The Civic Learning Programme
The Sciences Po's Civic Learning Programme invites students to develop a sense of their civic responsibilities. In a specific, personally elaborated project on a theme of their choice, they have the opportunity of turning theory into practice, and to make a contribution in the fields of the general interest, the common good and the promotion of equality and solidarity.
The Civic Internship
The first-year civic internship represents an integral part of their study programme, and takes place between mid-May and mid-August. It lasts a minimum of 4 to 6 consecutive weeks (140 hours minimum), and is to be carried out in a public, associative or private. Students are asked to favor non-partisan, non-profit-making and socially useful structures.
In direct contact with people and the public, students are asked to contribute to implementing socially useful actions, promoting values such as equality and solidarity.
A second year free Civic Project internship, spread out over the two semesters, completes and consolidates the first year internship experience.
A wide variety of civic internship missions
Meet Maryam, Justine, Zoé, Rita, Solange, or Augustin, Bachelor students from our different Sciences Po campuses. They talk about their exciting civic internship experiences, from accompanying adopted children in their search for their biological parents, to distributing meals to refugees with the Red Cross, providing school support and civil protection, or accompanying foster families... Find out how the missions they have been entrusted with made them grow as individuals and as citizens.
Nancy Campus |
Le Havre Campus |
Menton Campus |
Reims Campus |
Employers: recruit our Bachelor students
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Find out more about internships at Sciences Po
Bénévoles servant de la soupe chaude pour les sans-abri dans le centre communautaire de dons caritatifs, concept coronavirus. (Crédits : Shutterstock Halfpoint)