Low Carbon City

Urbanisme, Aménagement, Habitat

La Ciudad Verde (The Green City) was founded by a group of citizens with different professional backgrounds, concerned by the current model of development of our cities and regions. (www.laciudadverde.org)

In 2011 we promoted the agreement of sustainable cities and regions (Pacto por Ciudades Sostenibles -Regiones Sustentables), committing more than 300 candidates and citizens. In 2012 we became a national movement in Colombia that integrates the work of different regional actors promoting sustainability. Everyday we are working on expanding our impact with the help from citizens like you.

We are an independent movement; we do not belong to any political party or any organization. We inspire and encourage the creation of sustainable public policies, by creating compromises and commitment and by following up on the responsible political actors.

What are we doing?

We support the process of creating sustainable cities and regions; we gain knowledge from successful nacional and internacional experiences and propose solutions in a local context.

We want to create a bridge between the citizens and the political actors in order to generate debate and pressure towards better, sustainable public policies in the long-term.


We are using the evidence from successful cases to educate about urban sustainability.


We are generating public opinions and actions through the synergies between organizations and individuals.


We communicate knowledge, positive civic actions, complaints and possibilities, with the purpose of inspire mobilization in favour of urban sustainability.


We are in direct dialogue with political actors to demonstrate serious arguments, in order to influence the decision-making, promoting sustainable cities.

What have we achieved?

We are a platform that joins academics, the actions of the citizen and a evidence-based debate, in order to influence the creation of better, sustainable policies.

Our principles

We propose, construct and follow up on the things that we are criticizing. Participation is essencial.

The construction of our ideas is evidence-based in argumentation, we believe in the power of an inclusive debate.
Listening to other people’s opinion is as important as expressing your own; our ideas are created with constributions and support from others.
The general objectives of the movement prevail over the individual objectives of each member organization.
We act in a transparent way; all our ideas are always open for discussion.

Opportunités & missions pour nos étudiants

La Ciudad Verde is seeking interns for the Low Carbon City Forum (www.lowcarbon.city), event which will be a venue to learn from and develop new ideas with other participants. It will be an opportunity for the interns to help planning the Forum, from workshops, to alliances, or facilitanting the venue of the international experts, and many more activities that we are planning to reach our goal of 3000 citizens coming to the Low Carbon City Forum. 

We are inviting you to submit your curriculum vitae and become an intern of the Low Carbon City Forum. Citizens and change-makers from all sectors and disciplines are welcome to participate of the Low Carbon City Forum.

Competencies requested for all interns: 

- Speak and write fluently Spanish and English
- Be strongly independent and able to take initiatives
- Good capacity to group work
- To have experience in the fields of urbanism, sustainability, international partnerships, environment or communication. 


Low Carbon City
Carrera 40#51-24
050010 Medellín , Colombie

N° de SIRET : 9001527946

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