Accueil > Abel, founder and director of Marvel Act Youth Organisation in Paris, graduated 2019 Master of Advanced Global Studies - Development Practice Track, PSIA

Abel, founder and director of Marvel Act Youth Organisation in Paris, graduated 2019 Master of Advanced Global Studies - Development Practice Track, PSIA

Abl Mavura
A graduate in Advanced Global Studies (Development Practice), Abel Mavura is founder and director of Marvel Act Youth Organisation in Paris, France.

What is your role and main responsibilities? 

At the moment I regard myself as a Community Leader. Before moving to France I was working with Action Aid Ghana, in west Africa. Furthermore,  I have my own organisation which I formed in Southern Africa as a teenager under the banner of Marvel Act Youth Organisation (MAYO Zimbabwe). This is a vision I envisaged at a young age to transform and develop the community that brought me up. Today I am happy that I am still sticking to that vision. Even if I am on the other side of the world, I always look back to find ways of making an impact in my community. I am the founder of this organization and I also act as the director.

What is the most fascinating and/or surprising aspect at your role?

The most surprising aspect of my role is that I am now dealing with a diverse group of people after I had a networking and learning opportunity at PSIA Sciences Po. I never imagined myself working with big organisations, partnering on initiatives meant to bring about social change in the society. I am glad that I am one of those individuals who got the opportunity to be at this prestigious school ranked second after Havard in International  Affairs and Politics. PSIA helped me in shaping the person I am today.

Learn more: 

Lire la suite sur le site de PSIA 

Mise à jour 22/03/2022
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