Coming from China, Xinqing Lu has graduated in the One-Year Master in Advanced Global Studies, Environmental Policy track. She is Community Specialist at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland.
Jeanne Varaldi est diplômée de l’École urbaine. A la fois consultante en développement durable au sein du cabinet Utopies elle est aussi artiste plasticienne. Portrait.
On Thursday 17 and Friday 18 March, some forty recruiters will be offering you around one hundred vacancies in the fields of sustainable development consulting, circular economy, impact finance, ocean protection, biodiversity...find out more and apply before Wednesday 16 March on Seekube
L’une se consacre à en bannir le plastique, l’autre y replante des coraux : deux diplômées racontent pourquoi et comment elles ont créé leur entreprise au service de la protection des océans. À l’occasion du premier Forum des métiers de la transition écologique, nous avons rencontré Marie Le Texier, Fondatrice du cabinet ConsultantSeas, et Anne-Sophie Roux, Fondatrice de Tenaka.
In response to the climate emergency and global environmental changes, our graduates increasingly hold positions of responsibility related to the challenges of ecological transition in all business fields. Within companies in the private sector, public administrations, local authorities, international organisations, associations or start-ups, they put their skills and expertise as analysts of societal changes at the service of the organisations they join and are key collaborators in addressing their transformation issues related to the current ecological and environmental transitions. Whether on internships or in employment, our students and graduates can occupy a wide variety of positions as consultants, analysts, researchers, negotiators, communicators, lawyers, etc., depending on their areas of specialisation: public policy, CSR, sustainable food, energy, climate, mobility, circular economy, biodiversity, waste management, real estate, infrastructure, ESG and sustainable finance, etc.
Du Master politiques publiques, spécialité Energy, Environment and Sustainability, parcours en apprentissage, au corps des ingénieurs des ponts, des eaux et des forêts
Diplômé du Master Innovation et Transformation numérique, Louis a fondé maïa, une startup destinée à accompagner la transition alimentaire-agro-écologique.
Diplômé du Master Finance et Stratégie, Yannick est désormais analyste en investissement durable chez Eiffel Investment Group.
Julie est diplômée de l'Ecole du Management et de l'Innovation. Elle travaille actuellement pour le Groupe Saint-Gobain en tant que Sustainability Advisor
A graduate of program in International Management and Sustainability program (previously Economics and Business), Chitraksh is currently a Strategy Consultant at Hystra.
Confronted with the climate emergency and global environmental upheavals, our graduates are increasingly taking up positions of responsibility linked to the challenges of ecological transition in all sectors of activity. Within private sector companies, public administrations, local authorities, international organisations, associations or start-ups, they put their skills and expertise as analysts of societal changes at the service of the organisations they join and are key collaborators in addressing their transformation issues related to the current ecological and environmental transitions.
Diplômée du master Master innovation & transformation numérique, Claire s'engage activement pour éclairer les voies professionnelles des étudiants en recherche de jobs qui ont du sens dans un avenir d'urgence climatique. Avec son media Les Pépites Vertes, elle oeuvre à inspirer les étudiants sur les possibles trajectoires professionnelles en interrogeant des jeunes engagés.
Maxime Belingheri is a 2015 graduate of the Law School. Today, he is Head of Human Rights at L'Oréal and maintains strong ties with Sciences Po both as a teacher and as a tutor in the Law School's Clinic. Focus on his missions for the world leader in beauty and the issues entrusted by L'Oréal to students in the context of the Law School Clinic, in favor of the respect of Human Rights within the Group's activities.
Juan Cristellys, Spanish, graduated from the Master Governing the Large Metropolis (GLM) in 2015. He did his Bachelor at Sciences Po, at the Campus in Poitiers which is specialised in the areas of South America, Spain and Portugal.
After her undergraduate studies at Sciences Po and a third year abroad at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Floriane decided to pursue a dual Master’s degree in Urban Policy. She completed her first year in the Master of Regional and Urban Strategy programme, then went to the London School of Economics (LSE) for the second year in Regional and Urban Planning Studies. Floriane graduated in 2012 and is now Manager and Adaptation Lead at the Carbon Trust. She told us more about her career.
After earning a master's degree in urban planning and sustainable development law, cécile wanted to further her specialisation in urban planning, so she enrolled in the urban planning programme. she graduated in 2017 and is now project manager for prison and justice projects at apij. interview.
Yunqing graduated in 2017 with a master in governing the large metropolis, having previously studied gis (geographic information systems) at zhejiang university in china. She is now a technical manager at c40 cities in beijing.
Coming from Canada, Lauren Roy has graduated in Environmental Policy. She is Project Lead in the Ecosystems Unit at the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) in Montreal, Canada.
Maria Villena has graduated from the Master in Environmental Policy. She works as an Economist at the Peruvian Ministry of Finance, in charge of matters related to environmental sustainability.
Laura Frisiani has graduated from the Master in International Development. Coming from Italy, she is inclusive business consultant at Hystra in Paris.
Coming from Mexico, Alejandra has graduted in Environmental Policy. She is Research Assistant to Professor Shiv Someshwar, the Chairholder of the European Chair for Sustainable Devlopment and Climate Transition.
Ronald has graduated in International Energy. Coming from Venezuela he si a Research Engineer at EDF.
As the first Namibian to have joined PSIA, Gawie Kanjemba has graduated from the Master’s in International Energy (Project management & Emerging Economies). He has recently been awarded the Fulbright Scholarship to complete his LLM in the USA.
Francis Effion has graduated from the Master in International Energy. He works as a sustainable finance analyst at BNP Paribas in France.
Siavash Barkhordar has graduated from the Master in International Energy. He works as a Commercial Director of a French listed SME in Energy Efficiency industries at Enertime in France.
Xavier graduated in 2015 from the master in "International energy" at School of International Affairs (PSIA). Today Xavier works as a senior consultant at Sia Partners in Energy, Utilities & environment department. Why and how did he join Sia Partners? What are his daily activities? Read his testimonial before applying for internship or job opportunities at Sia Partners.
Après avoir exploré les chemins de l’investissement et de la tech pendant ses études, Joséphine de Leusse décide d’allier les deux lorsqu’elle prend conscience du manque de prise en compte des enjeux écologiques dans ces domaines-là.
Michaela KOZMINOVA (Czech Republic)
Graduated in Environmental Policy
Communications and Membership Assistant at EUROPARC Federation - Ragensburg (Germany)
Diplômée de l’École urbaine, Camille Gaumont emploie aujourd’hui son énergie à élargir la place du vélo dans l’espace urbain gigantesque et dense de Plaine Commune, qui regroupe 9 villes au nord de Paris. Un moyen de concilier son expertise sur la ville, sa passion pour la bicyclette, et sa volonté d’agir concrètement pour la planète. Entretien.
A committed ecologist and graduate of Sciences Po in 2015, Tiphaine Guerout has channeled her entrepreneurial ambition towards an environmental cause. She is the founder of Koovee, a startup that offers an alternative to disposable plastic cutlery: forks and spoons made of biscuit, made in France, that have the particularity of being sufficiently resistant so that one can eat with them. Interview with a young graduate who hopes to flood the French and European markets in the years to come.
One is dedicated to ridding it of plastic, the other to replanting its corals: two Sciences Po graduates explain how and why they have created a business devoted to protecting the oceans. In the context of the first Ecological Transition Careers Fair, we spoke to Marie Le Texier, Founder of ConsultantSeas, a consulting firm, and Anne-Sophie Roux, Founder of Tenaka.
Du 20 au 29 mai 2020 Sciences Po Carrières organise la toute première édition du Forum des métiers de la transition écologique. Ce Forum s’adresse à l’ensemble des étudiants et jeunes diplômés de Sciences Po qui souhaitent rejoindre une organisation (start up, entreprise, collectivité ou administration) dont la raison d'être ou les activités sont en cohérence avec leurs valeurs et volonté d’engagement pour une transition écologique.
Laure Mouttapa is a student in the Master in International Economic Policy with concentrations in Emerging Economies and Latin America. She recently completed an internship with SUEZ, a French-based utility company which operates largely in the water treatment and waste management sectors.
Anqi Dang graduated from the Masters in International Economic Policy at PSIA, Sciences Po with concentrations in Energy and Emerging Economies. She is currently working as a sustainable investment analyst with at Allianz France.
Diplômé de Sciences Po en 2002, Fabrice Amedeo a déjà plusieurs vies. Journaliste, auteur, et désormais navigateur au long cours, ce quarantenaire s'apprête à prendre le départ du Vendée Globe 2020 à la barre d'un monocoque doté de capteurs ultra-sophistiqués qui lui permettent d'allier passion pour la voile et protection de l'environnement. Portrait en vidéo.
Aliénor Parmentier graduated from PSIA in 2017. The very next day, she created her own consulting agency for innovative, collaborative and sustainable projects. She participated in the creation of a zero waste café in Lorient, Code Ø, and is the head of communications and zero waste workshops there.
Lancé en septembre 2018, le Manifeste Étudiant pour un Réveil Écologique a été signé par près de 30 000 étudiants provenant de plus de 400 établissements d’enseignement supérieur en France. Le collectif "Pour un réveil écologique" s'est constitué pour prolonger cette dynamique et inscrire ce besoin d'agir dans les faits. Membres de l'équipe permanente, Théo Miloche et Claire Egnell, tous deux étudiants en master à Sciences Po, expliquent pourquoi ils se sont engagés, et ce qu'ils ont accompli.
Brent McCann graduated in 2018 with a Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action with concentrations in African Studies and Methods. Brent is currently working for Camber Collective, a mission-driven strategy consulting firm engaging with philanthropic, humanitarian, and governmental organizations on a wide array of development topics e.g. women’s empowerment, family planning, climate change. Brent is based in Paris, while Camber Collective has additional offices in Seattle and San Francisco.
Immaculada Miracle graduated in summer 2018 from Master in International development (Paris School of International Affairs). Now she works as an International manager at both the Institut National de l'Energie Solaire (INES) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA). She explains how she transfered her academic background into her professional involvements.
À l’occasion de la Semaine des Océans à Sciences Po, nous avons rencontré Ève Isambourg, étudiante en 3ème année du Collège universitaire et activiste pour la protection des océans. Après deux ans sur les bancs du campus de Paris, Ève a consacré sa troisième année à l’étranger à mobiliser les esprits sur les questions océaniques autour du monde. Dernière étape de sa mission et non des moindres : une conférence devant l’ONU à New York.
Entreprise : Direction régionale et interdépartementale Energie et Environnement (DRIEE) - type d'offre : Internship
Entreprise : Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile - type d'offre : Internship
Entreprise : Secrétariat général à la planification écologique - services du premier ministre - type d'offre : Internship
Entreprise : Secrétariat général à la planification écologique - services du premier ministre - type d'offre : Internship
Entreprise : Secrétariat général à la planification écologique - services du premier ministre - type d'offre : Internship