Pamela Rubini has graduated in International Public Management

What is your role and main responsibilities?
I am a consultant at YCE Partners, a consulting firm specialised in social security in the public and private sectors, with a focus on health, employment, and retirement. I am currently working for the Public Interest Group (GIP) for the modernisation of social contribution declarations, under the supervision of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. I am working on the French collection of pension contributions, with the objective to simplify this process for companies and to ensure that each worker is financially protected when he retires.
As a consultant I have several responsibilities in the mission. First, I ensure that the project moves forward, and I assist my clients in the production of quality deliverables. Secondly, I organise workshops to enable stakeholders to share their points of view and reach a consensus to constantly improve the collection of contributions.
Furthermore, beside the mission, at YCE partners each consultant must specialised on a topic on social security. This year, I decided to focus on health, and I am therefore co-writing two studies on this topic. One is on the new obligation for the French administration to contribute further to its agent’s health insurance and the other focuses on the dematerialisation of data and exchange between health facilities, such as hospitals, and complementary health organisations.
How did you secure this role?
I did a first quick interview during the Sciences po “Forum des métiers du conseil” and then did three other interviews, during which I met another consultant and two partners.
What is the most fascinating and/or surprising aspect at your role?
The size and the impact of the project. It only takes a step back to realise that I am working with an organism that collects the pension contributions of more than 18 million people. This shows, according to me, the extent and the importance of the project.
How did your PSIA experience help you with the role?
While studying at PSIA I collaborated with students from different backgrounds, which enables me today to adapt to different work methods and points of views in order to reach consensus. Secondly, through PSIA assessments I enjoyed and gained confidence while presenting projects. This was a very helpful experience, as in the consultant journey you are often led to conduct meetings. Finally, while working through my research and policy papers I gathered and analysed information to understand new subjects quickly and in depth. This ability allows me now to understand and adapt rapidly to any of my clients’ complex projects and assist them accordingly.
What advice would you give to others?
Select a job you are interested in. In my case I wanted my work to serve the public interest and help improve support for those in need, whether they are sick or unemployed for example. Secondly, pay attention to the environment of the company. I am, for instance, happy that at YCE Partners I am surrounded by curious, interesting and hardworking consultants, who contribute to my growth.
Learn more:
- About the Master in International Governance and Diplomacy (previously entitled Master in International Public Management).
- About YCE Partners