Accueil > Xinqing Lu, Community Specialist at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, graduated One-Year Master in Advanced Global Studies, Environmental Policy track, PSIA

Xinqing Lu, Community Specialist at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, graduated One-Year Master in Advanced Global Studies, Environmental Policy track, PSIA

Xinqing Lu
Coming from China, Xinqing Lu has graduated in the One-Year Master in Advanced Global Studies, Environmental Policy track. She is Community Specialist at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland.

What is your role and main responsibilities? 

I am currently employed at the World Economic Forum as the community specialist for the Champions for Nature community. Champions for nature is a leadership community of governments, businesses and civil society leaders to disrupt business-as-usual to lead the way to a nature-positive global economy and halt nature loss by 2030. My responsibilities include:

The main responsibilities are to: 

  • Build partnerships with businesses, governments and NGOs to promote nature-positive, net zero transitions in three areas: 1) Food, land and ocean use system; 2) Energy and extractive system; 3) Infrastructure and Built environment system
  • Contribute to the UN CBD COP15 in collaboration with team in China
  • Contribute to the development of Forum knowledge products, including the New Nature Economy Report

How did you secure this role? 

I saw the job opening at the PSIA career newsletter and applied through the World Economic Forum job web portal. There were three rounds of interviews in total.

What is the most fascinating and/or surprising aspect at your role?

In this new job, I have exposure to extensive, high-level, and most influential leaders in the nature and biodiversity space. This includes the head of various international organizations such as the UNEP, UNCCD, UNCBD, TNC, IUCN, WWF, but also CEO and CSO level of multinational companies such as Unilever, Yara, Bayer, Nespresso. It is an enriching experience for me to hear directly from these world leaders on their vision, learnings and insights. I am also very proud and exciting to be a part of the ongoing movement to champion the nature-positive transition together with these progressive and ambitious leaders, by creating spaces of public-private dialogues, developing knowledge products, and supporting their business transformation.

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Mise à jour 22/03/2022
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