Immaculada, Manager international (Institut National de l’Énergie Solaire et International Solar Alliance), diplômée de l'école des affaires internationales

What are your academic and profesionnal backgrounds?
After completing a bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, I started my Master in International Development at Sciences Po PSIA with concentrations in Human Rights, Environment and European Studies. In parallel and during my Master, I completed two additional trainings on Green Fiscal Reform Course and Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace, which have provided me tools to tackle fiscal consolidation, environmental protection and poverty reduction. With this large academic background, I have been able to combine theories and practices through different approaches.
Both my academic and working experiences concentrate on bringing together multiple paradigms and stakeholders around inclusive and sustainable development. My first career-related experience was at the NGO Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo (ABD) in Barcelona, where I contributed to building partnerships across six EU Member States and drafting a proposal for the Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency Call “Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy”.
Afterwards, I consolidated alliances between the research community and the private sector, for example working with two think tanks in Europe, the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies and the Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI).
Moreover, I have gained more practical experiences in fostering interregional cooperation during my former working experience at the UN Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) in Geneva, which brings together five UN agencies - UNEP, UNDP, ILO, UNIDO and UNITAR. My main responsibility was nourishing South-South Cooperation and Triangular Cooperation in 13 partner countries to reframe their economic practices around economic and environmental sustainability.
Where are you currently working and how did you secure this role?
Nowadays, I work as International Officer at the Institut National de l’Énergie Solaire (INES) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA). Once I got familiar with the daily dynamics and challenges of these two institutions, it did not only secured but also contributed to reframe my role. Eventually, I have received opportunities of exciting projects, which, on the one side, has emphasized myself as a thinker and doer, and, on the other side, given me the chances of unprecedented national and global missions.
What are your role and main responsibilities?
My responsibilities as International Officer at the Institut National de l’Énergie Solaire (INES) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA) can be categorized into three main fields:
- Firstly, I promote capacity-building and research alliances between INES and ISA, and Latin America, by creating collaborations between country’s Ministries, Chambers of Commerce, solar energy industries, NGOs, universities and laboratories.
- Secondly, I lead a project on solar pumping, focusing on the elaboration of quality guidelines and training programmes with European working groups and ISA member countries.
- Thirdly, I organize and advocate some international events such as BePositive, which will take place in February 2018 in Lyon, sponsored by INES, ISA and Forum Eurafric.
What is the most fascinating and/or surprising aspect of your role?
The most fascinating aspect of my role is having the opportunity to connect nature, perspectives and knowledge from the social, political and environmental realms through the solar energy projects. In order to reach the final achievement, my duty and responsibility involve meeting with various stakeholders from different disciplines, exchanging diverse viewpoints and planning collaborative actions.
How did your PSIA experience help you with that role?
PSIA is well-known for its international atmosphere and hard-working, ambitious and persistent work plan, which I devote myself to and which I commit to transfer into my current and future professional involvements. Especially, the most invaluable feature of my personal PSIA experience was the holistic approach of its programmes and multiple conferences from the faculty.
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Crédit photo : Immaculada Miracle ©Immaculada Miracle