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United States

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Careers in the Americas

One out of every three graduates starts their career abroad! That is what Sciences Po's annual job placement survey shows. Of the graduates interviewed one year after graduation, 12% find their first job in North America (United States or Canada) and 7% in South America or the Caribbean. For one week, Sciences Po Carrières and Sciences Po's Alumni association invite you to discover the careers of those who came before you - and a host of resources available to help you prepare for their professional future on the American continent.

Célia, cheffe de la rubrique "Société" du quotidien Le Temps, diplômée 2010 du Master en journalisme

Célia Heron, diplômée en 2010 du Master en journalisme. Ella a travaillé aux Etats-Unis pendant 5 ans et maintenant elle travaille comme cheffe de rubrique chez Le Temps.

Marie, journaliste au service politique de BFMTV, diplômée 2018 du double diplôme en journalisme Columbia / Sciences Po

Marie Gentric, diplômée en 2018 de l'École de journalisme. Elle a travaillé à New York et elle travaille maintenant comme journaliste au service politique de BFMTV en France.

Ketty, investment manager of KFMG and Board Member of the Sciences Po American Foundation

Ketty Maisonrouge is currently the investment manager of KFMG, a firm which focuses on investing in startup brands in the luxury industry. Alongside this position, she is the President and Cofounder of the non-profit Luxury Education Foundation, which is a mentorship and education program for emerging leaders in luxury. She teaches the class Luxury Strategy at Columbia Business School, and is a Board Member of the Sciences Po American Foundation. In the following interview, she describes her entrance into the world of luxury, her experiences at Sciences Po, and how she combined the two and became a prominent figure in the world of luxury.

Slawomir Krupa, Head of the Global Banking and Investor Solutions of Société Générale, graduated 1996, International Relations

Slawomir Krupa is Deputy General Manager, Head of the Global Banking and Investor Solutions of Société Générale. He has been working with Société Générale since 1996, holding leadership positions such as Chief Executive Officer of the Americas, Chief of Staff for Corporate and Investment Banking, Head of Strategy and Corporate Development, and Deputy Head of Global Finance. Originally from a Franco-Polish background, Krupa completed a degree in International Relations from Sciences Po, graduating in 1996. He reflects on how the complexity of Sciences Po helped propel him to where he stands today.

Shahreen Reza, co-founder and CEO of Mission: Space Food and Astreas, First Year Master's Program, Finance and Strategy, First Year Master's Program, Finance and Strategy

Shahreen Reza is the co-founder and CEO of Mission: Space Food and Astreas, where she combines her love for food with her talent for innovation. Astreas produces high-nutrition chocolate that is functional even across planets. In the following interview, she discusses how Sciences Po helped shape her business mindset and how she combined her passions to create something entirely new.

Séverine Autesserre, Professor and Chair of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University

Séverine Autesserre is an award winning peacebuilder, researcher, and author. She is now Professor and Chair of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University. She is additionally the author of three books: The Trouble with the Congo, Peaceland, and her newest release, The Frontlines of Peace. In this interview, Autesserre describes her educational background and trajectory to becoming a prevalent researcher in the field of international aid.

7-11 February : Focus on careers in the United-States

Did you know that 12% of graduates who start their career outside of France find their first job in North America? If you are considering an internship or starting your career in the United States, Sciences Po Careers, in collaboration with Sciences Po Alumni, the Parenthèse association and the Sciences Po American Foundation, invites you to discover all the useful resources to assist you in your project.

Get a visa for the UNITED STATES

Are you planning on doing an internship or a traineeship in the United States? Read on to learn about the visa requirements.
American dream

« Living the Life of My Dreams in the United States » : How to Succeed on the American Job Market

Frisco or Big Apple? On one hand, the Bay Area, a job market based on Tech and dynamic Start Ups with its new-age way of life: yoga, fitness and personal development classes. On the other: Manhattan, its skyscrapers and the Big Apple energy irrigating all its inhabitants… a difficult choice!
Alix Defrain-Meunier

My dream of working in New York at the heart of the diplomatic world came true

Thanks to the Marion Bruley Scholarship, Alix Defrain-Meunier interned at the French Consulate in New York. The financial aid was essential for her to carry out her plan of interning in New York. She shares her rich and intense professional experience at the heart of the city which never sleeps with us.

Are you East-Coast or West-Coast?

For Oualid Bachiri, a student at the Sciences Po School of Communication, to have an experience in the United States was a priority. Not only do the States have a strong internship culture but professional experience in the country is well looked-upon by recruiters. New York and San Francisco are very attractive centres but which to choose? Oualid gives his personal take on his experience in both cities. And may as well say it from the start: both were worth it!
career USA

Being an intern in San Francisco

Swept away by the new tech wave, Lisa Bardet, currently a Master’s student in Economics and Business, interned for eleven months at the Chamber of Franco-American Commerce in San Francisco during her third year. She told us about her professional experience in the San Francisco technopole.
image Johnny Chin

Sillicon Valley - the American Dream for Start-Ups?

"Failure isn’t seen as something negative, but as something to respect." Johnny Chin is co-founder and CEO of Bannerman in San Francisco, USA. He's an American national from the Bay Area and graduated from Sciences Po in Finance and Strategy 2010. In 2013, Chin launched his start up Bannerman in San Francisco. Christiane Laloy and Fabrice Barthelemy met with him in San Francisco in May 2016 and talked about his career as a founder in the startup ecosystem of San Francisco. Here is the success story of a French-American startuper in San Francisco.
bay area


During their time in San Francisco Bay, our Career Consultants Christiane Laloy and Fabrice Barthélemy interviewed institutional actors, former Sciences Po graduates and students on the career opportunities in the region. Here’s some feedback from students looking to land an internship on the west coast.

Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.
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