Homepage > Register for our careers workshops

Register for our careers workshops

Workshops for the academic year 2023-2024 have now concluded. The next workshops will start from the mid-September 2024.

Don't wait until you have graduated to gain the skills you need to successfully launch your career! Sciences Po Careers offers a number of workshops throughout the year, taught by HR practitioners, HR consultants and professional coaches, both in French and English.
Whether you're still studying or have recently graduated, are looking for an internship or a job in France or abroad, participating in these workshops is highly recommended!

Adding the event to your calendar does not guarantee your registration.


The workshops are open to all students, from university college to master's level, and last 2 hours unless otherwise specified. Some workshops are reserved for university colleagues as part of their career guidance.


  • How to Draft a Resume 
  • How to Craft a Compelling Cover Letter
  • How to Ace Your Job Interview
  • Collective Coaching Session: Resume, Cover Letter and Job Interview 

get to know yourself

  • How to Set Your Career Goals (Level 1)
  • How to Build Your Career Plan (Level 2)

Job interview

  • How to Ace Your Job Interview
  • Professional Storytelling & Pitch
  • How to Negotiate Your Salary for Your First Job

professional skills development

  • How to Boost Your Internship or Job Search
  • How to Boost Your Internship or First Job Search in France as an International Student
  • How to Boost Your Internship or First Job Search Abroad
  • How to Create Your LinkedIn Profile (Level 1)
  • How to Upgrade Your LinkedIn Profile (Level 2)
  • Building your professional network


  • Conseil en Affaires Publiques : le métier, les recrutements, l'étude de cas (in French)
  • Atelier de conseil en stratégie – résolution de cas en stratégie (in French)
  • European union Public Affairs consulting : job, recruitment process and case study
  • Management and strategy consulting workshop


  • How to draft a resume and cover letter when you have no work experience
  • How to Draft my first resume?
  • How to craft my first compelling cover letter? - 1 hour workshop
  • How to ace my first your job interview? methodology - 1 hour workshop
  • Simulation of a recruitment interview


  • Registration is mandatory on your Student Space (Espace Etudiant) > Student services > Career Workshops Registration > Inscriptions spécifiques 24/25 > Career Workshops Registration 2024/2025
  • Are you a Sciences Po graduate or gap year student ? If so, please register by email at scpo.carrieres@sciencespo.fr

Conditions :

  • 2-hour workshop, 15 students maximum per workshop
  • Bring your resume 
  • Cancellation: send an email to scpo.carrieres@sciencespo.fr prior to the workshop
  • Should you not justify your absence, Sciences Po reserves the right to suspend your registration to other workshops
Last modified 2024-05-21
Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
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