Homepage > 7-11 February : Focus on careers in the United-States

7-11 February : Focus on careers in the United-States

Did you know that 12% of graduates who start their career outside of France find their first job in North America? If you are considering an internship or starting your career in the United States, Sciences Po Careers, in collaboration with Sciences Po Alumni, the Parenthèse association and the Sciences Po American Foundation, invites you to discover all the useful resources to assist you in your project.





round tables & presentations

Monday 7 February: Find a paid internships in the USA / J-1 Visa

Paid internships and summer jobs in the U.S. are much easier to secure than you might think. Parenthese simplifies the process for you and provides you with all the necessary tools to find your dream internship and ensure that it’s a financially-viable project. Open to all nationalities, degree types and levels.

Finding your ideal paid internship in the U.S. is easier than what you might think.

During an 1-hour workshop, Parenthèse will walk you through:

  • Your intership/placement search
  • Online applications: detailed simulation of internship offers, salary verification, best websites to use
  • Details of the J-1 visa: timeframe, the role of the sponsor, your embassy appointment
  • Budget and salary negotiation

Alexandre Le Vigoureux, Director of Operations

Learn more about the program

Find out more and register

Tuesday 8 February: Living and working in the U.S.A 

Session for non US citizen WITH a visa

Sciences Po Alumni invite you to meet graduates who share their experience.  

You will have the opportunity to discuss your expatriation project and ask questions during these friendly monthly meetings.

This session will be dedicated to non-American alumni, which have obtained a visa.

Meet our speakers:

  • Domitille Marchal Lemoinepromo 1997
    Executive Director, Friends of Fondation de France et membre du bureau de la section États-Unis.
    Visa: anciennement L2 et maintenant sous carte verte
  • Thomas Koenig, promo 2011
    Project Finance Investment Analyst chez Nexwell Visa: H1B
  • Nora Poggi, promo 2011
    Journalist, réalisatrice de documentaires (SHE STARTED IT), writer and impact producer. Visa: J1

Find out more and register

on-line resources

Join Sciences Po's social network groups in the U.S.A! 

Existing groups on Linkedin

Join local groups on Facebook

Discover Alumni on the Instagram of the Sciences Po American Foundation

Consult adn read portraits on Instagram!

GoinGlobal Careers guide in the United States

If you are interested in working in the US, the H1B Visa Database queries 400,000+ US Department of Labor visa applications since 2009. Results are searchable by location, job title, occupation, company name and salary. 

GoinGlobal helps job and internship seekers find opportunities both at home and abroad. Online, you will find 47 US City Guides, with constantly updated expert career advice on: 

  • employment outlook/industry trends,
  • local job search resources,
  • interview and cultural advices,
  • professional and social networking groups,
  • and resume/CV guidelines and samples for each country. 

Each guide also includes extensive work permit and visa advice based on research conducted by an experienced immigration attorney.

Discover the guides


Christian Kaufholz, Global Leadership Fellow with the World Economic Forum

"Christian Kaufholz is a Global Leadership Fellow with the World Economic Forum. He manages affiliate programs under the World Economic Forum’s Global Plastic Action Partnership, which tackles the plastic pollution crisis around the world. In the following interview, Kaufholz reflects on his time at Sciences Po, how his international education factored into his career decisions, and the future of sustainable plastic use."

Read the portrait

Vanessa Milers- Fels, Director of Energy Innovation and Impact at Microsoft

"Vanessa Miler-Fels is the Director of Energy Innovation and Impact at Microsoft and a graduate of Science Po’s Master in Public Affairs. Miler-Fels describes a longtime interest in public affairs, particularly international public affairs, that drew her to pursue a Sciences Po education. “I grew up in an international setting and lived in a few countries growing up, and I knew I wanted to have a career that could allow me to work across cultures,” she says, “and ideally where I could be a bridge between cultures.” 

Read the portrait

Andrew Ziaja, labor lawyer in the Contempt, Compliance, and Special Litigation Branch of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in Washington DC

"Ziaja completed a Master of Public Affairs at Sciences Po from 2010 to 2012. He desired to expand his expertise into public policy and management after receiving a law degree and working for two years as an Attorney Advisor at the U.S. Department of Labor in the San Francisco Bay Area. At Sciences Po, Ziaja’s coursework was rigorous, but he also reflects fondly on his time in Paris. “Compared to going to law school, with so many students, Sciences Po felt so personal. It was intimate within our cohort of students,” he says. To him, practicing law at the private level is far different from practicing it at a federal level. “In private practice, every day is a new crisis. You get pulled from one issue to another, and you do not have a lot of time to react. When working for a federal agency, there is space for a different kind of thinking, bigger picture thinking.”

Read the portrait

Amanda Marsted, Managing Director at CIBC Private Wealth Management in New York

"Amanda Marsted is a Managing Director at CIBC Private Wealth Management in New York. In this capacity, she has been a senior relationship and portfolio manager for the last seven years. After more than 20 years working in the industry, Marsted reflects fondly on her experiences at Sciences Po. Although her time at Sciences Po was relatively short, she remarks that it granted her some life changing opportunities."

Read the portrait

Read more portraits on the website of Sciences Po American Foundation

Last modified 2022-02-08
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