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Gabrielle, Research Executive for Kantar Public (Bruxelles) - Graduated from the Master in Sociology

Gabrielle Mariani, CLASS OF 2021 Research Executive for Kantar Public (Bruxelles) | Graduated from the Master in Sociology

Can you take us trhough your academic background? 

Before joining Sciences Po, I had a degree in Philosophy, International and Economic Studies from Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice. I had also spent one year as an exchange student at King’s College London, where I discovered my interest for social research. I chose the Research Master in Sociology at Sciences Po because I liked its blend of sociology and political science theories, as well as the strong focus on methodology.

What skills did your years as a student at the School of Research give you? 

Through the Research Master in Sociology, I have learned to look at determinate political phenomena from a sociological perspective. I have also improved my understanding of the different social research methods, putting them into practice by realising a master thesis. The latter has been a particularly formative experience for me, while the broad knowledge of social research methods has proved helpful in my current job.

What position do you work in today?

I am currently working as a Research Executive for Kantar Public, a multinational research and consulting organization in the political and institutional field. Based in Bruxelles, I work on public opinion studies for the EU and other international organizations.

What were the key steps involved in deciding on and launching your career? 

Before joining Sciences Po I had already done a first internship, working on graduate employment surveys for Bocconi University in Milan. This experience made me realise my interest in working in a research-related role within the private sector. However, after a second internship experience in market research and CSR, undertaken during my time at Sciences Po, I realised that I wanted to keep my focus on political research. Therefore, after I graduated, I joined Kantar Public as an intern, later moving to a permanent position.

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Last modified 2022-03-18
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