Chitraksh Sharma, Strategy Consultant at Hystra, Graduate of the Master in international management and sustainability (2021)

What are the assignments in your current job?
Since last September I have been working as a consultant at Hystra, a consulting firm that works with business and social pioneers to design and implement innovative and economically sustainable strategies that are scalable and eradicate social and environmental problems. My day-to-day work varies greatly depending on the project I am working on. It can be qualitative or quantitative research, interviews with clients and experts (sometimes in the field!), brainstorming, developing business plans or producing deliverables (like Powerpoint, Word etc.).
What did the Sciences Po training give you to practice them?
I work in strategy consulting for inclusive companies that are not just about profit but about positive social and environmental impact. Sciences Po is a cradle of brilliant minds concerned with these issues and my time there allows me to bring insightful thinking to the issues I face in my work.
What is an example of a significant project that you have been involved in as part of this position?
I am currently working on a project related to access to health in emerging countries. We are analyzing the various innovative companies in this field to learn lessons that will help us set up our own initiative in this sector. To do this, we are working with a wide variety of actors, including pharmaceutical companies, development agencies, governmental actors and companies.
What skills are required to perform your job?
In my opinion, strong writing and interpersonal skills are necessary for this type of position. On the other hand, I would say that skills in self-organization and financial data analysis are equally important.
What do you enjoy most about your current job? What is the most challenging?
Being a small team, we are a close-knit group of colleagues and are highly motivated by our work on a daily basis, making our small but definite contribution to the world. The most challenging part is that I have a lot of individual responsibility for my projects, both internally and externally to the client.
Would you have any advice for Sciences Po students?
If you are not passionate about your work and do not feel that you are making a positive contribution to society through your profession, you are not in the right job!