17-18 March : Ecological transition career fair

On internships or in employment, our students and graduates can occupy a wide variety of positions - negotiators, analysts, consultants, communicators, lawyers, etc. - depending on their areas of specialization: public policy, CSR, sustainable food, energy, climate, mobility, circular economy, biodiversity, waste management, real estate, infrastructure, sustainable finance, etc.
Recruit competent employees for your ecological transition issues and problems during the Ecological transition career fair which will take place online on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 March on Seekube.
Fill in the compulsory registration form
Who can attend ?
Any organisation offering internship and job opportunities related to the ecological transition.
- Companies from all sectors (social and environmental innovation start-ups, SMEs, etc.)
- Specialized consultancy firms or those offering specialized practices
- Public administrations, local authorities
- Positive impact organisations
- Associations, NGOs
An online forum, how does it work?
3 good reasons to participate in the online learning forum :
- Access the CV library of all students before the Fair and up to 15 days after the Fair.
- Inform students about your activities, values, opportunities and recruitment process in your firms or organisations via online presentations,
- Recruit your future interns during individual appointments predefined in the platform
Attend our information session (zoom in)
During 30/45 minutes, we will introduce you to the Seekube tool and how the Online Forum works: how to create your virtual booth, how to add collaborators to your booth, how to submit your offers, make appointments....we will also answer all your questions.
- Thursday, February 10, in English 11:30am - 12:15pm register
- Tuesday, March 1, in English 2:00 - 2:45 pm register
- Thursday, March 3, in French 11:30am - 12:15pm register
Learn more about our training and internship schedules
Consult the "recruiting our talents" guide
Registration for the Forum opens on March 2
You will be informed via the Sciences Po Carrières Newsletter and on the Sciences Po Carrières group on Linkedin
Share your ideas
Should you have an idea for an organization, a company or a graduate to invite, please contact us.
contact and information
Audrey SCHULER, audrey.schuler@sciencespo.fr 01 45 49 50 24