Homepage > Juliette, Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Analyst at Wavestone - Graduated 2021 from the Master in Policital Science

Juliette, Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Analyst at Wavestone - Graduated 2021 from the Master in Policital Science

Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Analyst at Wavestone | Graduated from the Master in Policital Science, Programme in International Relations

Can you tell us about your academic background? 

After obtaining the literary baccalaureate, I did a bachelor's degree in political science at Sciences Po Le Havre, which ended with an exchange year at Sofia University in Tokyo. I became acquainted with the major concepts of political theory and explored international relations in East Asia in particular. As I was planning to continue my studies with a research thesis and I wanted to learn methods that would allow me to independently explore the subjects of my choice, I then joined the master's degree in International Relations offered by the School of Research. The two years of study were rich in encounters and I produced a dissertation focusing on the dissemination of standards for the protection of personal data online in the European Union and Japan, under the supervision of Delphine Allès.

What did your years of study at the Sciences PO School of Research (formerly the Doctoral School) bring you? 

The two years of study were very intense and allowed me to acquire a more complete vision of the discipline of international relations while developing research skills.

The curriculum encourages us to read a lot and the teachers gave us a lot of freedom in the choice of subjects, which allowed me to explore themes that particularly resonated with me such as the way in which standards are disseminated, and the influence of emotions on actors’ behaviours.

The work of writing the dissertation allowed me to acquire a scientific approach, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to be autonomous, all the while benefiting from my supervisor’s welcome guidance. It was also a moment that pushed me to question my career orientation and the sectors that might interest me at the end of my studies.

What is your current role?

I currently operate cybersecurity consulting missions for a digital transformation consulting firm. It’s a challenging job, for which you need a strong sense of engagement, and it also requires regular monitoring of current and future issues and challenges. I have become familiar with the more technical aspects of securing an information system, something that is not necessarily possible with a political training alone. I have, for example, written safety guidelines and policies for a health care organisation, worked on a compliance programme for a European directive, and I’m currently carrying out an assignment for the Red Cross.

What have been the contributions of your studies to the position you hold today? 

My master's thesis allowed me to acquire solid knowledge of the main issues relating to cybersecurity. It also reinforced my belief that working to protect users is essential as our societies become more and more digitised.

I think that my employer was sensitive to my personal motivations and today I am working, for example, to facilitate compliance with a European directive, an assignment that echoes my research work for my master's degree.

In addition, a number of qualities cultivated within the School of Research are particularly useful in the consulting profession, such as the ability to find information efficiently and to process a large amount of data, and having a good knowledge of international organisations.

Lire la suite de l'article sur le site d'École de la recherche

Last modified 2022-03-24
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