). She is Head of Sciences Po's East Africa Office in Nairobi, Kenya.
Philibert, Assistant au Cabinet du Ministre d'Etat chargé de l'Economie et des Finances du Bénin, diplômé 2018 Finance et Stratégie
Après avoir étudié l’économie et la gestion à l’Ecole Nationale d’Economie Appliquée et de Management (ENEAM) et à la Faculté des Sciences Economique et de Gestion (FASEG) de l’Université d’Abomey Calavi, Philibert Adankon a intégré en 2018 le Master en Finance et Stratégie de Sciences Po, grâce au programme de la foundation Mastercard. Il travaille aujourd'hui au sein du Cabinet du ministre d'Etat chargé de l'Economie et des Finances du Bénin. Portrait.
Miriam, consultante Dalberg à Dakar, diplômée 2021 en développement international
Miriam Odonkor est diplômée de l'Université d'Ashesi au Ghana où elle a obtenu une licence en gestion d’entreprise. Boursière de la fondation mastercard, elle a effectué un master en développement international. Elle est aujourd'hui consultante chez Dalberg à Abidjan.

Marie, journaliste au service politique de BFMTV, diplômée 2018 du double diplôme en journalisme Columbia / Sciences Po
Marie Gentric, diplômée en 2018 de l'École de journalisme. Elle a travaillé à New York et elle travaille maintenant comme journaliste au service politique de BFMTV en France.

Laszlo, journaliste rédacteur pour l'émission C dans l'air, diplômé du Master en journalisme
Laszlo Gelabert graduated with a double degree in modern literature and philosophy and then entered the Master of Journalism at the School of Journalism. He is a journalist and editor for the programme C dans l'air, broadcast on France 5.

Célia, cheffe de la rubrique "Société" du quotidien Le Temps, diplômée 2010 du Master en journalisme
Célia Heron, diplômée en 2010 du Master en journalisme.
Ella a travaillé aux Etats-Unis pendant 5 ans et maintenant elle travaille comme cheffe de rubrique chez Le Temps.

Adrien Gindre est le chef du service politique de TF1 et LCI. Il a fait un parcours en apprentissage en alternance à RTL, diplômé en 2007 de l'École de journalisme.

He is an independent Romanian journalist and researcher reporting on human rights, conflict, migration and foreign affairs. His reporting appeared in The Guardian, Al Jazeera English, Libération, Der Spiegel, VICE, Middle East Eye, The Calvert Journal and others. He is also an audio producer and videographer, able to report, script, shoot, record, narrate and edit audio stories, podcasts, short docs and news packages.

Jeanne Varaldi, Consultante en développement durable chez Utopies (Ecole urbaine)
Jeanne Varaldi est diplômée de l’École urbaine. A la fois consultante en développement durable au sein du cabinet Utopies elle est aussi artiste plasticienne. Portrait.

Joanne, Cultural mediator and Guide - Graduated from the dual Master's degree in History at Sciences Po and the École du Louvre
Cultural mediator and Guide | Graduated from the dual Master's degree in History at Sciences Po and the École du Louvre

Astrid, ublic Relations Officer at the Paris Peace Forum - Graduated from the Master in Policital Science, Programme in International Relations
Public Relations Officer at the Paris Peace Forum | Graduated from the Master in Policital Science, Programme in International Relations

Bedirhan, Research assistant for the Think tank "Arab Reform Initiative" - Master in Policital Science
Bedirhan Mutlur, Research assistant for the Think tank "Arab Reform Initiative" | Graduated from the Master in Policital Science

Gabrielle, Research Executive for Kantar Public (Bruxelles) - Graduated from the Master in Sociology
Gabrielle Mariani, CLASS OF 2021
Research Executive for Kantar Public (Bruxelles) | Graduated from the Master in Sociology

Karl, parcours en apprentissage, contrôleur et analyste RH chez Groupe Faurecia, Master organisations et management des ressources humaines
Karl, Master organisations et management des ressources humaines. Contrôleur et analyste RH en apprentissage, Groupe Faurecia
Ketty, investment manager of KFMG and Board Member of the Sciences Po American Foundation
Ketty Maisonrouge is currently the investment manager of KFMG, a firm which focuses on investing in startup brands in the luxury industry. Alongside this position, she is the President and Cofounder of the non-profit Luxury Education Foundation, which is a mentorship and education program for emerging leaders in luxury. She teaches the class Luxury Strategy at Columbia Business School, and is a Board Member of the Sciences Po American Foundation. In the following interview, she describes her entrance into the world of luxury, her experiences at Sciences Po, and how she combined the two and became a prominent figure in the world of luxury.
Slawomir Krupa, Head of the Global Banking and Investor Solutions of Société Générale, graduated 1996, International Relations
Slawomir Krupa is Deputy General Manager, Head of the Global Banking and Investor Solutions of Société Générale. He has been working with Société Générale since 1996, holding leadership positions such as Chief Executive Officer of the Americas, Chief of Staff for Corporate and Investment Banking, Head of Strategy and Corporate Development, and Deputy Head of Global Finance. Originally from a Franco-Polish background, Krupa completed a degree in International Relations from Sciences Po, graduating in 1996. He reflects on how the complexity of Sciences Po helped propel him to where he stands today.
Shahreen Reza, co-founder and CEO of Mission: Space Food and Astreas, First Year Master's Program, Finance and Strategy, First Year Master's Program, Finance and Strategy
Shahreen Reza is the co-founder and CEO of Mission: Space Food and Astreas, where she combines her love for food with her talent for innovation. Astreas produces high-nutrition chocolate that is functional even across planets. In the following interview, she discusses how Sciences Po helped shape her business mindset and how she combined her passions to create something entirely new.
Séverine Autesserre, Professor and Chair of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University
Séverine Autesserre is an award winning peacebuilder, researcher, and author. She is now Professor and Chair of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University. She is additionally the author of three books: The Trouble with the Congo, Peaceland, and her newest release, The Frontlines of Peace. In this interview, Autesserre describes her educational background and trajectory to becoming a prevalent researcher in the field of international aid.

Benoît, poste d'analyste sûreté chez Unibal Rodamco, Master Politiques publiques - spécialité Sécurité et défense, promotion 2019
Du Master Politiques publiques, spécialité Sécurité et Défense au poste d'analyste sûreté chez Unibal Rodamco

Du Master Politiques publiques spécialité Santé, parcours en apprentissage, au poste de consultante chez GovHe.

Pierre Benassaya, promotion 2019
Du Master politiques publiques, spécialité Administration publique, parcours en apprentissage, à la Présidence de l’ONG Graines Populaires

Tony, parcours en apprentissage, au poste de conseiller technique et collaborateur parlementaire, Master politiques publiques - spécialité Administration publique, promotion 2019
Du Master politiques publiques, spécialité Administration publique, parcours en apprentissage, au poste de conseiller technique et collaborateur parlementaire.

Wissem Saïle, Master politiques publiques, spécialité Administration publique, promotion 2021
Du Master politiques publiques, spécialité Administration publique, parcours en apprentissage, au poste de chargé de la parole publique au ministère de l’Intérieur

Jules, co-fondateur du media Le Crayon, diplômé du master in international security (School of International Affairs)
En rentrant à Sciences Po, Jules ne pensait pas fonder un media de débats d'idées en ligne sur youtube. Diplômé du master in international security à l'Ecole des affaires internationales (PSIA), il revient sur ce choix de créer son propre media à la sortie de Sciences Po et vous délivre ses conseils.

Marie - Fondatrice du cabinet ConsultantSeas et Anne-Sophie - Fondatrice de Tenaka
L’une se consacre à en bannir le plastique, l’autre y replante des coraux : deux diplômées racontent pourquoi et comment elles ont créé leur entreprise au service de la protection des océans. À l’occasion du premier Forum des métiers de la transition écologique, nous avons rencontré Marie Le Texier, Fondatrice du cabinet ConsultantSeas, et Anne-Sophie Roux, Fondatrice de Tenaka.

Julie Marangé, Présidente et Dirigeante de Feminists in the City, Diplômée du Master d'Affaires Publiques (2019)
Diplômée du Master d'Affaires Publiques, Julie transmet aujourd'hui sa volonté de créer une société plus inclusive et égalitaire au sein de Feminists in the City, dont elle est aujourd'hui la Présidente et la Dirigeante.

Caroline, stage au conseil supérieur de l'égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes,master de recherche en sociologie
Caroline Duhaâ vient d’obtenir le Master en Sociologie de l’École doctorale de Sciences Po assorti de la Certification avancée en études de genre. Elle revient sur son parcours, de ses premiers cours en études de genre sur le campus de Paris, à la rédaction de son mémoire de Master sur la répartition du travail domestique.

Elsa, en stage au haut conseil à l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, master politiques publiques
Elsa est étudiante à l'École d'affaires publiques de Sciences Po. Elle a rejoint le Certificat Égalité femmes-hommes et politiques publiques en 2019 et choisi d'effectuer un stage au Haut Conseil à l'Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes pendant son année de césure. Elle nous raconte son parcours et son engagement pour l'égalité.

Marie, parcours en apprentissage, au poste de chargée de mission au sein du cabinet du Président du Grand Chalon, diplômée du master politiques publiques
Du Master politiques publiques, spécialité Administration publique, parcours en apprentissage, au poste de chargée de mission au sein du cabinet du Président du Grand Chalon

Jad, parcours en apprentissage, au corps des ingénieurs des ponts, des eaux et des forêts, diplômé du master politiques publiques - spécialité Energy, Environment and Sustainability
Du Master politiques publiques, spécialité Energy, Environment and Sustainability, parcours en apprentissage, au corps des ingénieurs des ponts, des eaux et des forêts

Louis Sibille, co-fondateur et président de Maïa, diplômé du Master Innovation et Transformation numérique (2020)
Diplômé du Master Innovation et Transformation numérique, Louis a fondé maïa, une startup destinée à accompagner la transition alimentaire-agro-écologique.

Donia Souad Amamra, Co-founder of Meet my Mama, Graduate of the Master of Public Affairs (2016)
Donia Souad Amamra is a graduate of the School of Public Affairs (2016). Upon graduating from Sciences Po, she co-founded Meet My Mama, a responsible caterer that helps reveal the culinary talents of mamas. Today, Donia directs the association of Meet My Mama, Empower My Mama, which trains and accompanies Mamas in their professionalization. She is a member of the Board of Directors of SINGA, an organization committed to helping refugees. Donia also teaches courses at Sciences Po on gastronomy, culinary arts and culture in the Arab world. For her entrepreneurial journey, Donia has received several awards and distinctions, including the Forbes 30 under 30 and the Bold Women Award.

Kamina Diallo, PhD student and gender mainstreaming specialist at IOF, graduate of the Master in International Public Management (2015)
Kamina Diallo graduated from PSIA in 2015 and now works at the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) as a gender mainstreaming specialist.

Yannick Henrion, Analyste en investissement durable chez Eiffel Investment Group, Diplômé du Master Finance et Stratégie (2021)
Diplômé du Master Finance et Stratégie, Yannick est désormais analyste en investissement durable chez Eiffel Investment Group.

Luca, apprenti au service Planning Stratégique de l’Agence MARCEL (École DU MANAGEMENT et de l'innovation)
Luca Turpin a réalisé son apprentissage au sein du service planning stratégique de l'Agence Marcel.

Julie Huguet, Sustainability Advisor - Aerospace chez Saint-Gobain, diplômée du Master en Ressources humaines (2021)
Julie est diplômée de l'Ecole du Management et de l'Innovation. Elle travaille actuellement pour le Groupe Saint-Gobain en tant que Sustainability Advisor

Chitraksh Sharma, Strategy Consultant at Hystra, Graduate of the Master in international management and sustainability (2021)
A graduate of program in International Management and Sustainability program (previously Economics and Business), Chitraksh is currently a Strategy Consultant at Hystra.

Diplômée en 2020 du master finance et stratégie, Daria Nikulina a fait son apprentissage chez reponsAbility en tant que analyste financière.

Mahaut Chaudouët Delmas, Technical Advisor to the High Council for Equality, Graduate in Public Affairs (2016)
A 2016 graduate of Sciences Po's Master of Public Affairs, Mahaut Chaudouët Delmas is currently a Technical Advisor for the High Council for Equality.

Clotilde Aubet, Chief Academic Officer à Modul University Vienna
Diplômée en 2019 de l'Ecole d'affaires publiques (Double Diplôme en Administration publique entre Sciences Po et St Gall), Clotilde Aubet est atteinte d'une maladie chronique depuis plus de 10 ans. Malgré ses symptômes et handicap, elle a appris à vivre, à étudier et à se construire un parcours professionnel avec des hauts et des bas. Aujourd'hui Chief Academic Officer à Modul University à Vienne, elle partage en parallèle ses pensées, idées et réflexions sur la façon de vivre une vie épanouie avec une maladie chronique à travers un blog 'Leaving with a chronic desease" et la publication d'ouvrages sur le sujet.

Diplômée du master Master innovation & transformation numérique, Claire s'engage activement pour éclairer les voies professionnelles des étudiants en recherche de jobs qui ont du sens dans un avenir d'urgence climatique. Avec son media Les Pépites Vertes, elle oeuvre à inspirer les étudiants sur les possibles trajectoires professionnelles en interrogeant des jeunes engagés.

Laetitia Arzel, Cheffe de projets internationaux chez Luxurynsight
Diplômée du master marketing, Laetitia est aujourd’hui Chef de Projets Internationaux chez Luxurynsight. Rattachée à l’équipe Développement Commercial, ses missions impliquent notamment la gestion de projets et la gestion de comptes clients.

Maité Allain, directrice du cabinet de recrutement Upward data
Maité Allain est diplômée 2012 du master Marketing. Mue par une forte appétence pour la sphère digitale elle rejoint en Janvier 2016, le groupe Upward pour lancer Upward Data, cabinet de recrutement spécialisé sur les métiers de la Data Science et du Big Data. Au delà d’assurer le développement du cabinet via l’accompagnement client, les missions de recrutement, Maïté suit aussi des projets Data variés (jury Data Science d’OpenClassroom, le guide des métiers de la Data).. Experte sur les recrutements en data, Maité présentera les tendances du secteur et les compétences recherchées à Sciences Po lors de la table ronde Métiers de la data qui aura lieu Mercredi 25 janvier sur zoom. Portrait.

Diplômée du master marketing, Sarah est aujourd'hui consultante tendance et stratégie digitale chez Rébellion. Elle témoigne sur ses missions au sein du pôle stratégie, le bureau de tendance intégré de l’agence, Trends For Change.

Maxime, Human Right Defender (L'Oréal), graduated from The Law School
Maxime Belingheri is a 2015 graduate of the Law School. Today, he is Head of Human Rights at L'Oréal and maintains strong ties with Sciences Po both as a teacher and as a tutor in the Law School's Clinic. Focus on his missions for the world leader in beauty and the issues entrusted by L'Oréal to students in the context of the Law School Clinic, in favor of the respect of Human Rights within the Group's activities.

Aurélien Breeden, graduate from the Joint Master Journalism and International Affairs
"Journalism is a field where any experience is good experience

Chine Labbé, diplômée du double diplôme en journalisme Columbia / Sciences Po
"De ce double diplôme, je garde des mentors"

Juan, Consultant seniot (eurogroup consulting), graduated from the urban school
Juan Cristellys, Spanish, graduated from the Master Governing the Large Metropolis (GLM) in 2015. He did his Bachelor at Sciences Po, at the Campus in Poitiers which is specialised in the areas of South America, Spain and Portugal.

Portrait : Hugo Ribadeau Dumas
Hugo Ribadeau Dumas graduated from the Master Governing the Large Metropolis in 2013. He also obtained his Bachelor’s degree at Sciences Po, which included an exchange year at Jamia Millia Islamia University, in India, where he took classes from a Master’s programme in Journalism. We spoke to him on where he is now.

Cécile, head of penitentiary and judical projects (Agence publique pour l'immobilier de la justice), graduated form the urban school
After earning a master's degree in urban planning and sustainable development law, cécile wanted to further her specialisation in urban planning, so she enrolled in the urban planning programme. she graduated in 2017 and is now project manager for prison and justice projects at apij. interview.

Floriane, Manager and Adaptation Lead (Carbon Trust), graduated from the urban school
After her undergraduate studies at Sciences Po and a third year abroad at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Floriane decided to pursue a dual Master’s degree in Urban Policy. She completed her first year in the Master of Regional and Urban Strategy programme, then went to the London School of Economics (LSE) for the second year in Regional and Urban Planning Studies. Floriane graduated in 2012 and is now Manager and Adaptation Lead at the Carbon Trust. She told us more about her career.

Yunqing Bi, technical Manager (C40 cities), graduated from the Urban School
Yunqing graduated in 2017 with a master in governing the large metropolis, having previously studied gis (geographic information systems) at zhejiang university in china. She is now a technical manager at c40 cities in beijing.

Rencontre avec Hugues Marxuach, diplômé 2018
Aucune journée, aucun dossier ne ressemble à un autre

Rencontre avec Bénédicte Schuhler, diplômée 2021

Lauren, Project Lead (Ecosystems Unitat at the Commision for Environmental Cooperation), graduated from PSIA
Coming from Canada, Lauren Roy has graduated in Environmental Policy. She is Project Lead in the Ecosystems Unit at the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) in Montreal, Canada.

tanislas Julien-Steffens, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School (2021)
A legal education that is resolutely oriented towards learning by doing

Maria, Economist (Peruvian Ministry of Finance), graduated from PSIA
Maria Villena has graduated from the Master in Environmental Policy. She works as an Economist at the Peruvian Ministry of Finance, in charge of matters related to environmental sustainability.

Laura Frisiani, graduated in International Development
Laura Frisiani has graduated from the Master in International Development. Coming from Italy, she is inclusive business consultant at Hystra in Paris.

Vivian Kawanami, graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
Vivian Kawanami has graduated from the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. Coming from Brazil, she is the co-founder and co-president of the Conférence pour le Brésil.

Filip Waszczuk, graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
Coming from Poland, Filip Waszczuk has graduated from the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. Filip works as a Project Manager at Cap Gemini in Paris (France).

George Bauer, graduated in International Economic Policy
George Bauer, Graduates from International Economic Policy with concentrations in emerging economies, and Africa, now works at GSMA, representing the worldwide mobile communications industry.

Elena Ocenic, graduated in International Economic Policy
Elena Ocenic completed her Masters degree in International Economic Policy at PSIA in 2010. She is currently an Associate Programme Officer at the International Renewable Energy Agency Innovation and Technology Centre.
Soumyajit Kar, graduated in International Economic Policy
Soumyajit Kar completed his Masters in International Economic Policy at PSIA in 2018 with concentrations in global economic policy and emerging ecnomies. He currently works as a consultant at the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills.

Stijn Gabriel has graduated in International Security
Stijn Gabriel has graduated from the Master in International Security. Stijn works as a Project Development & Reporting Officer at the International Organization for Migration’s office in Niger

Shreya Mukhopadhay, graduated in International Security
Coming from India, Shreya has graduated from the Master in International Security. She is Junior Assesment Officer at REACH Initiative in Jordan.

Alejandra, Reasearch assistant to Professor Shiv Someshwar (European Chair for Stustainable Devlopment and Climate Transition), graduated from PSIA
Coming from Mexico, Alejandra has graduted in Environmental Policy. She is Research Assistant to Professor Shiv Someshwar, the Chairholder of the European Chair for Sustainable Devlopment and Climate Transition.

Ronald, Reasearch Engineer (EDF), graduated from PSIA
Ronald has graduated in International Energy. Coming from Venezuela he si a Research Engineer at EDF.

Gaia Bellavista, graduated in International Public Management (International Governance and Diplomacy)
Gaia has graduated in International Public Management (now International Governance and Diplomacy). She is Government and Public Policy Consultant at PwC France and co-founder of the Carbon Neutrality Challenge.

Mattia Tomay, graduated in International Public Management (International Governance and Diplomacy)
Mattia Tomay has graduated in International Public Management (now named International Governance and Diplomacy). After a first experience at OECD, Mattia has been selected to join the Blue Book Traineeships at the European Commission.

Elise Lauriot dit Prevost, graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
Elise Lauriot dit Prevost has graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. She is a jurist in a law firm specialized in the fields of International Criminal Law, Human Rights and Terrorism.

Pamela Rubini has graduated in International Public Management
Pamela Rubini has graduated from the Master in International Public Management. She has joined YCE Partners, in Paris, France.

Amy Dubey, graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
Amy Dubey has graduted from the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. She has joined the Dynamic Knowledge and Early Warning, Analysis and Prevention team at UN Human Rights in Geneva.

Gawie Kenjemba, manager for strategy, innovation & digitalization (Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board), graduated from PSIA
As the first Namibian to have joined PSIA, Gawie Kanjemba has graduated from the Master’s in International Energy (Project management & Emerging Economies). He has recently been awarded the Fulbright Scholarship to complete his LLM in the USA.

Melina Dunham, graduated in International Public Management
A graduate in International Public Management, Mélina Dunham is Program and Development Strategist at Ecogenia in Athens (Greece)

Parnika Ray, graduated in Advanced Global Studies
A graduate in Advanced Global Studies, Parnika Ray is Program Director @New Global Perspectives – Paris

Valentina Gius, graduated in International Economic Policy
Graduated in International Economic Policy, Valentina is working as a NextGen Graduate, Strategy & Consutling at 3Shape in Copenhagen.

David Vigoureux, graduated in International Development
David Vigoureux has graduated from the Master in International Development. He works as an Innovation Executive at Brink in London.

Francis Effiong, sustainable finance analyst (BNP Paribas in France), graduated from PSIA
Francis Effion has graduated from the Master in International Energy. He works as a sustainable finance analyst at BNP Paribas in France.

Leana Lebeuf, graduated in International Development
Leana Lebeuf has graduated from the Master in International Development. She works as a Project Manager at Impact Partners in France.

Siavash, Commercial director (French listed SME in energy Efficiency Industries at Enertime), graduated from PSIA
Siavash Barkhordar has graduated from the Master in International Energy. He works as a Commercial Director of a French listed SME in Energy Efficiency industries at Enertime in France.

Julia Schmidt, graduated in International Economic Policy
Julia Schmidt has graduated from the Master in International Economic Policy. She works as a Junior Policy Analyst at the OECD in the Statistiscs and Data Directorate.

Amjad El Hafidi, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School (2021)
A School of interdisciplinarity that trains you to be an agile explorer

Donor Relations and Resource Mobilization coordinator at IOM Germany, Niklas Luksch graduated in 2018 from the Master in European Affairs, Dual degree with Fudan University.

Franck, graduate of honor of the School of Public Affairs - advisor to the Managing Director at IFC - World Bank Group
Frank Gbaguidi is an advisor to the Managing Director at IFC - World Bank Group, he graduated in 2018 from the Master in Public Policy, Energy, Environment and Sustainability policy stream
Xavier, Senior consultant in Energy & environment (Sia Partners), graduated from PSIA
Xavier graduated in 2015 from the master in "International energy" at School of International Affairs (PSIA). Today Xavier works as a senior consultant at Sia Partners in Energy, Utilities & environment department. Why and how did he join Sia Partners? What are his daily activities? Read his testimonial before applying for internship or job opportunities at Sia Partners.

"An intellectual impetus to drive your career to further heights"
Leia Shin, Graduate of LLM in Transnational Arbitration & Dispute Settlement (TADS), 2018
I am a Korean attorney-at-law and a member of the first generation of Science Po’s TADS LL.M. (Class of 2018). Approaching the 10th anniversary of legal practice as a lawyer in international commercial disputes and international economic law, I look back on the professional and academic experiences that took me so far and feel much gratitude to the invaluable year and a half at Sciences Po that opened my eyes to the bigger dynamics of international law and its most pressing legal issues.

Laure: "You will rarely have as much intellectual freedom as during your studies"
Meeting with Laure Barbé, Graduate in 2019 of the Sciences Po Law School.
Les diplômés
Paroles d'anciens élèves

"Nous sommes considérés tout de suite comme des journalistes"
Hadrien Bect, diplômé du Master en journalisme

"Le métier d’avocat est le plus beau métier du monde"
Rencontre avec Vincent Desry, diplômé 2016

Being at Sciences Po is a privileged position
Diego Bonetto, Doctor in Law (2019), Sciences Po Law School

L’École de droit permet de rentrer de manière accélérée dans un nouvel univers
Rencontre avec Agathe de Marcillac, diplômée 2018

Quentin Dachy, diplômé 2018 du master Droit économique spécialité Entreprises, Marchés, Régulations (EMR)
Rencontre avec Quentin Dachy, diplômé 2018

Rencontre avec Lucie Sénéchal-Perrouault, diplômée 2019 - "Tracez votre route"

Valentin : "Do not lose the sense of humility you entered Law School with"
Meeting with Valentin Rougier, Graduated of the Sciences Po Law School in 2019. He had a multicultural childhood and joined the undergraduate Europe-Africa Program at Sciences Po.

Rencontre avec Charlotte Guérin, diplômée 2017 de l'École de droit - "Entretenez votre réseau !"

Rencontre avec Lionel Chami, diplômé 2019 de l'École de droit

L’important, c’est le goût du droit et l’ouverture
Rencontre avec Paul Perney, diplômé 2019 du master Droit économique de l'École de droit. Son rève était de devenir avocat en droit financier.

Jérémie, diplômé 2016 du master Droit économique spécialité Contentieux économique et arbitrage (CEA)
Jérémie Michel, diplômé 2016 de l'École de droit et il travaille comme avocat en droit du travail

Rencontre avec Pauline Hoerner, diplômée 2018 de l'École de droit et avocate à la Cour

Rencontre avec Eleni Gkountela, diplômée 2018 de l'École de droit du master Droit économique - "Je vous invite à repenser vos certitudes et aprioris"

Meeting with Marine Segura, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School (2019). She decided to study law with the idea to become a criminal lawyer - "I guess my advice is to be ready to read a lot!"

Tinatin, diplômée 2017 du master Droit économique spécialité Global Governance Studies (GGS)
Rencontre avec Tinatin Laoshvili, diplômée 2017 de l'École de droit - "Sciences Po encourage à être toujours critique et sélectif"

Tiphanie, diplômée 2019 du master Droit économique, spécialité Global Governance Studies
Rencontre avec Tiphanie Magloire Traore, diplômée 2019 du master Droit économique, spécialité GGS

Tommaso, diplômé 2019 du master Droit économique spécialité Droit de l'innovation
Rencontre avec Tommaso Stella, diplômé 2019 - "L’École de droit nous aide à devenir nous-mêmes"

Marie-Alice, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School, Master in Economic Law, Programme Droit de l'innovation, 2017
Meeting with Marie-Alice Legrand, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School (2017) - "I have been trained to not be intimidated but to work my way through the problem"

Avocat en droit de l’art et pianiste passionné

Adèle, diplômée 2019 du master Carrières Judiciaires et Juridiques
Diplômée du master Carrières Judiciaires et Juridiques et auditrice de justice à l'École Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM)

At TADS, you are in the driver's seat!
Lucas Pestana Macedo, Graduate of LLM in Transnational Arbitration & Dispute Settlement (TADS), 2020

Eléonore, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School, Master in Economic Law, Programme Global Governance Studies (GGS), 2020
Meeting wiMeeting with Eléonore Buisson, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School (2020) - "Get curious and make the most of your time at Sciences Po"th Eléonore Buisson, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School (2020)

Claire Duval, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School, Master in Economic Law, Programme Global Governance Studies (GGS), 2020
Meeting with Claire Duval, Graduate of the Sciences Po Law School (2020) - "Do not let these setbacks become roadblocks"

Rencontre avec Benjamin Dufour--Jules, diplômé 2019 de l'École de droit - "Il n'y a rien d'insurmontable"

Victor, diplômé 2018 du master Droit économique, spécialité Entreprises Marchés Régulations (EMR)
Rencontre avec Victor Renaudier, diplômé 2018 de l’École de droit - "Le doute fait partie de l’expertise"

"La dimension internationale de l’École de droit, avec de nombreux cours en anglais, a été pour moi déterminante"
Rencontre avec Édouard Burlet, diplômé 2017 du master Droit économique spécialité Entreprises, Marchés, Régulations (EMR)

Claire, diplômée 2019 du master Droit économique spécialité Global Business Law and Governance (GBLG)
Rencontre avec Claire Fohet, diplômée 2019 de l'École de droit - "Ne vous mettez pas trop la pression !"

"Une voie privilégiée vers un métier exigeant mais surtout passionnant : l’avocature !"
Entretien avec Nadia El Amrani, diplômée 2019 du master Droit économique, spécialité Global Business Law and Governance (GBLG)

"J’ai été séduite par le défi de devenir une réelle technicienne juridique en deux années"
Rencontre avec Perline Pesme, diplômée 2020 du master Droit économique spécialité Global Governance Studies (GGS)

Aziz Essid, Diplômé 2020 du master Droit économique, spécialité Global Governance Studies (GGS)
Entretien avec Aziz Essid, diplômé 2020 du master Droit économique, spécialité Global Governance Studies

Portrait de Catalina de la Sota, diplômée 2019 de l'École de droit - "L’École de droit est une chance, saisissez-la !"

Lutter contre la précarité menstruelle
Rita Sekkat est étudiante à l’École d’affaires publiques de Sciences Po. Avec quatre étudiants de Sciences Po et d’autres venus de différents horizons, elle s’engage contre la précarité menstruelle en Europe et en Afrique dans le cadre de son association : HAPPIH, Humanitarian Action for Protection and Preservation of Intimate Hygiene.

Entretien avec Adèle Ephraïm, auditrice de justice à l'École Nationale de la Magistrature
Diplômée du master Carrières Judiciaires et Juridiques et auditrice de justice à l'École Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM)
Louis, diplômé 2020 du master Droit économique, spécialité Droit public économique (DPE)
encontre avec Louis Roussier, diplômé 2020 de l'École de droit

Gesine Weber, class of 2019
From the dual degree Sciences Po Master European Affairs, Europe in the World / Freie Universität to the German Marshall Fund of the United States

Michaela, memberschip assistant (Europarc Federation), graduated from PSIA
Michaela KOZMINOVA (Czech Republic)
Graduated in Environmental Policy
Communications and Membership Assistant at EUROPARC Federation - Ragensburg (Germany)

Mariane, policy consultant for the digital government and open data unit in the Directorate for Public Governance at the OECD
Mariane Piccinin Barbieri, graduated in International Public Management. Junior Policy Analyst_OECD – Paris

Gabriela BILLINI (USA) Graduated in International Security Security Risk Analyst
Gabriela, studied at PSIA and works as a Security Risk Analyst with Crisis24 and she is Founder and Director of WCAPS.

Ludovic, diplômé 2018 du master Droit économique spécialité Entreprises, Marchés, Régulations (EMR)
Rencontre avec Ludovic Pastor, diplômé 2018 de l'École de droit. Il a fait une année de césure, "C'est une vraie richesse"

Arthur Renaud, fondateur de Stackadoc
Interview d’Arthur Renaud, fondateur de Stackadoc et diplômé du Master Affaires publiques*, filière générale, promotion 2015.

Maíra Topall, PSIA - Human Rights and Humanitarian Action by obtaining the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies
After receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and a Master’s degree in European Studies from the Sorbonne Nouvelle, in Paris, France, Maíra Topall is now graduating from the Sciences Po School of International Affairs. She completes her studies in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action by obtaining the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies. She tells us about her academic career in this field.

Je ressentais le besoin de m'engager pour une cause qui me tenait à cœur
Nouvellement diplômée du Master Politiques publiques de l’École d’affaires publiques de Sciences Po, Alice Voirand vient d’obtenir la Certification avancée en études de genre qui valide son parcours de formation pluridisciplinaire en études de genre. Elle nous raconte son engagement universitaire, professionnel et associatif pour la santé des femmes.

Studying gender has been an empowering experience
Adrián Lasa Mediavilla is graduating from the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs. He is a recipient of the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies, an interdisciplinary award in the social sciences that attests to a student’s acquisition of demonstrable academic expertise within the field of gender studies. He tells us about his academic and professional career.

I developed specific skills during the lockdown
Luanna is a bresilian student from the Poitiers Campus. During her 3rd year abroad she interned as a journalist for KPFA radio in San Francisco Bay area. Despite the lockdown she explains how she adapted to the situation to perform well in her mission.

Camille, head of project vélo (Plaine commune), graduated from the Urban School
Diplômée de l’École urbaine, Camille Gaumont emploie aujourd’hui son énergie à élargir la place du vélo dans l’espace urbain gigantesque et dense de Plaine Commune, qui regroupe 9 villes au nord de Paris. Un moyen de concilier son expertise sur la ville, sa passion pour la bicyclette, et sa volonté d’agir concrètement pour la planète. Entretien.

Tiphaine, co-founder (Koovee), graduated from the School of Management and Innovation
A committed ecologist and graduate of Sciences Po in 2015, Tiphaine Guerout has channeled her entrepreneurial ambition towards an environmental cause. She is the founder of Koovee, a startup that offers an alternative to disposable plastic cutlery: forks and spoons made of biscuit, made in France, that have the particularity of being sufficiently resistant so that one can eat with them. Interview with a young graduate who hopes to flood the French and European markets in the years to come.

Hugo Côte-Petit-François graduated from the Master in International Security
Hugo Côte-Petit-François graduated from the Master in International Security in 2016 with concentrations in Diplomacy and Middle Eastern Studies. Having recently succeeded in the French foreign service examination, he is set to start working at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in June 2020.
Ilyana Skalli, student in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
Ilyana Skalli is a student in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action with concentrations in European Studies and Diplomacy. She completed her third semester internship with the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in the department of United Nations, International Organizations, Human Rights and Francophonie.

Louise-Anne Baudier, student in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
Louise-Anne Baudier is a student in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action with concentrations in Global Risks and European Studies. She is currently on a gap year, having worked for the French Red Cross and the International Criminal Court.

Lauren Johnston graduated from the Master in International Security
Lauren Johnston graduated from the Master in International Security with concentrations in Human Rights and Middle Eastern Studies. She is currently working as an Operations Director at Patronus Medical LLC in San Diego, USA.

Camille Habe, student in the Dual Degree with the Stockholm School of Economics
Camille Habe is a student in the Dual Degree with the Stockholm School of Economics, enrolled in the Master in Environmental Policy at PSIA. She was recently awarded the European Central Bank’s Women in Economics Scholarship.

De la mer aux fermes urbaines, donner une nouvelle vie aux conteneurs maritimes
Perline Manuel est diplômée 2015 du master Marketing. Aujourd'hui elle est en charge de la revalorisation des conteneurs maritimes dits "de dernier voyage". Focus sur sa mission et son parcours au sein de l'entreprise familiale leader du transport maritime, de la gestion de zone commerciale aux projets au format intrapreneurial.

Thomas Monarchi-Comte, Responsable des affaires publiques
Du Master politiques publiques à l'écosystème pionnier Ulterïa.
Découvrez le parcours de Thomas Monarchi-Comte, depuis l'obtention de son Master Politiques publiques, spécialité Administration publique, en 2018 jusqu'à son poste de Délégué général de la Fondation actionnaire et Responsable des Affaires publiques chez Ulterïa. Thomas est également conseiller municipal d’une commune de l’Yonne depuis mars 2020.

Arthur Binois, responsable de programmation culturelle au Musée d'Orsay
Master Politiques publiques, spécialité Culture, promotion 2015,
Découvrez le parcours d’Arthur Binois depuis l'obtention de son Master à l'École d'Affaires publiques jusqu'à son poste de responsable de la programmation pour les publics 18-25 ans au Musée d’Orsay.

Marie Gervier, Communication and Event Manager for the United Nations
Master in Public Policy, policy stream Cultural Policy and Management, promotion 2018.
Marie Gervier graduated from the Master in Public Policy at the School of Public Affairs, Cultural Policy and Management policy stream. She is currently working as as a Communication and Event Manager for the United Nations Office in Geneva. Testimony.

Portrait de Benoît Mortgat, Analyste Sûreté chez Unibail-Rodamco
Master politiques publiques, spécialité sécurité et défense, promotion 2019.Benoît Mortgat, diplômé 2019 du Master Politiques Publiques, revient sur son parcours

Katharina Poirier, Associate at PwC
Master in European Affairs, policy stream Energy, promotion 2019.What paths do our graduates take after the School of Public Affairs? Discover Katharina Poirier's testimony. She was a student of the Master of European affairs, Energy policy stream.

Laurent Rieder de Saint-Joseph, Flagship Store Manager at Bulgari
Master in Public Policy, in apprenticeship, promotion 2014. Discover the path of Laurent Rieder de Saint-Joseph. Since obtaining his Master in Public policy, Laurent successfully secured management positions at Christian Dior and Richard Mille between Paris and London. He is now in charge of the UK flagship of Bulgari, the Italian jeweller and member of the LVMH group.

Océane Evrard (promotion 2018)
Du Double-Diplôme Sciences Po - HEC au cabinet Nordmann

Julien Rouvreau (promotion 2018)
Double-Diplôme Sciences Po - LSE en affaires européennes, à YCE Partners

From Sciences Po to the Deep Blue Sea
One is dedicated to ridding it of plastic, the other to replanting its corals: two Sciences Po graduates explain how and why they have created a business devoted to protecting the oceans. In the context of the first Ecological Transition Careers Fair, we spoke to Marie Le Texier, Founder of ConsultantSeas, a consulting firm, and Anne-Sophie Roux, Founder of Tenaka.

Fabrice, journalist, author and long-term navigator, graduated from the School of Research
Diplômé de Sciences Po en 2002, Fabrice Amedeo a déjà plusieurs vies. Journaliste, auteur, et désormais navigateur au long cours, ce quarantenaire s'apprête à prendre le départ du Vendée Globe 2020 à la barre d'un monocoque doté de capteurs ultra-sophistiqués qui lui permettent d'allier passion pour la voile et protection de l'environnement. Portrait en vidéo.

Aliénor, Communication Manager (café zéro déchet Code Ø) et founder (Agence de Consiel IMPALA), graduated from the Paris School of International Affairs
Aliénor Parmentier graduated from PSIA in 2017. The very next day, she created her own consulting agency for innovative, collaborative and sustainable projects. She participated in the creation of a zero waste café in Lorient, Code Ø, and is the head of communications and zero waste workshops there.

Lancé en septembre 2018, le Manifeste Étudiant pour un Réveil Écologique a été signé par près de 30 000 étudiants provenant de plus de 400 établissements d’enseignement supérieur en France. Le collectif "Pour un réveil écologique" s'est constitué pour prolonger cette dynamique et inscrire ce besoin d'agir dans les faits. Membres de l'équipe permanente, Théo Miloche et Claire Egnell, tous deux étudiants en master à Sciences Po, expliquent pourquoi ils se sont engagés, et ce qu'ils ont accompli.

Samina graduated from the School of International Affairs (PSIA) in . Today she is the Executive Director of the Women's center based at The American University of Afghanistan. She also teaches Gender and Afghan Politics. Her main role is giving to Afghan women economic opportunity and a voice to participate in the debates of peace negociations.

A Brilliant Journey: Wesley Lainé, Law School graduate
Wesley Lainé graduated from the Sciences Po Law School in 2016. We caught up with him to talk about his remarkable academic and professional journey, from his first studies to what he is doing now.

Margot Dupé
Margot Dupé is a student in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action with concentrations in Diplomacy and Middle Eastern studies. She recently completed an internship with the with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Nairobi, Kenya.

I challenge each of us to think of humanity
Mas Mahmud came to France as a refugee. In June 2019, he graduated with a Master’s from the Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs.

Utsav Shah Masters in International Economic Policy at PSIA
Utsav Shah is currently in his third semester of the Masters in International Economic Policy at PSIA, Sciences Po with concentrations in Emerging Economies and European Studies. He is currently working as a Policy Research Intern with the Central Asia team in the Global Relations Secretariat of the OECD in Paris, and also recently completed a summer internship with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Adam Fifield graduated from the Masters in International Development at PSIA
Adam Fifield graduated from the Masters in International Development at PSIA, Sciences Po with concentrations in Latin America and Emerging Economies. He is currently working as a Cash Transfer Programming Consultant with the UNFAO (Food and Agriculture Organization).

Lucie Rehakova, Master of International Security at PSIA
Lucie Rehakova is currently in her third semester of the Master of International Security at PSIA, with concentrations in Russian Affairs and Diplomacy. She is currently working as a Project Manager at the London-based consultancy International Governance and Risk Institute (GovRisk), which works with various public and private sector clients on matters regarding anti-corruption, illicit financing, integrity, risk, and governance.

Ankit Mishra graduated from the Master in International Economic Policy
He is currently working as working as a Growth Strategy and Data Analytics Manager at Pngme in San Francisco, a mobile finance platform that connects lenders to entrepreneurs and businesses by using an alternative data credit score.

Axelle Sorret graduated in 2018 from Master in International Security
Axelle Sorret graduated in 2018 from Master in International Security with concentrations in Middle East Studies and Migrations. Axelle is currently working as a Deputy Operations Director in the French security company Anticip, based in Paris.

Morgan Martinez graduated in 2019 with a Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
Morgan Martinez graduated in 2019 with a Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
with concentrations in Diplomacy and Latin America. Morgan is currently working as an
International Project Manager for Simplon.co, a network of socially-conscious coding bootcamps
that provide tuition-free digital skills trainings to job seekers and individuals that are
underrepresented in the tech sector (women, refugees, individuals with disabilities, kids, etc.)
Morgan is based in Montreuil, a suburb just outside of Paris.

Brent, Associate (Camber collective), graduated from the Paris School of International Affaires
Brent McCann graduated in 2018 with a Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action with concentrations in African Studies and Methods. Brent is currently working for Camber Collective, a mission-driven strategy consulting firm engaging with philanthropic, humanitarian, and governmental organizations on a wide array of development topics e.g. women’s empowerment, family planning, climate change. Brent is based in Paris, while Camber Collective has additional offices in Seattle and San Francisco.

What are our graduates up to at Ubisoft ?
Bastien, Etienne and Stéphanie, all graduates of the School of Management and Innovation, were recruited by Ubisoft after a meeting at the Careers Forum, a gap year internship, or an apprenticeship. Ubisoft is a world-wide actor in entertainment. It is present in more than 40 countries with more than 16,000 creative talents from 95 different countries. What positions do our young graduates occupy today? Why did they want to join Ubisoft? Does one have to be a 'gamer' to integrate Ubisoft’s teams? Here is what they say about their experience at 'Ubi' ...
De l'École doctorale au métier d'entrepreneur social*
À 23 ans et tout juste diplômée du master recherche en Science politique, mention politique comparée, Anne-Sophie Roux a fondé la première start-up sociale pour reconstruire et protéger les barrières de corail du monde entier.
Fempo, la success story
FEMPO est une start-up qui propose des culottes en tissu lavable destinées à remplacer les protections hygiéniques. Accompagné par l’incubateur de Sciences Po en 2018, ce projet est né de la rencontre de deux alumnae, Fanny Abes, diplômée du master en politique économique internationale, et Claudette Lovencin, diplômée du master en politique publique. En à peine quelques mois, leur entreprise rencontre un beau succès avec près de 30 000 utilisatrices et un chiffre d’affaire qui double chaque mois. Rencontre avec les créatrices de cette success-story made in Sciences Po.
How I experienced my internship in Irak
Kate is a second year Master student in International Development with concentrations
in Middle East Studies and Human Rights. She completed her third semester internship at a
4points Group, a third party monitoring and evaluation firm in Erbil, Iraq.

Alice Koskas: from Sciences Po to Hermès
Alice Koskas graduated from the Master of Finance and Strategy (School of Management and Innovation) in 2009 and is now Merchandising director for fashion accessories at Hermès. During her third year abroad studying at Fudan University in China, she encountered the world of art and design. From there, driven by both Sciences Po’s values and her taste for art, crafts and commerce, it was only natural that she should join Hermès, where the corporate culture is focused on people, creativity and freedom of initiative.

World Food Programme in Ethiopia: how collaborative work can serve the most vulnerable populations to achieve zero hunger.
Rim Melake is a Dual Degree Student at Sciences Po and Bocconi University. In Paris, she studies International Development with the concentrations in Agriculture and Global Health - in Milan, Economics and Management of Governments and International Organisations. At the end of her M1, she was offered to return a second time in Ethiopia to work as an intern for the WFP Relief and the Refugee team in Addis Ababa.

Ève, dedicated to the oceans, student at the university Sciences Po
À l’occasion de la Semaine des Océans à Sciences Po, nous avons rencontré Ève Isambourg, étudiante en 3ème année du Collège universitaire et activiste pour la protection des océans. Après deux ans sur les bancs du campus de Paris, Ève a consacré sa troisième année à l’étranger à mobiliser les esprits sur les questions océaniques autour du monde. Dernière étape de sa mission et non des moindres : une conférence devant l’ONU à New York.
Mon stage en immersion dans la géopolitique internationale au sein de CMA CGM
Actuellement en Master d’affaires publiques européennes à Sciences Po
Paris, Camille recherchait une expérience nouvelle pour son stage de fin
d’études, hors de sa zone de confort. En optant pour Marseille et l’industrie du shipping, Camille a découvert la richesse et la complexité d'un univers jusqu'alors inconnu : celui du transport maritime. Elle s’est immergée dans un environnement nouveau, fascinant, extrêmement en prise avec l’actualité géopolitique internationale. Retour sur une expérience de stage hors-norme.

"When I discovered the French startup system, I was hooked!
On 11 October, delegates from Station F spoke at Sciences Po to give students a glimpse of life inside the biggest start-up campus in the world – and the only one in Paris. Station F Director Roxanne Varza, an alumna of Sciences Po, discussed the richness of possibility for entrepreneurs starting out in one of the tech world’s most underrated capital cities, as well as Station F’s methods for reeling in the very best of them. We asked where her particular passion for the French entrepreneurial ecosystem came from and what role universities have to play in inspiring the founders of tomorrow's tech giants.

Nora Poggi is a Sciences Po Master of Communications and the Director-Producer of the award-winning documentary film, "She Started It" on women tech entrepreneurs. The film was named one of "5 Must-Watch Movies for Entrepreneurs in 2017" by Inc Magazine and was shown at over 300 events, at Harvard University, Columbia University, Yale University, Stanford University, The World Bank, Disney, Google, Apple, Microsoft, as well as numerous film festivals, conferences and high schools. Shot in Silicon Valley, New York, Vietnam, Europe and elsewhere, the film follows five young women on their road to start-up success. Nora Poggi will be at Sciences Po for a projection of the film on 3, April 2018.
After the success of the documentary in the US, Nora and her team are launching the film in France. Interview with the Director-Producer.

Zipporah Gakuu is a first-year student and part of the first cohort of Mastercard Foundation scholars at Sciences Po. From Kenya to her first steps on campus to today, her commitment to giving back to society and defending women and children’s rights is growing everyday.

L'apprentissage : la voie royale pour décrocher un CDI après son diplôme
Entrée chez BNP Paribas en tant qu’apprentie en Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale, Emilie Chen a été embauchée comme Chargée de mission Environnement à l'issue de son Master Communication.

Ma mission de stage civique de terrain ? "Feed the people" !
Nouveauté de cette année 2018 pour les étudiants du 1er cycle du Collège universitaire, le "parcours civique" intégré à leur formation, leur propose de tisser des liens entre leurs enseignements suivis en sciences humaines et sociales et des expériences d'engagement menées sur le terrain à travers notamment dès la 1ère année, le stage civique de terrain. Pour celles et ceux qui se demandent à quoi peut ressembler un stage civique et qui cherchent des exemples de mission, le stage de terrain qu'avait réalisé Julia Galan au sein de l'association Help Refugees, à Thessalonique, en est une parfaite illustration. Témoignage...

My dream of working in New York at the heart of the diplomatic world came true
Thanks to the Marion Bruley Scholarship, Alix Defrain-Meunier interned at the French Consulate in New York. The financial aid was essential for her to carry out her plan of interning in New York. She shares her rich and intense professional experience at the heart of the city which never sleeps with us.
Are you East-Coast or West-Coast?
For Oualid Bachiri, a student at the Sciences Po School of Communication, to have an experience in the United States was a priority. Not only do the States have a strong internship culture but professional experience in the country is well looked-upon by recruiters. New York and San Francisco are very attractive centres but which to choose? Oualid gives his personal take on his experience in both cities. And may as well say it from the start: both were worth it!
Being an intern in San Francisco
Swept away by the new tech wave, Lisa Bardet, currently a Master’s student in Economics and Business, interned for eleven months at the Chamber of Franco-American Commerce in San Francisco during her third year. She told us about her professional experience in the San Francisco technopole.

Sillicon Valley - the American Dream for Start-Ups?
"Failure isn’t seen as something negative, but as something to respect." Johnny Chin is co-founder and CEO of Bannerman in San Francisco, USA. He's an American national from the Bay Area and graduated from Sciences Po in Finance and Strategy 2010. In 2013, Chin launched his start up Bannerman in San Francisco.
Christiane Laloy and Fabrice Barthelemy met with him in San Francisco in May 2016 and talked about his career as a founder in the startup ecosystem of San Francisco. Here is the success story of a French-American startuper in San Francisco.
Claire Chabaud, a Master of Economics and Business student at Sciences Po, has just won first prize in the Bpifrance #PitchTonInno awards for students with her partner Anastasia Ruiz, a fashion design student at ESMOD. Thanks to the €30,000 FrenchTech grant this has earned them, the students' project for made-to-measure 3D-printed lingerie will be able to see the light of day. We talked to Claire.

Why spend your third year as an intern in the investment sector when you want to pursue a career in Public Affairs ?
Since his high-school years, Thomas Monarchi-Comte decided he would devote himself to the “res publica”, the public sector. Encouraged by his friends and family who confirm that his profile corresponds to his high-raking public official, Thomas entered the Sciences Po-Dijon campus. Although he knew he would continue his studies at the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, he decided to shift away from his first interest of serving the country for the sake of a third year internship…
A la fois étudiant à l'École de Journalisme de Sciences Po et apprenti à la rédaction des sports de Canal +, Yanis Bacha réalise des commentaires audio-descriptifs des matches de foot de l’Euro. Un dispositif original mis en place par l’association Cafe Football* pour rendre la compétition accessible aux supporters aveugles et malvoyants. Rencontre avec Yanis, en direct depuis la tribune de presse du Stade de France.

Comment le stage de 3A m'a aidé à appréhender le marché du travail
De retour à Paris, entre les murs de Sciences Po, Oumar Yarani Keita rentre tout juste d'un stage 3A de huit mois effectué au sein d'un cabinet d'avocats au Sénégal. Il a mené sa recherche de stage comme une recherche d'emploi, et souhaite partager sa méthode de recherche avec tous les étudiants qui chercheraient un stage....

Eva Bernard, from master of public affairs to the World Bank
Discover Eva Bernard's career path, recent graduate from Sciences Po now working as a consultant at the Workd Bank in Washington DC.

Etudiante à l'École d'Affaires Publiques, spécialité culture, Manon Grossard a choisi d'effectuer un stage de césure au Lycée français de New York entre son M1 et son M2. Témoignage d'une expérience professionnelle dans le domaine culturel...

Like all undergraduate Sciences Po students, Augustin has spent his third year abroad. He has taking advantage of this experience to carry out a long term internship at the French Embassy in Washinton DC. He tells us about his missions there, the Master’s degree program he would like to enroll in next, and what he was able to do thanks to the Marion Bruley scholarship.
J'ai fait mon année de césure en zone de guerre
Étudiant à l’École de journalisme de Sciences Po, Pierre Sautreuil suit son master 2 en apprentissage au sein de l’Agence France Presse. Son année de césure, il l’a passée en Ukraine sur le front, avec les séparatistes pro-russes. Une expérience de reporter de guerre à 21 ans qui lui a valu le prix Bayeux Calvados du Jeune reporter en octobre 2015. Rencontre.
Stagiaires sans Frontière : un concept innovant de stage à découvrir au Forum entreprises
Félix de Monts et Holy Sicard-Razaka, 24 ans, tous deux diplômés de Sciences Po, sont passionnés d’innovation sociale et pleins d’enthousiasme. Le jour du Forum dans le corner start up, ils vous présenteront leur concept original de stage partagé, en faveur de l'innovation sociale des entreprises.
Job offers
Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.